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To followers of the Wiccan mythology:?

I have made an odd observation, and I am curious about something: I have known 4 or 5 followers of the Wiccan mythology. Every single one of them has had a problem with drugs. Is this coincidental, do Wicca use drugs as part of their practices, or is there something about the beliefs that attracts drug users? I don't see this as commonly among followers of the Christ based mythologies, but that may just be because of the small number of Wicca as compared to other mythologies.


To answer a question posed by another reader: I am defining all religions as "mythology" as per the dictionary's definition. "myth /mɪθ/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[mith] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation

–noun 1. a traditional or legendary story, usually concerning some being or hero or event, with or without a determinable basis of fact or a natural explanation, esp. one that is concerned with deities or demigods and explains some practice, rite, or phenomenon of nature. "

Update 2:

Clarification 2: I understand that there is a much higher percentage of Christian drug users that Wiccan. I think that is due to the much higher popularity of Christianity. Also, I realize that my sampling is very small, which is why I asked the question. None of these folks are what I would call friends. Just people I have encountered in my lifetime.

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Like most young people, I tried smoking pot at one time - hated it and never did it again. As far as any other illegal drugs - no thank you. I drink in moderation and am very careful with that as well - but hey, I like a couple guiness or an occasional glass or two of wine or mead. I will take medication as prescribed by a doctor when necessary, but I don't even like that so I have to *really* need it - like if I have an infection that will not go away without antibiotics, or something like that.

    As someone else mentioned, there are some similar belief systems, like some Native American paths, who have been known to use some mind-altering substances for vision quests or to reach an altered state of consciousness.

    Most Wiccans use practices like meditation, chanting, and/or music, and/or ritual to reach an altered state of consciousness for their practice - not drugs. I don't know of any Wiccan drug users myself, other than those that may puff an "illegal cigarette" once in a blue moon. (Interestingly, the hard-core drug users I have known over the years were brought up in some form of Christianity.)

    One of the main philosophies of Wicca is "in it harm none, do as you will". While most of us realize that it may be impossible to *never* cause *any* harm - and accept this is not so much "law" as it is a guideline to strive for - to "think before you act" and accept responsibility for and consequences of one's actions. When we talk about striving to "harm none" - that includes ourselves. Obviously drugs are harmful, most especially if over-used.

    I'd say for you this is coincidence. But also, if some of these Wiccans you know are seriously abusing drugs, then they are not living up to one of the top most guidelines within their faith.

  • 1 decade ago

    The "Wiccans" that come to mind from your description are of the "Fluffy Bunny" variety. They use the "Wiccan" aspect to do things that are shocking and not socially acceptable. They probably have orgies too! Drugs and sex are not generally part of the rituals in Wicca. As a matter of fact, the drug aspect goes against the Wiccan rede "Do as thou wilt an' in it harm none" because I am pretty sure that most people are aware that drugs do harm them. The "harm none" also applies to ones self.

    Wiccans (and most witches) feel the need to be 100% in control of thier actions. especially during rituals.

    Now I will be honest, I am not Wiccan (but many of my friends are) so I can''t say for all covens. I am a witch and can't stand to be even a little bit out of control.



  • 1 decade ago

    It's coincidental. I've never known a Wiccan who took drugs (although my sampling is also small). In the public version of the Gardnerian Book of Shadows, marijuana is one of several methods listed as a method of entering trance. However, every Wiccan I've ever discussed that with has said they or their coven has rejected that method on legal grounds, health grounds, or both. Many Wiccans actually consider it very bad to do ritual work while in a substance-induced altered state.

  • 1 decade ago

    Anchient wiccans is an Oxymoron. Wicca is a modern religion with no basis in the past. Although practices from original Witch craft (as it was recorded), as well as other northern european religions have been incorporated into the religion.

    Witch craft is a real religion, however small it may be. Do not confuse it with Wicca. Its like calling a spaniard mexican..... you'll get pounded into pulp rather quickly. (Although the inverse reaction is not common in America it is still common in some parts of Mexico)

    Acctually Christianity has the highest level of Drug users by far.

    mostly becuase about 80% of Drug Users are still "Christian". They are not weekly church members (although some are and many of them had Church weekoly growing up) but the census counts them as Christian becuase that is what they claim when asked.

    A smart person can see the problem here. and a smarter person can see what i am getting at.

    But i'll get at it anyways. ^_^

    Wicca and Christianity have the same problem. They are "pop". meaning that a lot of people who say they are or are not are doing it for the popularity of it. They dont really believe, or anything, they just like looking like they do.\ becuase its the "Cool" thing to do.

    So attributing a few casses to the whole is not the wisest thing to do. Particularly when you relate that the choices are not particularly related. I dont believe Jesus ever says "Dont smoke Pot" in particular. So any relation to Religion that drugs may have can only be implied in a larger, making it less important (Unless it is specifically cited.)

    Drugs are bad. Anything that specifically screws with your chemical balance is something to stay away from. (BTW Alchohol is acctually a weak poison. Thought you might like to hear that.)

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  • 1 decade ago

    Wicca is not about drugs.

    Wicca awards a lot of freedom and individualism, but calls on a lot of self-responsibility as well. Some people mis-practice it by clinging to the first and ignoring the latter; almost any path has people like that.

    it does seem like you have a small sampling of Wiccans, and not a representative one.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, you must hang out with the wrong crowd then. I've known ones that, do and ones that don't. Why don't you say what kind of drugs too. There is a big difference between marijuana and say crack. I know christians that do both. Then to go on there are people who do drugs for spiritual reasons. You know like the Native Americans that do vision quests.

  • 1 decade ago

    Wiccans don't use drugs as part of their rituals, and I think that most of them would think it against the wiccan law of harming no one, including yourself. I expect it's a coincedence that the wiccans you know have drug problems, because I've never met a Wiccan druggie. :)

  • 1 decade ago

    I would imagine the same (or similar) per capita percentage of Wiccans, and Pagans in general, use drugs as do in any other faith. Have I ever used drugs? Yes. Was it because I am Pagan. No. Actually I used, recreationally, before I found my Pagan path. I know many Christians who use or have used. Is this because they are Christians? No. People have been using natural drugs since they discovered them, thousands, possibly tens of thousands, of years. Shoot animals use them too!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    a much higher percentage of followers of christian mythology have legit drug problems than wiccans

    edit: it's also a much much higher ratio of christians in jail than pagans

    with using the term ratio, i meant that if there are 100 wiccans, 5 may use drugs or been in jail, and if there are 100 christians, 25 of them may use drugs or been in jail

    Source(s): witch who doesn't use drugs or smokes and only drinks in moderation
  • 1 decade ago

    The Wiccans who come to my circles can't even smoke pot before hand.

    Having been raised by hippies, I never got the chance to sample it, for they discovered that I am DIRELY allergic to it. Even wild members of the same family give me hives.

    I react to it on clothing, to the smoke clinging to the hair of users, even on the exhaled breath of someone who smoked that day.

    The vast majority of people who have made me physically ill in my life by having smoked pot before coming into my vicinity have been Christian. I know of only one Pagan that does this.

    I don't even do large quantities of legal drugs like booze or refined sugar. Just not my thing.

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