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I just want help not mockery....?

I am transsexual. I just know it. (M2F) I can't help being who I am and hating my body even though I know I shouldn't.

I just want to know (and I know how mean this sounds) how many people who get SRS actually look genuinely the new gender?

I don't mean to be offensive and I'm sorry if I am.

7 Answers

  • Diane
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You're not being offensive, and I'm not going to mock you, but I have to tell you this;

    'SRS' won't make you look ANY different 95% of the time.

    Think about it; it's genital surgery - How often do you display your genitals to anyone?

    Whether a transwoman looks feminine, or a transman masculine , depends on many things; genetics, bone structure, HRT, clothing, et.c., all make a difference, but the single most important contributor to appearing as a woman, or a man, is mental.

    It's about attitude, confidence and belief; if you know who you are, and believe in yourself enough, other people will believe it too. 90% of 'passing' is between the ears.

    If it will help your confidence to see what can be achieved physically, you could look here;

    Source(s): I'm a woman who was born transsexual.
  • 1 decade ago

    Some do some dont. But the more effort you put into passing as a normal person, and not go over the top with too much makeup or the wrong clothes for your age group, the more convincing you will be to others. Some transpeople will never completely pass, but if you look to others like youre a sensible, sane person who puts the effort into just looking like regular folk, you will pass much better. Even if you dont, people will still treat you like the gender you are inside because they will see it in you.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have met a couple of people (In the costuming trade, you do meet a number of transgendered folk) whom I would never have known were once men (I have yet to meet a woman to man). We have a friend going through the process right now - still in the hormone treatment stage, but plans for surgery next year - who, when dressed up and made up, does look female. I think I still see the male because I've known her as male all these years.

    So yes, it does happen, and more frequently than you might think!

    I wish you luck, Sarah - I know from watching my friend what a long and hard experience it can be - I think you have a supportive real family (right?) and that will make it easier on you. My friend moved across the country to start over as female, even got a new career.

    You have my support in anything you decide to do.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    A lot of them do actually.

    But don't worry too much about that... there are tons of manly-looking natural-born women and girly-looking natural-born men out there, you'll fit right in even if you do look a little manly.

    A little makeup, a new hairstlyle, and some feminine clothes can fix that though. :)

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  • 1 decade ago

    Chris Crocker is one hott girl.

    I'd date 'em any day!

    I'd also say that it depends entirely on your bone structure. I've seen larger boned transexuals, and also the thinner boned. The thinner boned type I can almost never tell offhand that they are actually male, and the only reason I would actually question is if I saw stubble, fake boobs, or a penis poking out somewhere.

    The larger boned transexuals have more working against them, but they can also make it work. It all depends on the hair, clothing, makeup, etc.

  • Me F.
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    here is a website you should look at:

    The first one is the best. It lists so many resources. Let me know how you work out!!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    i dont think they look very convincing with SRS

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