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Anyone else Christmas shopping yet?

Curious to see. I just finished for my toddler (using special offers and such from toy websites I use a lot-I have saved a ton). I have his summer birthday done-even got decorations knocked out, I have his Halloween outfit already, and now his Chrstmas is done. Well, except what Santa might do for him;) I just like to get this stuff done while items are on sale so I don't stress or have to do last minute stuff. Anyone else do that? Oh-his big present is a wooden train set of Polar Express-his fave movie (we watched 2x's this weekend) got it for 1/3 the price in January.


Yeah I am a bit OCD on my holidays. Plus I may change jobs this year and go to part time, so best shop while the money is there.

22 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I could do my christmas shopping at 6pm on christmas eve and there is a chance my partner might not find her presents before I give them to her.

    Buying them this early is pretty much them to her on a plate.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have..I start shopping for the next Holiday/event as soon as one ends. I bought a bunch of things after Christmas for upcoming birthdays, and mothers days gifts. I do this all year around and save a lot of money. When I find out someone is having a baby or wedding I do the same.

    I am the maid of honor in my friends wedding, she gets married June engaged Dec Feb all of her shower decorations and favors were already bought! I saved so much money and got exactly what I wanted for the theme of the shower. Had I waited to the last min, I would have had to spend top dollar to pull it off.

    By giving myself so much time I can find the best deals and nicest gifts for everyone. We all are happy in the end..they get a great gift and I save some money.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I already had a number of this year's Christmas gives you appeared after out before final Christmas!! i'm going to admit that i became only fortunate to be able the place i could desire to purchase a great form of issues on the comparable time - only besides, as I have not any money now to have the skill to purchase something for absolutely everyone! i'm going to additionally be getting yet another Christmas present immediately at lunchtime, unusually sufficient!

  • 1 decade ago

    My mom finished shopping for the entire family back in January. Fleet Farm puts everything on sale after Christmas! Hurray for Toy Land! I didn't have the money so I will be a last minute shopper.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Usually, it's the house decorations that I used to prepare at an early time like this. I love making Xmas-related posters to hang on my wall. But for Christmas shopping, I usually save it 'til October at the very least.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I start to do window shopping now. Grab any good deal if any at the store. If you happen to be last minute person, besides the present, here is some fun wrapping tips that will help you to wrap your Christmas present easier and faster. Enjoy

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i wouldn't blame you to get the shopping done while you have the money. you never know what might happen in the future.

    i haven't even thought about starting it. i normally start around october if things are good. the only thing about starting it now is that come the fall news items are out. but its one way of not stressing out or waiting for the last min. so good for you for getting it done now while you can...

  • Akuma
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Darn it! That's what I was forgetting! I've been meaning to start shopping but I'm so busy with other stuff I haven't gotten to it yet. :(

    Oh and I agree with your son - The Polar Express is one of the best!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    wow!!! Done with all that stuff allready??? I wish I had time to do that. No I havn't started not even thinking about that. The only thing i've gotten done is a mothers day gift. I need to go shopping with you lol!!! You go girl

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am forever topping up my supply of presents whenever I find a good bargain. With a big family and limited income I dont really have a choice.

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