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What percentage of Hillary supporters will bail on the Dems?

I keep hearing the buzz about Hillary supporters voting McCain. I personally think it's ridiculous. I also feel that in time, they'll get over the loss and stick with the Dems like they should. How many do you think will actually follow through on the threat?

24 Answers

  • R P A
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It would make no sense for anyone, never mind a Democrat to vote for McCain. The old expression "Cutting off the nose to spite the face" comes to mind. I think after a few days of cooling down Hillary voters will realize how self destructive a vote for that senile warmonger McCain would be. Do they really want 4 more years of Republican destructive policies? Go to the web site, watch the video and then decide if you really want to vote against Obama.

    Cutting off the nose to spite the face is an expression used to describe a needlessly self-destructive overreaction to a problem. "Don't cut off your nose to spite your face" is a warning not to act out of pique or pursue revenge in such a way as to damage yourself more than the object of your anger.


  • 1 decade ago

    A few. Probably the louder ones. But the ratio would have been much, much worse if the DNC had handed Hillary the nomination after Obama won the people's vote--and by this I mean delegates, though he certainly won more states and more of the popular vote (by millions). I certainly wouldn't want to be part of a party that ignored my vote and gave it to whoever they wanted.

    For all those b*tching the DNC "stole" the nomination from Hillary... please. Get a reality check. The voters did not favor her to Obama, and it wasn't because she was a woman, it was because of her negative politicking, her history of corruption, her consistent lying on the campaign trail (I didn't support NAFTA even though Living History says I did?), and her inability to focus on the issues instead of attacking Obama.

    McCain doesn't generate nearly the enthusiasm Obama does (or Hillary did, for that matter). He's not going to win, not unless something terrible happens--such as Hillary the Divider spreading even more hate and discord than she already has.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, this is actually something that will be interesting to watch unfold. Very few people are straight party, most of the population is actually moderate with leanings toward the left or right (in varying degrees). So, it comes down to whether people will adhere strictly to party, or whether they will gravitate toward the remaining candidate that is the more moderate. If you look at Clinton, Obama, and McCain on a political spectrum, Clinton and McCain are actually both toward the middle of their respective parties. Obama is farther to the left than Clinton. Some people will respond to McCain being a right leaning moderate, and I think many Clinton supporters will feel more comfortable with someone who is willing to work bipartisan and cross lines on issues.

  • 1 decade ago

    i don't know. i'm a democrat but i was for barack all along. i live in kentucky and hillary won our states primary. however in the exit polls nearly 50% of hillary supporters said if she didn't win the nomination they'd vote for mcCain in the fall. I think it's stupid because McCain and Obama have hardly anything in common. but i really don't think it's wise for people to make a decision this prematurely.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Zero percentage will bail.


    She ain't out yet, we hear all of this media buzz about how she will resign this weekend but I wouldn't cash those chips in yet; something tells me that she will be doing something crazy like suing the Dem Party Nominating committee for a different outcome to the classification of votes received in FL and MI or something like that.


    Operation Chaos!

    Most of those people who are so called registered Hillary supporters threatening that they will vote for McCain are already going to do it because they voted for Hillary as Democrats but were really Republican and were planning on voting for McCain anyways!

    Either way, I think that she shouldn't resign, she should stay in there and take this all of the way to Denver!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why shouldn't Hillary supporters change when the likes of Howard Dean and the media hand picked Obama. What's Obama done? Nothing except be involved with Illinois racketeers like Rezco.

  • 1 decade ago

    All ready there is a great falling away, But the reason Hillary waiting until Saturday she waiting on this tape of Farrakhan and Michelle to come out this week, that way she can distance her self from Obama gracefully, and wait in the wings as his poll numbers drop so bad ,The DNC will have to ask Obama to drop out ,and Hillary will be back on her way to the white house again. You just wait and see. She just waiting on the Tape to be released smart lady, huh?. The Obama team is a turmoil trying to get this tape stopped. But it's not working.

    this come straight from the horses mouth. get ready for a big one.!!!! If you are a Hillary fan.. I am not, but the truth is the truth.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hillary's supporters are free to support whomever they wish. I am an Obama supporter, but I think it is unfair to try to tell these voters what they "should" do. I hope that they will consider that McCain wants to continue the war and overturn Roe v Wade, but I respect their right to vote for their choice.

  • T C
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Not many, Hillary and Barack have a very similar voting record and their agenda was almost indistinguishable. Once McCain gets the media spot light on him, they'll run from him like Limbaugh from Vietnam.

  • 1 decade ago

    25% were polled in West Virgina and I believe Kentucky who were voting against the black guy. That may not be accurate nationwide, but I think there are those who will be voting against the black guy. Those people usually vote Republican. I don't think that those people are real Democrats. So I think it will be very few. Feminist may be angry now, but I can't imagine that in November they'd vote for a man who is against their right to choose and who would appoint Supreme court justices who would over tuen Roe v. Wade. Women are the majority in this country.

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