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Lv 5
VAgirl asked in Pregnancy & ParentingParenting · 1 decade ago

Make-over for 8th grader?

My DH and I are having a little issue. He has 2 girls from his first marriage and the oldest is "graduating" from elementary school and going to high school in the fall. She is a typical 13 year old-but my DH thinks she is still interested in Barbies and the like. At her age, my mom took me to Merle Norman for a make over (ie-they showed me how to care for my skin and put on lip gloss and blush but I thought it was the biggest thing ever) and I want to do that for my SD so she knows how to use a little make up the correct way and doesn't apply three pounds of blue eye liner the first day of high school. DH said I want to "tart her up" and that she isn't into that stuff anyway because she likes books and has no interest in make-up. Now the last time she was over she told us about her friends slumber party and that they looked at foundations and some other makeup the girls mom had. I want to show her the proper way to handle make up and show her that less is more plus it would be a


chance for us to do something together (that has never happened-I have a toddler too so we have never done a big kid thing just the 2 of us). I think the make-over and a nice lunch out would be such a good thing for her-she has 3 younger sibs at her mom's and is often left to babaysit them all so a chance to do something for just her would be nice. Why is it that her dad seems to think this is just a tad away from me putting the child on a street corner?!?!?! I mean, I don't wear much make up so it isn't that. And yes, he tried to get her Barbies for xmas and easter this year and I could tell she was almost insulted by that. UGH!

Update 2:

Thanks for the input so far. I talked to the salon owner and said this is what I want to do and she said for that age she focuses on how to care for your skin and why you have to do that and the dangers of the sun and tanning beds (I try to push that at home since I had skin cancer at 24, but the girls both had bad sunburns this weekend from no sun screen). There mom is who they live with-but when DH and I found out we were having a little boy one thing he actaully said to me was I could still do girly stuff with the girls and could I please tell them about make-up because their mother has never had a clue on it and would likely let them learn about it from thier friends. Now 3 and 1/2 years later, he thinks I will end up tarting her up! She wears nail polish and goes to her friends house to do facials and look at fashion mags so I have no doubt she is into it. She also had to get contacts last year-glasses were soooo uncool as she said (and was 2nded by her BFF). She is turning girly.

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Do it. She'll never forget it. It will be a wonderful experience for you and her. And tell whoever said you were trying to "tart her up"...get over it. High school is a big deal. I am a professional makeup artist and I have taught my 15 year old how to apply everything from concealer to fake lashes. You know what she wears? Lip gloss. That' s it. When we are going out I have to practically force her to put on some mascara. So just b/c she knows how to put it on doesn't mean she will wear it. BUT it's wonderful to give kids the tools to make informed decisions. Knowledge = POWER

  • jo-jo
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    What a great day out! It would be an awesome bonding experience. As a cosmetologist I have seen some pretty down right scary makeup on young teens! I even have a much younger step sibling (14) that was taking her eyeliner off in her last class at school to hide it from her parents. I finally had to pull her a side and show her how to wear it. Now her over protective mom is ok with it because she can apply it nicely and not like a ...

    Sounds like your DH is just a typical man. He's trying to hang on to his little girl. But unfortunately at 13 she has already passed that barbie playing "little girl" stage. Maybe the three of you can sit down together. Tell her about the day you have in mind for the two of you and let her tell you and DH wether she is interest or not

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, the most important thing is to make sure that your husband and her biological mother (if she's still around) are on the same page as you because they may feel like she's "their" daughter and they should ultimately make those decisions. And if her mom is alive and involved with her, it may be something she's planning to do. But if her other mom isn't around, I don't see the big deal with you doing this =) My mom got me makeup on my 13th b-day because I'd wanted to wear it for so long. I'm sure if she's a normal 13 year old girl, she's more interested in eyemakeup and lipgloss. So go to Merle Norman or Sephora or wherever and tell them that you want them to do something "light and natural" for her. I've seen sooooo many 13-15 year old girls around here who run around looking like little pole dancers or something because of all the makeup they wear! And since she's going to start wearing makeup, she's going to start breaking out, so maybe you could get her a foundation like Bare Minerals or something (I know it's expensive, but I'm 21 and it's still the only makeup that doesn't make me break out).

    Your husband is like most fathers: he thinks his daughter is still a little girl-- and she is in some ways. But she doesn't play with barbies and watch Disney princess movies anymore and it may take some time for him to see that =) Have fun!

  • 1 decade ago

    Ultimately it is up to dad (and maybe her birth mom). Can you really expect him to be ok with you teaching her how to be sexy?? If he doesn't want her wearing makeup yet, that's his choice.

    INstead of taking her to Merle Norman, why not go out and get her some tasteful makeup at the store, go to lunch, then go home and show her how to apply yourself ?

    Maybe the dept. store "make-over" is too much for dad. Maybe he's afraid of her getting too concerned thinking without expensive makeup she is ugly. Since when do 13 yr olds need make overs?

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  • 1 decade ago

    Ask her if that is something that she even wants to do or if she would rather go somewhere else with you to spend time. If she sounds excited about doing it, then go for it. Dad needs to learn his little girl is growing up, geez she is is going into high school and he tried to give her barbies!!!? Perhaps to compromise with him you can take her to do a salon makeover instead with new hair, nails, and toes, and maybe eyebrow waxing (I needed it when I was 13! lol) that way he won't feel so worried about makeup.

    I was into books and not makeup when I started high school, but I loved loved loved getting my hair done.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You should bring her. Going into high school is no easy thing for a 13 year old, and I am sure she would really enjoy it. It is just a part of growing up, and plus you and her will get some quality time together, witch is most important!

  • 1 decade ago

    THIS IS THE MOMMYS DEPARTMENT!!!! do it,spend time with your daughter,you ARE the woman whos supposed to teach her right and wrong in these areas not DH !!!GO mom...

  • 1 decade ago

    i think it's a great idea if she's interested.

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