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What was the best thing that you have found ?

Just found a book at my friend's house on household hints-- my favourite so thought I'd ask about your finds .


have found notes over the years last one only a few months ago at the second hand shop. Gave it to the church in case anyone had lost it but no claims so they gave me 1/2 back and give me discounts so all good

Update 2:

last time I had a call of nature in the outback found after crouching in the grass that I couldn't get up eventually managed wth lots of effort as I didn't want the rest of the group to help.....

Update 3:

found strength ?

Update 4:

OK who has found my tin ! and can I have it back will share some of my silver 50c peices with you thanks.

Update 5:

yep finding a partner probably pretty good mine was OK for awhile but I have to take some of the blame as it didn't last probably me too bossy !

Update 6:

I have lost and found my cell phone a few times. Usually you can get someone to ring you while you search frantically ! Dropped it in the loo once pretty quick to grab it out and take out the battery until it dried and it was OK more careful now !

23 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    My 3 carat diamond from a ring fell out in a department store restroom stall, only I did not realize it. I noticed it on the floor, and was prepared to give it to a little girl in the next stall with a rhinestone studded jacket, thinking it must be hers. She left before I got out, so I stuck it in my pocket. Later, while walking in the mall, I scraped my arm with the empty prongs of my ring. I froze as I dug the stone out of my pocket. I shudder when I think I almost gave it away!

  • 1 decade ago

    Last summer, more than a year ago, I lost my cell phone. Tore my house, office and car apart looking for it. Returned to the ballfield where I had played the day I lost it, even contacted the rec dept. but no luck. I called my provider and suspended service. A week later, I was walking my dog, and he became very insistent that we take a path through a soggy park (it had rained for several days). I was reluctant, but since the rain had kept him mostly indoors for those days, I let him wander on a 20' lead. As he did, I heard a faint beep. A couple of minutes later I heard another. Following the sound, we came to my cell phone, soaked but emitting its low battery warning, more than a week after being lost. Must have lost it on a prior walk, but rarely go through the park, so didn't even think to look there. Just amazed me that it was still working, and more amazed that it's still working fine today.

  • 1 decade ago

    A month after my husband died, I lost a ring he had given me. It came off while I was out in my yard, and I looked everywhere for it. I retraced my steps time and time again. Finally, I just gave up and let it go. I had enough turmoil in my life at that time. Four years later (2 years ago) I was in my backyard moving some flower pots around when I noticed something in the dirt. At first I thought it was one of the gold hoop earrings I was wearing that day, but when I picked it up, it was the ring I'd lost! The stones were all intact and, except for needing a cleaning, it was in perfect condition. I still marvel how that ring wound up at that spot after four years of all kinds of weather, lawn mowing, etc. It was definitely the best thing I've ever found!

  • 1 decade ago

    I had a client who had no family and after her death I was following her wishes and cleaning out her apartment to give the items to charity. She had always talked about making sure that her money went to her church but I couldnt imagine that she had more than a few dollars stashed away. I had already put her coin banks and a few good pieces of jewelry aside to take over to her pastor. You can imagine my surprise when I was moving around boxes under the bed and found $35,000 in cash. You should have seen the look on the pastors face when I handed him a big ziplock full of cash!

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  • 1 decade ago

    I found my one of my husbands hearing aids. He is almost deaf without them.

    He had taken one out and placed it on the coffee table in the living room (don't even ask why he did this...) one of our cats must have decided to play with it. As it was not on the table when my husband went to put it back later that evening.

    I searched the entire house over and over, it was missing for over 3 months.

    We knew it was going to cost $3000.00 to replace it and frankly, we just didn't have the money to do it.

    One day I spilled something on the carpet next to the coffee table. I pulled the table all the way out so I could get to the stain and clean it.

    Now I had moved that table before to look for the hearing aid but I never had pulled it out that far. EUREKA! There it was! It had become lodged in a little (hole?) up under the leg of the table.

    I don't believe I've ever been so happy to "find" something.


  • 1 decade ago

    Someone else found something I had lost, but he gave it back to me...I was surf fishing with my two "all time favorite rods". I made a cast, and the line had fouled the tip, and the line broke, and the end of the rod was cast into the ocean...I was sick! For two days, I walked the beach and looked to see if it had washed up..Nothing...I boat fished the next four days, and did not go to the beach...My son came down for the weekend, and he and I went back to the same place I had lost the tip, and started fishing..It was early morning, and a man came walking down the beach, carrying a rod tip...I asked to see it, and he said it had washed up about 1/2 mile up the beach, and he was going to throw it away when he got back...I asked if he would sell it to me, and explained that I had lost it 6 days ago...He laughed and gave it to me, saying "If you are lucky enough to get it back after 6 days in the ocean, it was meant for you to have it"

    Source(s): Mr. Ed, at least give the lady a "bird dog" fee for the "heads up"....LOL
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Many years ago, while employed (I'm retired now), I got a phone call from someone who worked for the same company I did. I didn't know her, nor did I know what floor of the building she worked on. Didn't even get her name. She told me that my name was given to her as that of someone who might be able to help her. She was very stressed out. I listened to her story and agreed to help her, explaining that I could do it over the phone. While helping her by walking her through the steps she needed to perform to satisfactorily complete her task, I sensed from her voice that she was calming down. By the time it was over, I knew her stress had melted away and she was completely relieved. She thanked me, and we hung up the phone. What I found from this experience was that I got great satisfaction from being kind and helpful to people in need.

    More recently, I found that some people believe that the good feeling one gets by being kind to others is miniscule when compared to what one will feel later for having done that. And by later, I mean what someone will feel in the hereafter. I recently stumbled on the website for the Near Death Experience Research Foundation. See link below.

    At this site, people who have had near death experiences can share the details of their experience in written form. And by near death experience, I mean what happens to a person during the time that elapes from the moment they are prounounced clinically dead (usually in a hospital) until the time they are somehow revived again (brought back to life) by emergency medical personnel.

    The site has available over 1600 accounts written by the people who experienced them. The homepage of the site shows the most recent submissions--maybe a dozen or so. If you scroll down to the bottom of the homepage, you see links to all the others. I've read almost 400 of them so far. I chose to start with the oldest account which was received in 1998 (account #1) and am moving up toward the newer ones. Each written account is numbered, so it's easy to keep track of where you are with your reading.

    In my humble opinion, this stuff is very interesting to read. It's also made me realize how important it is to be a kind and loving person. If you are curious, and you take the time to read some of those accounts, I think you'll sense the same message I've been sensing.

    In closing, let me add that I don't have an agenda. I'm not trying to lure you to a website with the hope of snaring you somehow. I'm just sharing something I'm enjoying for whatever it may be worth to you. I feel like this site was a great find for me. It's doing wonders for me in my search for truth. I'm finding that reading what the common people like you and me have to say is more interesting than what the bible pounders of organized religion have been shouting at me.


  • 1 decade ago

    I lost the diamond from my engagement ring in a large dept store. It was a 1 carat marquise cut.

    I looked everywhere that I had shopped in the store. The maintenance guy came and swept the area where I'd noticed it missing. ( it couldve been missing before I left home. I didnt know)

    Anyway, he swept. Nothing.

    He said, let me shake out the broom again.

    There it was.

    It was amazing. It couldve been literally anywhere. Home, work, there, car.. I didnt know how long it was gone.

    EDIT: Great comeback Mr Ed.

  • 1 decade ago

    I live in an apartment Building for Seniors and we have a give away table where people put things they no longer want. I found this Bible to add to the sever different versions that I now own this one is Paraphrased Living Bible. I reads quite different from all of my other Bibles. I just love it.

  • 1 decade ago

    I just recently found out that less is sometimes much better than more. I ended a friendship and I feel the weight of the world is being removed from my shoulders. I was so badly being taken advantage of.

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