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Which V.P. running mate would best help Obama win?

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Several people think Hillary would be the best choice.

    I think Biden, Wesley Clark or even Chuck Hagel would be good choices.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hillary won at least 48 percent of the primary popular vote. Joe Biden won 0.9. Biden seems a poor choice.

    Wesley Clarke would have made a great VP for Hillary, but he is probably a Cabinet post for Obama. He is not well-known enough for middle America.

    It's stupid, but Obama-Bayh is not going to fly (Hey, that rhymes) with a lot of middle class Americans because it doesn't look American.

    Does Kaine win Virginia for Obama? If he does, it might be worth it.

    However, McCain is going with Pawlenty, I'm pretty sure. That will give the GOP Minnesota. That's sort of a trade off.

    Colorado, Missouri, Ohio become the only states that really matter if Obama goes with Kaine. McCain is ahead in those states and will win Florida.

    If Obama picks Clinton he can win Florida and the election. He may not like Hillary or want her, but if he wants to be president, he should pick her.

  • Jon
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I think picking Bayh would make him more likely to win Indiana, but it wouldn't be a shoe-in, and we're a small state without too many electoral votes. So strategically I don't think Bayh would be a good pick.

    I think maybe Sebilius would be a good choice, as that would win back some of the people who are still so upset about Obama beating Clinton that they're currently not willing to vote for Obama.

    I don't know enough about Biden and the other contenders to comment. Although someone older might also make the D ticket more attractive to those feeling that Obama isn't experienced enough.

  • 1 decade ago

    Obamas biggest area of inexperience is foreign relations. Joe Biden would best fill that gap. No one else is well known enough to be of much help on his ticket. Hillary would be more of a liability with all of her and Bill's baggage. Besides, he'd have to hire a food taster if she was around all the time. Her self entitled attitude about the presidency would definitely be a problem.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I've given thought to the 3 finalists: Joe Biden (DE), Evan Bayh (IN) & Tim Kaine (Gov of VA) & here's my layout of the 3 senators:

    Off the bat, Mr Bayh (in Wikipedia, see link below) has apparently a great record as former Indiana Govenor & has been a US Senator for the same state since late 90s. He did fantastic things to turn around the state of Indiana (89-97) & I like his centrist side (ad par to Obama's liberalism) but I thought I'd mention other things (the other side of the coin):

    Bayh was an early supporter of the Bush administration's policies on Iraq.[5] On October 2, 2002, Bayh joined President George W. Bush and Congressional leaders in a Rose Garden ceremony announcing their agreement on the joint resolution authorizing the Iraq War, and was thanked by Bush and Senator John McCain for co-sponsoring the resolution.[6] {CON}

    (note): he has stated that "It is clear to just about everyone but the die-hard neoconservatives within this administration that shifting our focus away from Osama bin Laden to Saddam Hussein was perhaps the biggest strategic blunder in our nation's history. And while we have been preoccupied with Iraq, under this President, North Korea has gone nuclear and Iran is on the verge of doing so."

    Senator Bayh began asking for Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld's resignation in 2004 for his mistakes in the Iraq war. Bayh made it clear that he had lost confidence in Rumsfeld. {PRO}

    He voted yes on reauthorizing the Patriot Act in 2006. {CON}


    Joe Biden has a long & great Senate record as far as I can see & I know that there's a possibility of a spot at Secretary of State under Obama (if not VP). any solid info on him? I'm sure he's got his dirt like all politicians, especially being a senator for such a long time.


    Tim Kaine is the current Gov of VA. He states he's a Dem but he's anti-abortion & birth control, pro-capital punishment (he's had several persons executed in his state since 06) & is anti-gay marriage. These may pose some problems (conservative leanings). Otherwise he was Mayor of Richmond (98-00) & Lieutenant Gov of VA (02-06). He'd definitely make a "right-hand" man of Obama if chosen.


    Off the bat I'm partial to Evan Bayh who has a great track record. I don't like that he still supports the Iraq War (differing from Obama in his original vote & support). To win the nomination, I believe Bayh (from a Republican swing state, Indiana) would be very helpful in helping him win the presidency. McCain has his conservative, war-loving supporting citizens, ex&present-military personnel & various right wingers. Obama will need a VP candidate like Senator Bayh.

  • BC
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Hillary would be his best choice for getting votes. But she also would be the worst choice for his Presidency, because she would not "play nice" on his team.

    Also, consider this: If a President can no longer perform his duties (due to disability, death or dishonor), who takes over? The VP.

    And I have no doubt that VP Hillary would end up as President within the first year.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Buttock Obama's new VP choice should be Bigfoot because his winning this election is a fantasy.

    McCain IS the new president.

  • 1 decade ago

    Best help him win? Probably Clinton but I think he is sinking his own ship all by himself so that anyone he picks won't matter.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Only God can help him now I think

    When the sun rises in the east it's going to be a good day

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Al Sharpton or Luis Farakhan.

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