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How would you handle a crazy ex husband who presses unfounded harrasment charges against you?

Your ex presses harassment charges on you, after you had first pressed charges against him. He is getting himself a public defender, you decide to represent yourself. He has unfounded charges and you have tons of documentation and witnesses on your part. Do you think the reason why he has a public defender because he knows he is guilty and could end up in jail? He had previous harrassment charges against himself before in the same town's court. Sentencing for being found 'guilty' are $500 dollars in fee cost and 30 days in county jail. Do you think he is afraid of going to jail? Has anyone ever had false harassment charges against them?

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well, a restraining order might at least give you grounds for having him arrested when he violates it, but that's about all.

    Personally, my suggestion is to get away from this nut as fast as you can. Don't escalate things further. Get the current litigation cleared away and then move. Don't leave any kind of forwarding information.

    No way to know what he's thinking. Him getting a Public Defender is just a consequence of economics: a free attorney.

    When you get into court, keep your cool. Do it like the attorneys do. Hear all of the charges and claims first. Don't open your mouth. Let this character play out enough rope to hang himself. And then get out your pile of documentation, hit him with both barrels and get the charges dismissed, then run like heck.

  • 1 decade ago

    No one goes to jail when the sentence is 30 days, so he shouldn't be afraid of going to jail.

    His filing of charges may just be another form of harassment against you. You have to file a response to his charges within a few weeks, so don't forget to do that. It seems he is just trying to irritate you.

    PS- Since this is your story, use the first person "I" instead of the second person "You." It will be very confusing to the judge if you don't use the appropriate pronouns.

    Also, make sure you appear cool and calm in court rather than really invested in what he does, otherwise the judge will blame you along with him for this case. You don't want him to think you are both yanking each others chain.

  • 1 decade ago

    If I had a crazy ex husband, I would not stir his little hornet's nest by filing harassment charges. I would get out of Dodge and start a new life and leave him in my dust.

    Source(s): Been there, done that.
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    maximum suitable to enable the divorce ensue and don't do those issues returned. Sorry to assert however the human beings i be conscious of the female in simple terms save being beat up and the adult adult males never hit an different women human beings. because of the fact of this i tell all adult adult males to not walk yet run faraway from females such as you. there is ingesting situations yet those are actually not human beings i might carry out with. my buddies

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  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, I have. Unfortunately, I live in a town that has a huge good ol boys network and his brother is a cop and they are chauvenist PIGS. He won - more than once. Just make sure you cover your a$$. Good luck. Put that pig away!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If there are no children between you I would deal with this issue and never communicate with him again.

    If there are children I would only communicate with him if and when he takes the children for his weekend.

  • Maggie
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Hire a hit man. People like this are nothing then a blemish on our society.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would fear him more than the lawsuits. Watch out, even if you win he may show up looking for trouble. I wish you well.

  • evey
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    you get a lawyer and explain to the him/her how crazy this man is.

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