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my name is evey. unfortunately... i live in a high traffic, high sress area. i live in northern virginia but i hope to move to southern califorina near my aunt. im 17 years old but feel like im 24, i guess i grew up too fast..i've been through a lot of traumatic experiences at such a young age, but I am usually a pretty uplifting person. I love music. Some of my favorite bands are The Cure Radiohead Nirvana Pixies Hole Courtney Love Modest Mouse Echo and the Bunnymen The Smiths The Church DJ Shadow Velvet Underground Lou Reed Iggy Pop The Pretenders Depeche Mode David Bowie Arctic Monkeys Psychadelic Furs New Order Siouxsie and the Banshees The Presets Intertpol Ladytron Felix Da Housecat Le Tigre Yeah Yeah Yeah Beck Editors The Doors of course.. The Beatles. I also love meeting new people. I have a good sense of humor and I listen to others. If you would like to know more about me feel free to email me at don't be scared

  • What rituals do Jews perform to show repentance?

    I'm curious as to specific rituals.Thank you.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • What should I bring on a 26 hour car drive?

    My friend and I are driving from DC to Colorado and are going to try to make it the whole way without staying at a hotel or anything so we really need to be entertained. I have food, drinks, change of comfy clothes, iPod, lap top, pillow, blanket, CDs, homework, books, and medicine (just in case). Can you think of anything else to survive a 26 hour car drive?

    7 AnswersCommuting1 decade ago
  • quick bio question..........?

    how does exchange with the environment occur?


    2 AnswersBiology1 decade ago
  • anyone read one day in the life of ivan denisovich?

    what was the nature of life in a Soviet prison camp? How do the various characters in this novel cope with this life? What do you think the author is trying to say about the life in the Soviet Union? Support your answer with examples from the book.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • last algebra question, i need help?

    -4/p-3 - p+1/3-p

    3 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • algebra help please.............?

    2x/x^2-1 + -1/x+1

    thankyou for your help


    1 AnswerMathematics1 decade ago
  • algebra question please?

    t^2/t-3 + -3t/t-3

    thankyou thankyou


    2 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • last algebra question!?

    Perform indicated operation. (8x^4+12x^3-6x^2+20x) / 2x


    6 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • quick algebra question please?

    The length of the hypotenuse of a right triange is 3m longer than the longer leg. The longer leg is 6m longer than twice the length of the shorter leg. Find the dimensions of the triangle.

    2 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • algebra question.....?

    the length of a rectangle is 5m greater than the width. The area is 104m^2. Find the dimensions of the rectangle.


    7 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • another math question.... i've attempted it but im horrible.?

    the product of two consecutive positive intergers is 11 more than their sum. Find the intergers.

    Thanks guys-


    21 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • quick math question pleeeease?

    the base of a triangle is 4 cm greater than the height. The area is 30cm^2. Find the height and the base of the triangle.

    1 AnswerMathematics1 decade ago
  • My eyes are getting over a really bad cold. is this normal? can it be conjunctivitis?

    please answer i get really worried about things easily. i don't wear contacts, haven't for weeks.

    3 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • What do you guys think about AK banning gay/les. adoption and fostering?

    i think it is absoloutely rediculous. just shows the evil judgement of people. why should gays have less rights? shouldn't they be treated equally just like everyone else?

    this angers me. what are your thoughts??

    here's the story incase you guys haven't read it..

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • James Frey.................?

    Anyone here read his books? I know a lot of you have read Million Little Pieces, which was proved to be almost completely fiction and he got a bad reputation.. but I like him. you can call him a lot of things... but not boring. he got another chance to write another book and he wrote "Bright Shiny Morning" anyone read it?? I'm thinking of buying it... but I wanted to get some opinions real quick.

    and if you have any other recommendations by him or an author similar to him then that would be cool too.


    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • who is tired of the same classic rock songs being played on the radio?

    i live in northern virginia and i am so sick of hearing all the same classic rock songs. im kind of tired of classic rock in general. i do like it, but im so tired of hearing it! it makes me not like it anymore!

    im talking about eric clapton, allman brothers, van morrison, led zeppelin, supertramp, acdc, crosby steels and nash, electric light orchestra, lynrd skynard, the who, the eagles, journey, jefferson airplane, boston, aerosmith, santana...i can keep going. i am so tired of it. i am like, classick rocked out. hah

    so i stopped listening to the radio for the most part.

    that's my story.

    5 AnswersRadio1 decade ago
  • America is already commiting acts of war against Iran?

    Is this true? I don't know if i believe it or not, I am fooled by the media all the time. i just want opinions from you guys .... thanks

    America Is Already Committing Acts of War Against Iran: Scott Ritter's New


    Posted by Stephen Fox, Managing Editor Santa Fe Sun News

    USA taxpayer dollars are funding activities that result in Iranians being

    killed and wounded and Iranian property destroyed -- acts of war.

    The war between the United States and Iran is on. American taxpayer dollars

    are being used, with the permission of Congress, to fund activities that

    result in Iranians being killed and wounded, and Iranian property destroyed.

    This wanton violation of a nation's sovereignty would not be tolerated if

    the tables were turned and Americans were being subjected to Iranian-funded

    covert actions that took the lives of Americans, on American soil, and

    destroyed American property and livelihood. Many Americans remain unaware of

    what is transpiring abroad in their name.

    Many of those who are cognizant of these activities are supportive of them,

    an outgrowth of misguided sentiment which holds Iran accountable for a list

    of grievances used by the U.S. government to justify the ongoing global war

    on terror. Iran, we are told, is not just a nation pursuing nuclear weapons,

    but is the largest state sponsor of terror in the world today.

    Much of the information behind this is being promulgated by Israel, which

    has a vested interest in seeing Iran neutralized as a potential threat. But

    Israel is joined by another source, even more puzzling in terms of its broad-

    based acceptance in the world of American journalism: the Mujahadeen-e

    Khalk, or MEK, an Iranian opposition group sworn to overthrow the theocracy

    in Tehran. The CIA today provides material support to the actions of the MEK

    inside Iran. The recent spate of explosions in Iran, including a

    particularly devastating "accident" involving a military convoy transporting

    ammunition in downtown Tehran, appears to be linked to an MEK operation; its

    agents working inside munitions manufacturing plants deliberately are

    committing acts of sabotage which lead to such explosions. If CIA money and

    planning support are behind these actions, the agency's backing constitutes

    nothing less than an act of war on the part of the United States against


    The MEK traces its roots back to the CIA-orchestrated overthrow of the

    democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadeg. Formed among

    students and intellectuals, the MEK emerged in the 1960s as a serious threat

    to the reign of Reza Shah Pahlevi. Facing brutal repression from the Shah's

    secret police, the SAVAK, the MEK became expert at blending into Iranian

    society, forming a cellular organizational structure which made it virtually

    impossible to eradicate. The MEK membership also became adept at gaining

    access to positions of sensitivity and authority. When the Shah was

    overthrown in 1978, the MEK played a major role and for a while worked hand

    in glove with the Islamic Revolution in crafting a post-Shah Iran. In 1979

    the MEK had a central role in orchestrating the seizure of the U.S. Embassy

    in Tehran, and holding 55 Americans hostage for 444 days.

    However, relations between the MEK and the Islamic regime in Tehran soured,

    and after the MEK staged a bloody coup attempt in 1981, all ties were

    severed and the two sides engaged in a violent civil war. Revolutionary

    Guard members who were active at that time have acknowledged how difficult

    it was to fight the MEK. In the end, massive acts of arbitrary arrest,

    torture and executions were required to break the back of mainstream MEK

    activity in Iran, although even the Revolutionary Guard today admits the MEK

    remains active and is virtually impossible to completely eradicate.

    It is this stubborn ability to survive and operate inside Iran, at a time

    when no other intelligence service can establish and maintain a meaningful

    agent network there, which makes the MEK such an asset to nations such as

    the United States and Israel. The MEK is able to provide some useful

    intelligence; however, its overall value as an intelligence resource is

    negatively impacted by the fact that it is the sole source of human

    intelligence in Iran. As such, the group has taken to exaggerating and

    fabricating reports to serve its own political agenda. In this way, there is

    little to differentiate the MEK from another Middle Eastern expatriate

    opposition group, the Iraqi National Congress, or INC, which infamously

    supplied inaccurate intelligence to the United States and other governments

    and helped influence the U.S. decision to invade Iraq and overthrow Saddam

    Hussein. Today, the MEK sees itself in a similar role, providing sole-

    sourced intelligence to the United States and Israel in an effort to

    facilitate American military operations against Iran and, eventually, to

    overthrow the Islamic regime in Tehran.

    The current situation concerning the MEK would be laughable if it were not

    for the violent reality of that organization' s activities. Upon its arrival

    in Iraq in 1986, the group was placed under the control of Saddam Hussein's

    Mukhabarat, or intelligence service. The MEK was a heavily militarized

    organization and in 1988 participated in division-size military operations

    against Iran. The organization represents no state and can be found on the

    U.S. State Department's list of terrorist organizations, yet since the U.S.

    invasion of Iraq in 2003, the MEK has been under the protection of the U.S.

    military. Its fighters are even given "protected status" under the Geneva

    Conventions. The MEK says its members in Iraq are refugees, not terrorists.

    And yet one would be hard-pressed to find why the 1951 Geneva Convention on

    Refugees should confer refugee status on an active paramilitary organization

    that uses "refugee camps" inside Iraq as its bases.

    SEE ALSO: http://www.prlog./ org/10098122- america-is- already-committi ng-acts-

    of-war-against- iran-scott- ritters-new- article.html

    ____________ _________ _________ __

    from Stephen Fox:

    To remedy all of this is to prevent war with Iran. Truly, we must work to

    create a New Era of International Peace in Obama's Administration, hopefully

    with New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson as the next USA Secretary of State.

    In the meantime, we must do all we can to bring this premonition of war with

    Iran to a close, through our Congress, especially with a spotlight on these

    matters by Senator Obama, in his campaign, along with other realms vital to

    Americans, like Consumer Protection and a New United States Food and Drug


    10 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Ok, my cat won't eat Kitten Chow, she only eats wet food.

    she will only eat the wet food (9 lives, kitten feat, etc.) i don't want her to eat wet food anymore because she gets sick and poops and throws up everywhere, but i always end up giving it to her because she won't even touch the kitten chow. what do i do?!?!?!

    any advice will help

    9 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • what careers have the highest paid salaries?

    where you live (country) what would the highest paid salaries be?

    my guesses would be

    a lawyer

    neurologist, anesthesiologist

    business executive (ceo's)

    entertainment business (director, producer, actor, etc.)

    air pilot

    court judge

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago