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Jess asked in Entertainment & MusicMovies · 1 decade ago

Harry Potter Fans...?

What is your opinion of the movies in relation to the books? I think the movies suck if you compare them to the book, but if I hadn't read the books the movie would have been good. I absolutely adore the books though. What is your opinion?


I agree with Emmaline!! I DO NOT like Michael Gambon as Dumbledore!!! HE is too angry! In the books Dumby was always so kinda and helpful and mysterious...the one in the third+ movies does not portray him right! what is your opinon on that as well?

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I totally agree. The books are amazing. I think the movies are ok too, but they totally ruined the book for me. I had a very different image of each character in my head, but now even when I'm reading the books I can't get the movie out of my head. Plus the movies have to be short and they've not included so many important events/characters in them. It sucks

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    None of the films are as good as the books, but i suppose they'd all be quite good if you hadn't read the books as you wouldn't know the differences.

    I personally like the first two films...partly because they are pretty true to the books but mostly because i like dumbledore in them...I have a big problem with Michael Gambon, he just doesn't cut it as Dumbledore for me.

    Also i find that the books make much better sense as a whole, whereas the films may be good individually but they aren't gonna make as much sense as a whole because things have been missed out that are important for the future films.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think Radcliff plays Harry very well. But they could have done the films so much better! They left out important parts in some, the whole of the books were amazing and you can`t make a film without fulfilling its potential.

    I was upset that they moved the film to next year cause all we have for our Potter fix now is a couple of years of films.

    I want a book 8 !

    OH- and i don`t like current Dumbledore.! The first one was perfect, its a shame.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, at first i just saw the movies before reading the books and i thought that they were pretty good but then when i read the books i liked the books a whole lot better than the movies especially the fifth book because it held a lot of information out.

    I still can't wait for the rest of the movies to come out because they will be very interesting to see. hopefully we (the people who actually have read the books) won't be disappointed when the movies do come out.

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  • 1 decade ago

    At first the movies were very true to the books, but as the books became more detailed and had alot more going on, I was finding that the movies were cutting alot of stuff out.

    I still think the movies have portrayed the series well given what they are, but true to form, the books have once again proven to be better than the movie

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    the first 3 movies don't cut a lot out. the last two cut everything out.

    but yeah the book is ALWAYS better than the movie

    the movies are great though, can't wait for the rest of the movies

  • 1 decade ago

    i love harry potter.i dont like the movies especially the third rather read the books.

  • Blay
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    the first 4 were really good wit staying true to the book, # 5 thou jus left out to much to be good....

  • 1 decade ago

    i agree with everyone else lol!!!

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