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Lv 4
J-Dogg asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

If you're a Christian and you actually believe Obama is the anti-Christ, dont you have to vote for him?

If this is all in the bible and the AC is definitely coming into power, then there's nothing you can do to stop it anyway, right? Plus, it will prove you've been right all along. Then, you're one step closer to the rapture and being taken away forever to a better place? How can you not vote for him if you believe all that to be true?

*Understand, I don't believe any of this not even for a tiny second, but I've seen quite a few people on here that do seem to believe it's true, so I'm trying to figure out the logic here.


First off--I truly am sorry if I offended anyone. I suppose I knew I would, but as a Christian myself it saddens me to see all the postings that suggest that he is a biblical figure (in either direction) and that that might be a reason to vote for him.

Max--I would never in a million years kid myself that a question here on Yahoo might change someone's vote.

Claudia and Wvparano (couldn't see your whole names)--your answers are probably closest to the answers that are true, and I respect that.

I probably will take this to the R&S section just to see what sort of debate comes from the question "if the anti-christ were to appear would you be happy or sad?" since that's essentially what it amounts to.

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i had put down this answer to another question talking about Obama and the prophecy. i believe it ties into this question too.

    the problem with having this conversation about prophecy is that its been on going ever since the early church. i can cherry pick the bible to make a point of the "prophecy" that Obama/ Beyonce or anyone i want it to fit to is the savior/Antichrist.

    let me step back and assume that i believe you... what then? do we pray Obama away? do we vote for McCain to delay the Antichrist until the next one comes along? from a doomsday perspective of ' people that think the end of the world is coming and that Jesus is coming(includes those who expect the rapture) those people should be happy. it means that Jesus is coming to save us all. its all a lot of fear mongering it keeps people in line.

    in what I've seen people that who believe that the second coming of Jesus is in their lifetime coz this "prophecies" have to start and end somewhere are the ones to be pro war (going to wars that this country cant afford anymore)for the sake of helping the war along, anti global warming (looking sources of alternative energy and against legislation that stops reckless behavior environment wise) coz it doesn't matter. if we are to operate this way we with doom over or head we would not plan for the future coz the end the end is always nigh.

    My personal observation is that many Protestant Reformers, including Martin Luther, John Calvin, Thomas Cranmer, John Knox, Cotton Mather, and John Wesley, identified the Roman Papacy as the Antichrist and the papacy thought the same of them.

    After the reforms of Patriarch Nikon to the Russian Orthodox Church of 1652, a large number of Old Believers held that czar Peter the Great was the Antichrist[39] because of his treatment of the Orthodox Church, namely separating church from state, requiring clergymen to conform to the standards of all Russian civilians (shaved beards, being fluent in French), and requiring them to pay state taxes.

    if we are stuck in your thought process then we should do nothing as a nation and in extent as a world coz the world is ending sooner than later " the prophecy " is coming true.

    other "known" Antichrist

    almost all the popes

    Karl max

    the Beatles

    head of the European union

    Ronald Reagan

    George Bush

    Hugo Chaez

    Idi Amin

    any Ayatollah

    president of Iran(Doesn't matter who)

    Osama Bin laden

    Moammer Qaddafi

    Daniel arap Moi

    Fidel castro

    Chen Duxiu

    Li Dazhao


    the list goes on its not just US based.

    furthermore there are many many many other Religions/cultures that have more than one belive system then your one prevelent thought.

    we can sit here and argue theologically who is the Antichrist and the prohecy and its coincidence but we will be here all day

  • Actually, you're correct in a way. I would not vote for Obama, for many reasons. But my one comfort if he is elected is that perhaps it is a sign that we are all closer to the end of days, and Christ's return.

    I am also aware that many prophecies point to the same thing happening - some religious, some based on pure "precognition." I am still somewhat skeptical, but I remember reading a book of Nostradamus' prophecies back in 1983. It talked about communism failing, Islam taking over Europe and the Antichrist rising in America. I thought it was all gibberish, but it now seems strangely predictive. Maybe some people back then had an ability to see the future - maybe one day it will be as "demystified" as, say, radio waves and eclipses are now - and they just used the vocabulary they had to describe what they "saw."

    In any event, religion, prophecy or not, I think it is quite plausible that Obama's appeasment policies could well result in us letting down our guard and suffering a catastrophic attack.

    At a deeper level, it's interesting to contemplate whether, even though we have free will, past, present and future are all "happening" at once - we just can't see it, or at least most of us can't.

    Then again, people have been predicting the end of the world for thousands of years. Sooner or later, they will be right, and nothing other than a working knowledge of human nature is needed to predict that.

    And of course, believing something evil will happen is differentr from helping bring it about - actually supporting it.

    Interesting question! I suppose time will tell.

  • 1 decade ago

    Obama cant be the anti-christ. The anti-christ that will bring about the end of days is said to be loved by everyone. Obama isnt. Not even close.

    I dont believe this stuff either, but I do consider myself a spiritual person and took a class in college on the book of revelation from a literary perspective so I know a little something about it. I think its just people's irrational fear bringing this on. On the same side, I think there are alot of people voting for Obama out of fear and distrust of Republicans too and that is really no better than the latter.

  • 1 decade ago

    Personally, as a Christian, I don't believe he is the AC (as you put it). That is my own personal belief, and I am not afraid to admit that there is the possibility that I could be wrong, but I just don't see the logic in it either.

    To answer your point on "voting for him because there isnt anything you can do to stop it", I would say that the fundamental aspect of Christianity is the acceptance of Christ and the ability to hold unconditional faith in Him.

    Therefore, IF he is the AC, then it would be a denial of faith in Christ (which Jesus says in the Bible "If you deny me before men, I will deny you before my Father"). To deny Christ then is pretty much a one way ticket to Hell.

    No matter if Obama is or isn't, I will not risk my faith in Christ for ANYTHING. So it doesn't matter to me one way or the other, I know where he stands on the ISSUES and that is why I am not voting for him.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think they do but it is a good question. Kind of reminds me of asking if Judas was actually a bad guy or he was only doing what had to be done.

    You should take this question and post it in the Religion section of YA and see what those guys have to say.

    Source(s): EDIT: My prediction is that even among Christians you will get opposing answers both because of differences in perception of the AC and differences in politics. Please e-mail me if you decide to repost in Religion, I would like to hear what they have to say.
  • 1 decade ago

    Obama is not the Antichrist. You are giving him too much credit. He is simply an outspoken socialist like che Guevara and joseph stalin who will take us from a very delicate financial situation into an all out disaster of an economy. No more free handouts to able bodied people. If you can't find a job, join the military!

    Source(s): McCain 08
  • 1 decade ago

    If you don't believe any of this why would you pose such a question? Please take garbage like this to the R&S section.

    Logic is something way beyond this question.

    No, no one HAS to vote for Obama, regardless of their religious beliefs.

    So that logic may not also escape you, just because there will be an Anti-Christ does not mean we will not do everything possible to defeat him.

  • G M L
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Um, here's something you don't seem to understand. There have been plenty of "anti-Christs" throughout history (those who tote something that on surface seem good, but in depth are deceitful and anti-teachings of Christ, are indeed "anti-Christs"). THE ANTI-CHRIST, I do not believe is Obama, however I do believe he is one of many historical anti-Christs. I will not vote for my own slavery and bondage which is what Obama's policies, in the long term, promise for certainty. If you cannot look past the immediate and bandaid solutions than you will blindly lead yourself and the rest of us into captivity. Look, Germans are still in that semi-bondage from the Nazi days, but see it as a good.

  • 1 decade ago

    sigh. it really breaks my heart to hear how people can listen to the gospel and about how much Jesus loves us, and yet still they don't understand. But, no, you don't have to vote for Obama. Honestly, thats a very silly reason to vote for someone. I would never vote for Obama-and I'm sorry, bug I just disagree with what he says and is for.

  • 1 decade ago

    Wow, the Obama camp is really getting desperate for votes.

    Actually, I still believe Hillary Clinton is the actual anti-Christ. Which probably means McCain will win so she can run in the next election.

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