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How can a god exist with evil in the world?

Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?

Then he is not omnipotent.

Is he able, but not willing?

Then he is malevolent.

Is he both able and willing?

Then whence cometh evil?

Is he neither able nor willing?

Then why call him God?



Who says my mind is closed? I am seeing if this paradox can be disproved.

Update 2:

Most monotheistic religions say we were created in god's image, why shouldn't this include our concept of logic?

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The only way for a christian to try and disprove this argument is to bring up the free will argument; god gave us free will, and evil comes from us, not him... but free will itself falls apart when they talk about the divine plan, and the fact that god knows everything (including what we will do before we will do it). If he knows everything, then it was preordained in the divine plan, and we have no free will; ergo, evil is god's fault, and he is unloving, unable to prevent it, or doesn't know it exists. Any of the three options means he doesn't exist in the way in which christians would have you believe.

    People have been trying to get around this paradox for hundreds of years. There is no way to disprove it unless you change the attributes of god, and then you're just making stuff up. No matter how you spin it, god doesn't exist.

    Essentially, the only response you're going to get here from christians is that evil is all our fault, and that god will EVENTUALLY destroy evil... but they've been saying that for a loooong time, and certainly can't prove it... Free will is a bad argument, and does nothing to help their cause.

    Really, if we were created by a god, didn't he give us the ability to reason him out of existence by using the contradictions in the bible? You'd think an all-knowing and all-powerful god would have realized and tried to prevent that...

  • 5 years ago

    Where do you think Satan resides? What's hid job? It's not to create evil, but rather to drip feed the idea of into society... like a carrot being dangled on a stick, unfortunately, humanity is hungry, and eat it right up every time. This is actually an easy question to answer. What is the opposite of evil? Love... In Hebrew vowels interchange with the same intended meaning, so if we reverse love you have evol, simply change the o to an i and have evil. But that only shows it's context being the opposite of love. What is it really? Evil is fear. That's it. So much fear is drip fed into society, it's hard to believe that most fail to recognize it happening. It'd be interesting to know how many atheists only get their news from mainstream media. Of course during Thomas Jefferson's life, the newspaper was the main vehicle for mainstream media, but he said this, "Those who have never read anything have more knowledge than those who only read the newspaper." He also said, "Because of the increased oppression (which is demonic), we must be aware of the changes in energy around us, no matter how slight." So, even founding fathers, as he was, recognized the influence of evil being dripped into society. Another example. At the beginning of Columbia pictures, we've all seen the lady on the pyramid.... It's said even a few hundred years ago, if a peasant saw that image, they would have turned around and run to their master in fear of its meaning. So, it does exist, and stating it does not is based on ignorance and not truth.

  • 1 decade ago

    God is able to prevent evil, I'm sure He is willing to prevent evil, but He won't prevent evil. Does that make sense?

    God has the power to prevent evil of course. I think He wants to prevent evil because wouldn't it make you sad if someone you loved hated you and rebelled against you? But He doesn't prevent evil because He loves us. He doesn't want to force us to obey Him, because where's the love in that? If you're forced to obey someone, and you can't even think rebellious thoughts because you're controlled fully by someone, I don't think you'd truly love that person. God would much rather have true love, even if some people end up hating him for it.

    But of course, God will eventually prevent evil. This is all in Revelation. Once there is a new heaven and a new earth, no one will have the capacity to do evil. So evil will be destroyed :]

  • 1 decade ago

    Okay, I am going to do my best here...

    God can exist with evil in the world because he has authority over it. It was not God, but angels and man (God's creations) who sinned and brought evil into the world. Evil is not eternal or similar to God in power, and thus the universe does not exist in a "dualism" of God vs. Evil, for God is omnipotent over evil.

    As for God's willingness/ability to prevent evil, read Ephesians 1:11, which states that God "accomplishes all things according to the counsel of his will."

    I'm not sure if this fully answers your question, but that's what I came up with.

    Source(s): "Systematic Theology" by Wayne Grudem
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  • 1 decade ago

    This 'why does God allow evil" or 'why would a loving God allow bad things to happen to good people" question always amuses me. Here's the deal people, God made this planet and these lives as a temporary thing. There is meant to be suffering and pain and evil in this world because of that. Where there is no evil or pain or whatever is in Heaven. That's my opinion can believe it or're call.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Your putting human logic on an omnipotent being, and therefore you are limiting and confining the concept of god.

    Anyways, it is more logical to presume that the creator won't intervene. I mean would you want your creations relying on you for everything or do you want them to figure things out and do things for themselves.

    Also evil and good are all subjective and relative terms. Technically nothing is good or evil.

  • 1 decade ago

    God is able to do anything but not willing to go with our time and expectations, He does things in His time, because we are limited, and he is not, we do and think differently.

    We are created in His image yes, but because we all have sinned, we have different logics and concept. God has nothing of sin in Him. He is Holy we are not.

  • 1 decade ago

    yes of course it can be disproved just because some one makes up a saying does not mean it is true!!!!!

    God can prevent men from doing evil but because he gave them the will to disobey he does not interfere in their choice.

    Does that make him malevolent or having or showing vicious ill will, spite, or hatred? No it does not

    That is what man is to God they are malevolent to God.

    He is god the creator

  • 1 decade ago

    to say that there is no God because there is evil in the world is like saying that parents don't exist because their children choose to do the wrong thing

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    because of free will, duh! as if that did not detract from his omnipotence.

    ''What is your definition of evil? What is evil to one person is great to another.''

    how about bashing a babys head in because you are short on crack? that happens quite often. would you consider that evil?

    ''Your putting human logic on an omnipotent being, and therefore you are limiting and confining the concept of god.''

    like the bible? :P

    ''He can and He will destroy evil in His own time.''

    yea... cause evil isent much of a problem realy. that must be it.

    '''You can't have good without evil.''

    why not? we can have a burger without having to have a salad. we can have fire without having water. what kind of logic is that?

    our apreciation of good would maybe deminish, but we can still have it without evil.

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