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cfc9elc asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Why such a double standard?

The liberal left and media (one in the same) have no problem going after Sarah Palin, but excuse the Democratic nominee for VP as Joe being Joe. Well Joe wants to be VP...why does what he say not get the same attention? Fair?

Read this op-ed by liberal analyst, Kirsten Powers.


A gaffe? A mistake in the way he phrased something? Foreshadowing an international crisis with the intelligence he receives from being on the Foreign Relations Committee is hardly a gaffe.

Update 2:

This op-ed is from a liberal analyst. I am not quoting Rush or a Republican analyst.

Yes, I educate myselft by reading and watching news. I don't educate myself and regurgitate MSNBC or the Daily Show.

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Libs, wake up and smell the bias!

  • Steve
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    The media focuses on Palin rather than Biden for several reasons, and they are all fair. First of all, the media is a capitalist enterprise, and as such, will focus on the stories that sells, and Palin sells. This is probably one of the main reasons McCain picked her. He witnessed Obama and Hillary suck up headlines throughout the primaries, while the GOP barely broke news outside of primary days. He knew a female would sell, and he wanted the free media exposure. This was doubly important due to the funds Obama is capable of running up against him. If this wasn't true, he wouldn't have spent so much of his campaign money on her wardrobe- looks sell, and he is keeping her as fashionable and attractive as possible. Although it seems as if I have digressed from your question, I am merely stating that the media is focused on her for all of the reasons McCain wants them to be.

    Second, Palin is new and fresh. New news always outsells old news, and people know Biden. Very few vice presidential candidates get much airtime after the conventions are over. Primarily because they are well known to the American public, and unless they do something uncharacteristic, or disagree with the other half of their ticket, there is not much news to be had. Typically it is the Presidential candidate that delivers new news and storylines, and the VP is an echo in a different swing state or across state. Why cover the echo when you have the mouthpiece?

    This brings me to the third reason the media is 'going after Palin'. McCain is using her in vastly different ways than most VP candidates. She does not echo him on the stump, but often has the more aggressive tone, and tests attacks with her audience to land blows before McCain echo's her. When she goes over the line, the media covers it. When it gets blogged and 'buzzed' on the internet, the rest of the media follows the story. McCain may often repeat what she says, but the media does not want the echo- and they remain focused on the mouthpiece- in this case- Palin.

    As the frontrunner, Obama and Biden are trying to stay away from shock value and maintain a safer position. Even when stories run about Biden, it doesn't get over blogged and 'buzzed'. The rest of the media sleeps over the story since it doesn't sell. It might sell on talk rasio and fox news, but that is because of their ability to add much more opinion to the story than the rest of the media, and because of the overwhelmingly conservative demographic which they are appealing to.

  • Blah
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    There is a liberal bias in the mainstream media. Sure, Fox is biased toward conservatives, but in most print and TV media, it's liberals running the show.

    There's a lot of elitism because Palin is from Alaska. It's not NYC, Boston, or someone other "cultured, liberal" place. It's full of people that couldn't take the increasing socialism in the lower 48 anymore, and went to the wild west to be self-reliant.

    Also, Palin is younger, female, and somewhat attractive. How much more press did Princess Diana get than Camilla Parker Bowles?

  • Chris
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    They are both not the brightest star in the night. Biden though is worse than Palin. When I was in Germany back around 2000. He hosted a conference in Switzerland discussing nuclear issues between the US and Iran. There was wine on the tables, Iran is muslim, he should up 20 minutes late because he and his wife where motorcycling through the Alps. They showed up in their motorcycle clothes, his wife in tight leather pants. Then lectures the Iranian.

    The US media covered his speech saying how good it was, the European media pointed that he was a fool.

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  • Qwyrx
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Because Joe Biden made one mistake in not phrasing his statement correctly. Sarah Palin, on the other hand, doesn't know basic things about her own party's platform, couldn't name any Supreme Court decisions she disagreed with other than Roe v. Wade, and generally gves completely incoherent statements whenever she's not reading a prepared statement. I think the media should have been a bit more strict with Biden, but his one gaffe doesn't even begin to compare with the catastrophe that is Sarah Palin for V.P.

  • 1 decade ago

    Oh please, Joe Biden is not going from state to state claiming he is a reformer who does not waste taxpayer money, while wearing a suit paid for with campaign donations, having just stepped out of plane filled with his kids who have no reason to be there, but came anyway on the tax payers dime! If Sarah Palin wants to claim she is some big maverick reformer, maybe her actions should reflect those statements.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Strangely, despite the liberal left being in charge of the media and all , Bush managed to win 2 elections (or steal them depending on who you talk to). Maybe the media isn't such a force for left political wins after all.

  • 1 decade ago

    look we really don't care about the gop spending their supporters money on Palin and her kids it look as if they really needed some clothing . It's about ethics and Palin calling her self a reformer but time and time again we have seen that she is only a corrupt politicians who will take advantage of her power in office as have all the other republicans politicians.

    Campaign finance laws prohibit candidates from spending donor cash to their authorized personal campaign committee on costs “that would exist irrespective of the candidate’s election campaign,” including clothing, vacations and gym memberships.

  • 1 decade ago

    When Palin speaks she leaves he self open for jabs. Sorry. If she would talk to all the media outlets people would have less to knock her for because she could clear up a lot of things

  • 1 decade ago

    why does the conservative right media (like NRO, O'Rielly, and Limbaugh) get so caught up in misquoting Biden? Because people prefer to help the side they are on. A better question is why are you getting so worked up over what the media says, do you have trouble thinking for yourself?

    Source(s): common sense
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He gets the same attention. Every time he makes a so called gaffe it shows up on the news. How is that a double standard?

    Source(s): .
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