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asymmetry asked in PetsCats · 1 decade ago

Does my cat have an infection under his chin?

About a month ago I noticed dozens of dark crumb-like particles right under my cat's chin. I thought they were food particles and tried to brush them off, but there were too many and I ignored them.

A week later he still had them, but this time twice as much. Again I tried cleaning his jaw but they seemed stuck and I let it go again.

On the third week, those particles looked like a scab, there was just too many and it was really stuck to his chin. I got really concerned, but I lost my job a few weeks ago and could not take him to the vet because I can't afford it at this point.

Yesterday I noticed that the scab-like under his chin had fallen off, but his chin seems swollen and there are a couple of very small cuts.

I am really concerned, I don't know if he has an infection, and what those crumb-like particles were? I'm hoping it was just food, or could it be some type of parasites? They didn't seem to be alive at all, just seemed like small bread crumbs, but dark brown.

The cat is very big, and became very lazy about a year ago, so I can't tell if he is sick cause he mostly eats and sleeps, but he has done that for the past year.

He weights 18lbs. He's not fat. He has always been all muscle. He can jump 5 feet into the air and can run almost as fast as my 7 month old kitten. His head alone is the size of two very large male fists.

I don't have money right now, but I am willing to sell my professional camera to get him to the vet if this is something that could make him sick. If anyone knows what this might be, please let me know.


He's seven years old by the way

Update 2:

Thanks everyone for the heads up. I would never get rid of my cats, (I have three) and yes, I do take care of them, and I care for them. This happened only because I lost my job, but I will sell my camera to get him treated.

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It may be something as simple as feline acne.

    If you are using plastic bowls switch to either stainless steel or ceramic. They make small scratches in the plastic of the bowls with their teeth, food and bacteria get into the scratches on the bowls, then they rub their chins against the bowls and that's how they get the acne. They also get their chins moist with water and food and it can cause acne too.

    You can scrub his chin with warm water and some mild facial soap or even baby shampoo. If the acne is really bad and profuse you may want to think if getting some Stridex pads, but they aren't very mild and he may not like the feel or smell.

    You can also cleanse them with hydroden peroxide and apply antibiotic ointment twice a day especially after eating.

    Also check him for fleas, he could be scratching at his chin and making scratches with his back claws.

    If after a week of changing the bowls, cleansing his chin, and applying the ointment it doesn't clear up...see a vet.

    If it swells up really big and is tender and painful...see a vet right away. That would be a sign of an abscess. Abscesses under the chin at the neck can swell so much that they won't be able to breathe.

    This sounds like it could be just acne, but if you think is it serious always see a doctor.

    Source(s): Registered Vet Tech
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Chin Infection

  • 6 years ago

    This Site Might Help You.


    Does my cat have an infection under his chin?

    About a month ago I noticed dozens of dark crumb-like particles right under my cat's chin. I thought they were food particles and tried to brush them off, but there were too many and I ignored them.

    A week later he still had them, but this time twice as much. Again I tried cleaning his jaw but...

    Source(s): cat infection chin:
  • Lisa A
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Well, you really shouldn't own pets if you can't afford to take them to the vet. But I'll let you off of the hook this once. And only this once!

    Your cat does have an infection. It's acne. You need to clean his chin well, and rinse off any soap completely. You cat will ingest anything you leave on his skin. So don't use anything like benzoyl peroxide. That's poisonous. Use rubbing alcohol at the very most. Clean his chin every day.

    Wash your cats food bowl every day.

    Change to a ceramic food bowl, or at least metal. No plastic. Plastic is a great place for bacteria to hang out.

    And keep an eye out for someone to take these cats off your hands who can get them proper medical care.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    this is feline acne. it is caused by bacteria in your cats feeding bowl. Is your bowl plastic, if it is it cant harbour bacteria. change it to a steel bowl and wash it every day.

    To get rid of the acne, get some betadine, water it down and dabb it on your cats chin. it will eventually go away. Just watch it though becuase it can get infected, if then , take it to get antibiotics

  • 1 decade ago

    My cat had her back left leg removed due to a fence accident (she was a kitten and tried to jump a fence and got her leg caught in between the pickets and hung there for who knows how long before we found her :( ) anyway, her leg "died" and had to be removed. She is great now, but on her left side behind her ear, she has the same exact little black particles in a group. We took her to the vet and they said it was dead flea larvae and flea "poo".Our cat couldn't scratch there since her leg was gone so it just built up. In the case of your cat, that I'm assuming has all her legs (lol) but is just lazy, it's the same thing. the scabs develop after the dead flea stuff sits on the skin for an extended amount of time and causes an infection on the skin. Your cat might have only noticed this after the infection set in, then scratched it off causing the cuts (from his claws) and the swollen area. You do need to take her to a vet as soon as you can. But until then you can put hydrogen peroxide on a cotton ball and swab it on the cuts. The cat will not like this, but it will kill the germs and keep it from getting worse until you can get her to a vet.

    Don't sell your camera! if you need help e-mail me at Seriously.

    Source(s): I come from a long line of 'cat ladies'.
  • 1 decade ago

    Your cat probably has fleas and flea dermatitis. The cuts might be from scratching. The crumbs are flea poop and scabs. Your cat probably has fleas. We have one cat who we treat with frontline, but when he goes outside he occasionally gets bitten by fleas, and he gets scabs around the bite. Apparently he is sensitive. Get rid of the fleas. If you can't because he's outdoors a lot...I mean, bathe my cat with oatmeal shampoo, but most cats probably don't go for that...

    Anyway, 18 lbs is a big cat. You should feed him better, whether he seems fat or not. You know how Suzanne Summers beat cancer with some sort of crazy-healthy diet? Do that kind of thing for your cat. That might fix his skin. Vitamins, whatever.

    Source(s): 29 years of cat ownership and a good dose of common knowledge.
  • COA
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Not being a vet I can only guess and would suggest you take your pet to the vet. He could have a dental problem. Sometimes teeth will abscess to the outside of the body as a way to expel poison. It is called a fistula. Being a drainage point it will exude pus and possibly blood. This could result in toxemia and the death of your pet so I would act quickly.

  • 1 decade ago

    My cat is 9 years old & occasionally gets what sounds like the same little sores. It seems to be that she scratches too much in one spot & this is the result. I find if I scratch/rub gently in the area it is enough to settle her & she won't scratch there & it clears up. I also change her collar & worm her when this happens - not sure if it is all related but it gives us peace of mind. This just my personal experience - hope it helps.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Take him to the local SPCA - or whatever it's called in the United States, I'm Canadian.

    Your cat needs to see a vet, period! Say you found him on the street, and they will treat him for free, especially if you say you are interested in adoping the cat.

    Yeah, it sucks, but that's the world, babe.

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