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if prop 8 fails and the no discraminate people win will all religion leaders be required to do gay weddins?

this will include mormon temples buda jw's Catholics jewish muslim and all others will need to preform them or none at all

funny how a religious ceremony is being taken out of the church and into the state

i thought the constitution forbids that

31 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    hummm you have a problem here

    you think that your religion marries people

    although you feel that way you missed something

    its not the marriage thing your concerned about, it is the temple thing isn't it your church may need to build a place out side the temple to marry them than go inside to seal them

    and that's how the cookie crumbles

  • 1 decade ago

    When I got married, I had to get married in two ways. The first was by going to the courthouse and getting the marriage license. The second was the ceremony by my minister. Every church or religious leader can marry whomever they want and turn down whomever they want. No church is required to do anything different or even recognize those marriages. The only difference will be that the state recognizes the marriage, allowing them to do things like file taxes together, have health care and all the other rights afforded married couples. It will have ZERO EFFECT on the everyday lives of your average heterosexual married couple and ZERO EFFECT on any church.

  • 1 decade ago

    Religious leaders have NEVER been forced to perform marriages that they disagree with. I have never heard of a church being forced to wed divorcees, people who belong to a different faith or any one else who doesn't belong to the church. In addition, please remember that just as some religious leaders can refuse to marry homosexuals there are already religious institutions that do perform marriage ceremonies, so gays can be married RELIGIOUSLY if they so choose.

    Also, if you truly believe marriage is only a religious institution, try this experiment. Go to your religious institution and get married in a ceremony there (doesn't matter the religious flavor). Do NOT get a license from the state. Now try and claim your spouse on your taxes or for health benefits. Now enjoy your time in jail/huge fines for tax evasion and misrepresentation. Our government has chosen "marriage" as a way to describe a LEGAL, SECULAR partnership contract and has tied hundreds of financial and legal benefits into this contract. No religious organization in this country can grant this legal standing and therefore it has nothing to do with them.

  • 1 decade ago

    No. Churches don't have to marry anybody that they don't want to marry. Divorcees have been denied marriage by the Catholic church for years.

    Please - the Mormons won't even let the "sinners" into the temples. I know people who have sat on the outside stairs while their siblings were married.

    However - if Prop 8 doesn't pass - and you want to have a LEGAL same sex marriage in a church - you can come to my church! Our minister has performed same sex marriages - almost every weekend since May. AND - all of them will remain legal and intact - even if 8 passes tomorrow.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Your church won't be required to hold gay marriages. The religious element stays religious. The civil element is simply extended to other people willing to commit into a lifetime contract.

    The constitution forbids the law endorsing one religion. Allowing marriages based only on Biblical interpretation would be endorsing Christianity and therefore is unconstitutional.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    *coughs on her coffee*

    Okay. For one thing, the fact that gay marriage is outlawed IS making a religious ceremony a legislative issue. There is nothing secular about the current rights that gay couples have. It's all under church control and has bled into our bill of rights.

    And second, if you're a bigot now, feel free to be a bigot after Prop 8, because it's not taking away your right to disagree with gay marriage, just your right to make the call on whether or not two people who want equality can have it in our precious 'land of the free'.

  • 1 decade ago

    As a pastor myself of over 16 years, I can say that no one is "forced" to officiate any ceremony. I am asked all the time to officiate marriage ceremonies that I decline. The Minister makes the decision of whether they are willing to perform any marriage ceremony for any couple, they are not obligated and can not be forced by anyone to perform a wedding.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No. Homosexuality is against God's will and no Man of God will perform this ridiculous wedding.

    People, Marriage = Man + Woman. You need a man and woman to procreate. God made Adam and Eve. There is nothing more to this. This disgusting gay/lesbian marriage thing isn't about equal rights. What it is about is that homosexuals want to use the strong-arm muscle of the government to back their lifestyle so it will become the social norm. They want homosexuality to be seen as normal and figure if they can get it in the constitution, then they have won. I'm willing to bet gays won't even get married if given the chance, and if they did they'd probaby get divorced just as much as straight couples! They just want people to see them as normal. SORRY! This will never happen. You lifestyles is NOT normal and the government should not back it! In fact, the government and society should simply just ignore this nonsense and continue to frown upon it as we always have. Children need a mom and dad. If they can't have this, homo parents is the LAST thing a child needs. A single parent or foster home would be a better option.

    Marriage = Man + Woman

    Union = anything else, which is all immoral.

    Source(s): me
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    A church has legal rights sort of like a religion

    Think of Gay Marriage as like a product....Like a tv.

    Now pretend the churchs are mcdonalds

    DO you think mcdonalds is going to sell you a tv?


    Business's reserved the right to deny service...

    But em i heard in certain countries where gay marriage became legal the churches started doing it?

  • 1 decade ago

    No - it has nothing to do with religious weddings. If a Rabbi, Minister, Pastor, Priest, Imam, etc. do not wish to perform such a ceremony, they can say no (just say no).

    And, I might add, a marriage is not a religious ceremony; it's a civil ceremony; please do read the Constitution, for good grief!

    Question to ask yourself - do you get a marriage certificate from a place of worship or from City Hall/Office of Records?

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