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Anonymous asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Does your dog or dogs know?

If you knew you were dying, and did not have long to live, and no family to leave your dogs with, which contact would you choose to take your dog or dogs for the rest of their lives.......who do you trust the most to love and care for them.....and can be more than one if you wish....

Legit::Does your dog or dogs know when your upset or stressed out over something?? and what is their reaction.....


Christmas is the time for sharing and love, you are all a great bunch of people on the Dogs Section..Truly you all are..all TU for everyone....

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Oh Iggy......With the knowledge you have, the genuine love you have for dogs (and horses), and experience you gone through, the many dogs you've saved, the care you give your babies, the desire for them to have what is best for them EVEN at the cost of giving them up to make them letting them stay in the country with a beloved and trusted friend and where they are use to being and enjoy!! I know do what is absolutely the BEST for your babies even at the cost of not having them in your very own home, because they are use to the country and being able to run and have freedom for their own happiness. You are an amazing lady to me, and probably others also, but you have a heart of gold, and a heart that needs to give to dogs and their best welfare. You protect your babies so well, and stand up for them to the max.

    Need I go on? There is so much more about you that so many here don't even begin to know.........and not even I. But the more I communicate with you, the more I simply "adore you" and your babies!!

    LEGIT: You!

    My only other additional pick would be "Golden Gal". She is truely an amazing lady also!!

    Hugs :oP

    Source(s): Mommy to my loving and devoted golden retriever, Pilot! ASPCA member, monthly donations to stop abuse to animals Humane Society member, same as above.
  • poppy1
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Hi Demon's,

    Yes your dog or dogs do know when your upset and stressed out. My 2 boys just come over to where i am and will lay close to me and stay with Me. If i get up to do something they are right there and will always give Me a Kiss to try and brighten up My day.

    Your dog can also sense that you have a health problem too.

    I have 5 contacts that i would trust my 2 boys with.

    1- Sweet Judy.

    2- Hollywood Baby.

    3- Mr.Tater Salad.

    4- Dread.

    5- Tinkz.

    I trust all 5 with My Loving 2 boys. I know everyone of them would take very good care of my 2 dogs.

    Source(s): Little1
  • 1 decade ago

    There would be no choice to make with regard to my Dobermann b*tch Tori, as one of the terms in her contract of sale is that if at any time I could not keep her she has to be either a) returned to the breeder b) or rehomed from my home.

    JJ is a very sunny side up, happy and cuddly boy, without one guarding bone in his entire body, but with plenty of the typical underlying Dobermann stubbornness. I would want him to go to someone who had no other male dog and ideally who had previously owned large breed intelligent/active/stubborn/dominant dogs.

    With that in mind I don't think any of my contacts would be able to rehome JJ (he couldn't function as as a guard protectio Dobe/ compete in schutzund) so I would ask Tori's breeder to help me find him a home.

    Legit: Tori will come over and rest his head in my lap if I look upset, JJ on the other hand tends to put his head to one side and look confused.

  • 1 decade ago

    if i were dying and my family wasn't around to take my dogs, i would probably leave them with Dobiegang. for one reason. this past week has been really rough for me and my family. my grandfather passed away wednesday morning. she was there for me. she gave me some great advice, and allowed me to email her, and gave me some extremely kind words. she is truly a genuine person and i would trust her with my boys any day.

    LEGIT: yes my dogs definitely know when im upset or having a bad day. this past week they have been really calm and are just sitting there letting us pet them, and not really wanting to play. you can tell that they know.

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  • 1 decade ago

    If I really had no one locally, I think I'd contact "Animal Friends" in Utah.

    But before that I pray I'd find some one locally for my herd of three dogs and three cats

    I have been ill for about 10 years cancer and so forth so it IS on my mind and I have tried to make appropriate plans and they certainly know when I'm having a hard day.

  • Great question Iggy!

    I would leave Emmet with either..


    IKB Pilot


    or anyone that could handle a terror like Emmet.

    Legit: Well Emmet, I think can tell when I am a little nervous. (I totally get freaked out with tornado's and etc) He tries and comforts me. But I don't think he knows what to think of crying. Some times he will just tilt his head and look at me like "what the hell are you doing" and other times he gets very agitated and barks at me.

  • 1 decade ago

    That's a hard one really, I'm not too sure who I'd leave him with. I have so many great dog trainers as my contacts and yet I have so many loving ones, still either way, Loki would be flying across the country to meet them.

    LEGIT: I think Loki does. If I'm feeling that little bit sad he will come up to me and hang his head on my knee. His ears drop and he just sits there quietly.

  • 1 decade ago

    i would leave them with a good friend that i know loves animals and would do her best to look after my pup and if she couldnt i could trust her to find a good home for her as she works in the animal field (shelters, doggy day cares ect)

    and yeah my dog knows when something is up, he esp knows when were upset with him lol, but if we are upset and stressed he either trys to cuddle or if were mad upset he will just sit quietly in his spot and be abnormally behaved lol he picks up on the vibes in the house

    hope this answered ur question

    Source(s): MEEEEEEE!!!! =3
  • 1 decade ago

    having a wolf dog they are sensitive. When my Mom was in the hospital and I was worried and cried allot cause well we didn't think she would make it . Cody never left my side.

    When she came home she was a different woman yelling at me and making me cry..Cody came outside as I sat on a wall and he came up and put one paw on each side of my thighs and put his head on my shoulder. I hugged him and just sobbed and he never moved a muscle.

    Talk about a compassionate dog!

    Since my Cody baby is a wolf dog, and are sensitive.

    I would ask :

    You, **Iggy


    **pilots mommy




    dances with woofs

    shelby l


    FF RIP,Cody

    It would be hard to ask someone to take your wolf dog when you all have so much going on ,rescuing,advising living your life as it is...I would hope someone would over.

    I have offered my neighbor lady who is 87 to take her Sheltie when she passes..she cried and said now she can go..she has been so worried on what to do cause she has no family.

    I hope she stays around along time, but I would take and love her dog cause thats all she lives for.

    I know I don't know you all personally but I value your answers and have learned so much.

    Only a few would know how to treat a wolf dog or would want to try.

    God bless.


    Isn't amazing the 'Thumbs down' on such a serious question.

  • YOU!!!

    You are such a good mother to your furbabies! Even if i could give them to a family member id probably send them too you!

    Oh Precious saw a pic of a Schnauzer on the net, She thought they where hot! She told me she'd like to meet Demon someday LOL

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