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A pair of brothers were attacked...Why?

...because an SUV filled with homophobic morons assumed they were gay. Want to bet that the attackers consider themselves "good Christian folk"?

Is this or is this not precisely where institutionalized homophobia leads? Now they're beating up anyone who dares to walk to close to one another!


I will concede that I may have been a bit hasty to presume that the attackers were Christians at all. This does not change my belief that institutionalized homophobia is part and parcel of the Abrahamic faiths.

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You have lied becasue nothing there mentions Christianity.

    Furthur, the Bible says anyone who hates is not a Christian.

    1Jn 4:20 If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    The Klan was also a Christian organization. So, too, were McViegh and Nichols, the terrorists who blew up the Murrow Federal Building, slaughtering the innocent preschoolers in the storefront across the street.

    A US Postman, Jose Alito, a postman in Los Angeles doing his rounds, was gunned down by an Buford O. Furrow, Jr., American terrorist, as he entered a preschool shoot and kill children.

    These killers _say_ they are religious --because they're preachers tell them they are Christian--, but they are motivated by hate. All Christians should disown any association with these Christian Terrorists and pledge that the practice of their religion will be free from hate.

    On the other hand, I'd settle for individual Christians to acknowledge that their Muslim neighbor, classmate, or co-worker has nothing to do with the hijackings and destruction of downtown Manhattan and is worthy of respect and decency from all Americans.

    Source(s): Who Is Responsible For Hate Written in 1999 and still valid today.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This is a horrible example of bigotry but your assumption that the attackers were "good Christian folk" is also bigoted. This kind of thing is bad enough at face value without being used as an excuse to bash an entire religion when there's nothing to go on but your intense desire for the attackers to be Christian.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Come on since when was homophobia institutionalized. I disapprove of the nasty things homosexuals do but I'm not about beating up anyone and I'm certainly not a Christian or am I institutionalized. They should lock the heathen morons up who did this and execute them, not try to blame it on institutionalized crime.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It makes me sick. I am gay and I shouldn't have to live in fear because of people who don't like who I sleep with in the privacy of my own home. How dare they assume these two guys were gay. It is the stigma placed on people from the media that two men can't walk arm in arm without people assuming they are gay. And who are those men to judge and decide to kill him because of that?!

    The first time I heard of someone dying because they were gay (and understanding it) was Matthew Shepard. I can't believe that people still do that, you would think people have learned by now that there is nothing wrong with being gay and there is nothing they can do about it.

  • tutor
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Have compassion? It's Muslims, not Christians? Oh my. Such rationalizations. I wonder if these answers would have been posted if these attacks happened to someone in their families? Seeing as it happened in New York, odds are that the attackers were of a Christian, actually Catholic, background. Tyme Kitteh, you made me sick today. Other guy who said have compassion, where's your compassion for the family that lost a son?

  • 1 decade ago

    This kind of thing makes me sick. I don't care, illegal immigrant, gay, hispanic, whatever, innocent human life is human life regardless of what your personal beliefs are. These are not people, they are dirty filthy grotesk swine. They need to be consumed with guilt for the rest of their pathetic lives.

    I don't believe that we should assume who was responsible until we have all the facts or place blame unjustly on any group of people.

    God bless him & his family. =(

  • 1 decade ago

    Thats an accusation that is not answered in this article. However, pointed out was the fact that the attacked were hispanic. And most likely brought up christian or catholic as most of us are.

  • 1 decade ago

    Uh, dude, it was NEW's considered sport. Ever heard the term 'Stir Crazy', just look up all the people who killed people in New England during the Winter months. Not saying that that's a good reason, just saying that it's a real phenomena. As far as the anti-Hispanic epithets...isn't it interesting that you decided to leave those OUT of your homophobic accusation?

    The mark of intellectual honesty is the seeking out of opposing viewpoints.....

    "Associating with people who agree with us, makes us comfortable. Associating with people who DISAGREE with us, makes us grow." Mark Twain

  • 1 decade ago


    Something bad happens and you suddenly assume the perps responsible consider themselves "good Christian folk with absolutely ZERO evidence.

    Sounds like the "homophobic morons" in the SUV aren't the only ones filled with hate, bigotry and intolerance here!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Here in San Diego, a 75-year-old woman was severely beaten, tied up, abducted from her home and left in her own car for two days.

    Do we blame all teenagers? No !

    Jet crashes in San Diego neighborhood, 4 were killed.

    Do we blame the pilot? No !

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