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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 1 decade ago

Why would Yahweh God change his plans for salvation which he gave to ancient Israelites then 3,000 years later?

Why would Yahweh God change his plans for salvation which he gave to ancient Israelites then 3,000 years later change the concept and tell people to worship his Messiah as God if Yahweh doesn't change according to Malachi 3:6?


Rod of the Lord- atleast your being honest. Have you ever thought about that? I think about this everyday. Malachi 3:6 states Yahweh never changes so why would he 3,000 years later begin to tell people to worship his Messiah. It seems to me that Christians have changed the original plans for salvation not Yahweh God.

Update 2:

Joe B, Stop telling me to read the Bible I read the Bible and I know that the Israelites broke the covenant. But just beause the Israelites broke the covenant that doesn't mean humans are supposed to worship the Messiah.

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    God didn't change his plans. If God changed his plans then his word would not be dependable. But God's word is dependable. You can have 100% confidence he will do as he has spoken: "Israel's majestic God does not lie or change his mind. He is not a human being - he does not change his mind." (1 Samuel 15:29). Christians however, would like to believe otherwise. According to Christianity, the Israelites lost the right to be God's chosen people, but that is nonsense. The Israelites belong to God forever. Consider what is said in the book of Jeremiah: "If one day the sky could be measured and the foundations of the earth explored only then would he reject the people of Israel because of all they have done. The Lord has spoken." (Jeremiah 31:37).

    Source(s): The Israelite Scriptures
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'll give you a Sirius answer. The convenant with Abraham was a convenant for land, not salvation from torment in the afterlife. There is no evidence that pre-Babylonian Judaism (the faith of the Sadduccees) believed in an after-life. Christianity arose from an apocalyptic strain of post-exilic Judaism contaminated with Persian Zoroastrianism, i.e. Phariseeism, which included the notions of war between heaven and hell, afterlives of punishment or reward, etc. Christianity is not in any wise related to Pre-exilic Judaism, despite Justin Martyr's many exegetical contortions.

  • 1 decade ago

    God didnt change His plans at all. God made a Covenant( a contract) with the Mosaic Israelites. The Israelites broke the Covenant, not God. Read the Bible.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Maybe if you actually read the Bible...It is clear from the Pentateuch that though man did not follow through on his part of the deal God was still going to accomplish His end, Genesis 3:15.

    That is a change of plan. Am I right ? Why go to the very end of the Bible ? (Probably because you saw the weakness of admitting the change happened right away !!)

    6 “I am the Lord, and I do not change. That is why you descendants of Jacob are not already destroyed.

    His intention to bless His People did not change !! He is now doing it a different way. Through you all nations will be blessed -- Exactly what He intended with the creation of Adam and Eve.

    Just stick with the narrative itself.

    The Pentateuch as Narrative

    by John Sailhamer

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Jesus Christ was part of God`s plan all along.Christ was mentioned from Genesis all the way through.Even Abraham said "God will provide himself a lamb" Jacob said "until Shiloh come".God didn`t change.When it was time for Christ`s birth,it happened.Just like it had been prophecied from the beginning.The Apostles writings show that God used the temple in the wilderness as a representation of things to come.Even the serpent on the pole represented Christ.Many years before Christ was born.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yahweh God is redundant,

    also it is a private name for God to be used only be those who are initiated into the rabbinical sect of Judaism.

    More appropriate would be Adonai or Elohim.

    Attributing 'planning' to God is a human delimiter and is not a characteristic to be attributed to one who simply IS.

    Messages from God that must perforce pass through a human filter are very often misconstrued

    Source(s): more theo than I care to admit
  • 5 years ago

    as i applaud your creativity, there are problems with your claims first, the call Israel, YSREL, it rather is a compound of two words, YSR and EL the Hebrew be conscious for woman is eshah, not essa....the Hebrew be conscious has the definitive "sh" sound the place Israel has in straight forward terms an "s" sound.....and there are extra then in straight forward terms a hand-packed with words that have the acceptable comparable spelling, however the variation between the "s" and the "sh" sound makes each and every of the version.........additionally, eshah does not have the letter yod in it the relationship with Ra, you will desire to first evaluate, the Egyptian call Ra spelt in Hebrew letters, the two do not journey up........Ra verse ra in Israel are actually not spelt a similar now, El isn't God's call, not extra then it rather is Moses' call....the be conscious El isn't a popularity in Hebrew, it rather is a identify, which applies to MANY, which includes people.....elohim working example is one in each and every of Moses' titles, Exodus 7, all the way by way of out Exodus, the Sanhedrin is termed ha'elohim the be conscious that interprets as God isn't used as a popularity, in straight forward terms a identify.......IF El grow to be the call of a deity, it grow to be not a Hebrew deity, extra possibly a Canaanite deity, or any of the different international locations........yet using fact of what the be conscious potential in Hebrew, it rather is utilized to God, merely using fact the be conscious God is definitely the suitable call of an historical Germanic deity

  • 1 decade ago

    Jews have been wondering this about Christians for two thousand years. The general conclusion is Christians worship a different god.

  • 1 decade ago

    God didnt change,His word didnt change; the requirements for salvations changed becuase prior to Jesus; no one could keep the law all were sinful;and to be forgiven of those sins required animal sacrifice.

    Basically, the things taught in the OT still apply but those that are in Christ are not saved by keeping the law but by faith in Jesus. Simple Jesus was/is better and more effective than the law.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The plans for salvation have never changed. Old testament law required a perfect lamb to be offered as a sacrifice for the remission of sins. This was a look forward to Christ being the ultimate perfect lamb for the remission of sins once and for all.

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