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Responsible parents, what age do you let your teenager start dating?

My niece just turns 13 and she now has been given the green light to go to dances, shows and the malls with her friends and I think this is ok in groups. My concern is the kids are talking things a little further than what the parents may think.

My niece does not want to talk to her mother as they are not comfortable when it comes to sex, so I being the second village mother, she comes to me for advice. I am noticing now that she is beginning to advoid me and is getting a little sneaky. She has just turned 13 and has had her first kiss, now they are practising the french kissing and she thinks she is soooo in love with this boy. Everything is about how much she loves him and wants to spend all her time with him.

My sister wants her daughter to have lots of friends and not feel left out when it comes to friends and boys.

My niece has always been good with both and has always had boy friends she called buddies and played sports with them. I am needing some expert advise as I don't want her to get in trouble or fall behind in her school work

Also she has girlfriend who is coaching her how to do things with this boy and I am not sure how far she is going to take things, She thinks she is worldy and her and her mom don't get along.

Your advise is greatly appreciated and needed before I talk to my sister about all of this, ty

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You know i am 14 and kids have started doojg things at 12! You know if i were you i would meet the guy becuase alot of guys in middle school just look for sex and naked pictures! Make sure you niece is responsible and wont make a wrong decision buy having the guy pressure her! please... dont let her go anywhere with alone wiht out a group of friends because they will do things you dont want to know.

  • Bonnie
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Wow, By the way you wrote that, you sounded really mature. Before you actually said you were a teen i thought u were the parent lol. Anyways i agree with you, when a persons mature i think then they should have a boyfriend, but the thing i think is dumb is that a lot of kids "date" in middle school aren't really dating because they never talk or hang out! Maybe thats just what goes on at my school....

  • 1 decade ago

    Way to young. At like 15 or 16 maybe . . . depends on how mature she is. But is she wants to hang out with a boy that is a friend at the mall it should be an adult with her. Her intentions might not be bad but what about the boys? You should or , her mother but it sounds like she likes to talk to you . . talk to her about sex. Give her the talk. Tell her about risk of STD's , HIV , AID's , herpes and sifilis. Tell her no matter what her choice in having sex is she can trust you. She needs to know that just in case she has started doing that and needs to be tested! The girls that are coaching her I don't know what to say about that. You could always find a way to contack their parents and see what they say about it.You and her mother need to stick strong about this. If you or and her mother deside she can keep her boy friend you need to set rules. Some of those rules should be she can only hang out with her boy friend when your around , no freanch kissing she keeps her school work up and does not get in trouble.

    Source(s): I am 13 and NOT aloud to date. I am to young!
  • 1 decade ago

    I'm not an expert, just a parent of two girls. From 13 -16, group dates were allowed (movies, dances, etc.) and Ol' Dad always took them to the meeting place and picked them up - no compromising. During this time, we explained the "dangers" of dating, what the consequences were and not to listen to their peers for advice, as they were not experienced in life as we parents were. If there was one mistake made by them, they were grounded until they admitted the mistake and the results of such. As for your niece's friend coaching, contact her parents and inform them of what has been transpiring. Of course, there is the risk of them saying "Not our daughter", as many parents wear blinders when it comes to their offspring. If your niece respects, trusts and confides in you, tell her it is time for both of you to sit down and have an honest, straight forward talk about her actions and what could happen if she continues. At 13, the "love of my life" changes almost as fast as they change clothes.

    Source(s): Old fashion dad
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  • 1 decade ago

    I think 15 would be a reasonable date for someone to go alone, but before than she should go in groups. As for the friend teaching her how to kiss and stuff tell her to stay away from that girl she probally takes pleasure in teaching her and wanting her to get liad, pregnat etc. PS: how old is her boyfriend if he's 15 or 16 i would not reccomend her going out with him.

    Source(s): I dont know i guess im just a SMART kid :)
  • 1 decade ago

    About 15. You want them to wait until they are old enough to know what responsibility is and how to make good informed decisions. But you don't want to wait until they are too old. At 18 they are on their way out the door for college. You don't want her to be "out" in the world learning about boys. This is a safer experience in the comfort of home where she can have her first "love" and her first heartbreak in the comfort of her own home and go home and cry to her mother or to you, if necessary.

    It sounds like that isn't really the important question here, though. It sounds like what is needed is for you to sit down with the mother and encourage her to develop a better relationship with her daughter. Her being uncomfortable with talking about sex and things of that sort with her daughter is really not exceptable. And while you are a really good aunt for trying to stand in this gap, she really needs to be talking to her mother. As we all know, whether we want to admit it or not, kids are doing what they want to do at this age. She needs to be able to be honest with her mother and talk to her about this. Whether she decides she is ready to be having sex, or if she is "practicing her french kiss" and while that is enough for her, it may not necessarily be enough for the boy who doesn't understand the word "no," she needs someone who she can feel confident to go to and tell all of these things to, and that person, should be her mother. While you may feel as though she is comfortable with you to tell you anything, the fact of the matter is that as she is getting older, this is changing (Doesn't that always happen when they cross over into the teenage years anyway). You need to ask her mother to look into herself and decide on what she can do and what changes need to be made for her daughter to feel comforatable and confident in coming to her about everything.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

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