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Can someone please clarify why they believe abortion is 'right'?

Seriously, abortion is the most heinous 'legal' practices out there. It makes me cringe thinking about those operations...


McCant: I agree 100%

Update 2:

Ford Prefect: That didn't make any sense...

Update 3:

The GBandU: With that train of logic then lets legalize prostitution, drugs, and lower the drinking age. I mean if they're gonna do it anyways then who cares, right?

Update 4:

To a majority of the answers: There's adoption! There are literally HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of couples that are willing and wanting to adopt.

Update 5:

By day 14 (on average) the fetus has a functioning nervous system, incinuating that the fetus can 'feel' pain. Once past this stage how can someone justify killing the fetus if it is alive and functioning and can feel its death?

Update 6:

Raven: At the end of the day tell me if it's right to murder a living being who can feel pain and is healthy? That's what it comes down to. Don't give me this "but when it's born it won't be wanted" that's irrelevent.

Update 7:

I'm very tired of people replacing the word muder with choice. Truly disgusting some of you

Update 8:

Stephen J: Murdering is a sin. Giving people the chance to live and glorify God is not. I just debunked you're essay with two sentences. Keep up the good work

22 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    good,bad,ugly - that is the symptom, the cause is our declining morals. The kids who have babies in a high school daycare and a bunch of fools who are desperate for someone to love them and they think a baby will do that.If they wanted to get an abortion why didn't they it's legal - their choice was to get pregnant and keep and probably neglect these children. My sons have heard about condoms, protecting yourself and anyone you are with since they were barely old enough to say penis. They know sex has consequences and talk openly with me.

    You can't have it both ways - either teach them or continue to deal with the aftermath.

    Timeout - irresponsible men think it is a great idea, no need to concern themselves with protection or responsibility

    fyi - I am pro-choice early termination but think making me pay for something I wouldn't do is wrong, having kids get an abortion without an adult is criminal negligence, late term is clearly murder and taking a stand opposing born alive (Like BO has) is vile and inhumane, if an animal were treated that way PETA would be screaming!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I totally support women's right to abortion, here are a small number of reasons why:

    * I believe it's inhumane to force a woman to carry a child that has been conceived through rape or incest. I also think it's impossible to limit abortion only to women who have conceived through those circumstances; are you going to test them to see how 'raped' they look and refuse them an abortion if they didn't resist enough? Please.

    * Without the right to choose, women can never be equal to men. Why should a woman spend years of her life working towards a career when at any time she might fall pregnant and be forced to abandon it? Removing the right to choose also implies that a woman is of less value than the child she carries.

    * I believe that children should be a blessing, not a punishment for messing up. Unwanted children are less likely to grow up in a loving environment and are more likely to turn out bad as a result.

    * No method of birth control is 100% effective, so it's not a simple matter of saying "If you were careful you wouldn't need to worry about falling pregnant". People who say this are fools, sorry.


    Hundreds of thousands of couples willing to adopt eh? What about the hundreds of thousands of parentless children lost in the social care system? Why don't they adopt one of them, or do all these hypothetical couples only want cute ickle babies? Should we throw the others away once they reach a certain age?

    But it's only murder in your opinion. In my opinion it's not a human being, it's a bundle of cells that count as an extention of the mother. That turns 'murder' into a medical procedure in my eyes and the eyes of those who share my view. Call it what you want though, my viewpoint isn't so weakly defined that you can break it through terminology.

    It also depends on whether or not you view human life to be sacred I suppose; I definitely don't. And no my view doesn't just extend to the unborn before you hit me with that one.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, I don't know anyone who thinks it's "right". Pro-choice people do not encourage pregnant women to abort their babies. We let them evaluate their situation and make their own choice.

    Personally, I'm pro-choice for a reason. I believe that if a woman is raped, she should have the option. I believe that it's sometimes better to abort a pregnancy than to later murder your own child. Too many women give birth to babies addicted to drugs or alcohol. Too many women hide the pregnancy and give birth in bathrooms, only to dump the baby in a nearby trash receptacle and leave it to die. Too many women, and yes, men, shake their babies, microwave their babies or beat their babies to the point of death. I would rather see them abort the fetus before it becomes a living, breathing person on the outside of the womb where we KNOW he/she feels pain, than to have it be murdered at 6 months, 2 years, or whenever the parents decide they can't deal with the crying anymore.

    In a perfect world, everyone would be perfect parents. Sadly, we do not live in a perfect world. Until we do, there needs to be options.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think anyone is going to agree that abortion itself is "right." Not like it's great and everyone should do one, and we can have campfires and sing kum ba ya and roast aborted fetuses and eat s'mores. Anti-abortion activists seem to think that this is the case.

    When you're deciding what can be done with a child that is unwanted or cannot be properly cared for, there is no good answer. For some people, aborting while the child is still a bunch of undifferentiated cells is the least of the evils.

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  • JohnS
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Depending on when it happens, it isnt a big deal. A clump of cells that cant be seen without a microscope shouldnt have more rights than the host it's living off of. Also, I dont think it's govt's place to tell a person what they can and cannot do to their own body.

    Id rather seen a clump of cells aborted before it turns into a person than let that person be born, neglected, abused, beaten, raped, forgotten by society, become homeless, mentally ill, etc.

    Plus, what if the woman is raped? Or if giving birth could endanger her life?

    EDIT= Stephen, that's great, Im gonna use it!

  • 1 decade ago

    Here is the catch, many poor people cannot afford to have an abortion so they end up getting on a government funded health care program for their doctors visits and then once the child is born, guess what, if they couldn't afford the doctor visits do you think they will be able to support that kid, so here we go again, government steps in to feed, cloth and educate the kid. Now, considering the environment this kid was born into, do you see the cycle. So while this situation breeds continuance, here goes the taxpayers money supporting these unwanted babies.

    Yes many women get raped, abused, and are irresponsible... its disgusting to think that women use abortion as a form of birth control.. remember tho, it takes 2 to make a baby so while all of this is going on, where is the daddy?

    The results of most (not all) of these unwanted children are they live in squalor, are abused, neglected, homeless, abandoned, unloved, in jail as they get older (tax payer funded of course) and repeat the lives in which their parents lived.

    Adoption: with all of these children needing homes, why the **** are celebrities going outside of the country to bring more kids here?! We have hungry kids here too! So don't sit there saying that adoption is the answer because no one who lives here seems to want them. I'm happy to hear there are people around that are foster parents, thats great! But the amount of people that are stepping up taking care of these kids are few in comparison to the overwhelming demand (foster parents get money from the government btw). So if adoption is your answer, then go adopt one. Do something other then sitting there dictating your beliefs on someone else.

    You ***** about keeping these unwanted babies then you ***** about supporting them...

  • Emily
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I do not believe that anyone else's belief on what is "right" or "wrong" on this issue will change anything. It is LEGAL. It is performed (in the vast majority of abortions) before the fetus has any neurological function capable of expressing pain or viability outside the uterus. While you do not think that it is okay, for some women, it is the choice they make. You have no say whatsoever in what they do, so why continue to rant about it? If you don't like it, don't do it. Simple as that.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The sould of an aborted fetus goes (according to 99% of christians) straight on up to heaven and into the loving arms of our Lord for all of eternity.

    Souls that are born into life are wide open for corruption by Satan and his agents of evil...abortion means that Satan NEVER gets a shot at corrupting those souls, NEVER...again, right on up to heaven to be with God for eternity...why is that bad?

    Even a few of the Bible writers knew what a god forsaken world this is and that it would be better to die before being born :

    1Again I saw all the oppressions that are practiced under the sun. And behold, the tears of the oppressed, and they had no one to comfort them! On the side of their oppressors there was power, and there was no one to comfort them.

    2And I thought the dead who are already dead more fortunate than the living who are still alive;

    3but better than both is he who has not yet been, and has not seen the evil deeds that are done under the sun. (Ecc. 4:1-3)

    According to the Bible, if a man cannot enjoy life's good things, he is better off having not been born.

    3If a man begets a hundred children, and lives many years, so that the days of his years are many, but he does not enjoy life's good things, and also has no burial, I say that an untimely birth is better off than he.

    4For it comes into vanity and goes into darkness, and in darkness its name is covered;

    5moreover it has not seen the sun or known anything; yet it finds rest rather than he. (Ecc. 6:3-5)

    I rest my it is up to you to decide. If God wants to stop an abortion from happening he will right? God does not need human interferance...but since God knows those aborted souls will rest peacefully in Heaven and deny Satan the chance to corrupt them it is logical that God allows abortion to take place.

    Whose side are you on? Trying to stop abortion and force birth is a great help to this point it sounds like you are on Satan's side and against the will of God.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    your correct that it's killing a life, but when abortions are legally performed it's not a viable human life... you can purport all the hype you want, but if you tell a woman that she cannot decide what's best for her and her body, that denies her her basic human rights in a free society... period

  • 1 decade ago

    It's not right, but this is a free country, and people should be able to make their own choices. Most people know the difference between right and wrong. I have noticed though when you ask a male, he is all for abortion,(not all males) but it seems the majority of men think it is ok.

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