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Did the early Christians celebrate Thanksgiving? What are the origins of this holiday?

14 Answers

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    Why do people insist on being so rude? The asker asks a simple question and some of you get angry and make insulting remarks. If those making such remarks think of themselves as Christians, maybe you should ask yourself if Jesus would approve of your conduct and comments. Does such actions imitate Jesus or imitate those describe in 2 Timothy 3:1-7? Are not Christians to love even their enemies? (Matthew 5:43-48)

    The loose conduct of foolishness is sin, and a ridiculer is something detestable to mankind.--Proverbs 24:9

    The first century Christians did NOT celebrate a holiday known as Thanksgiving. True Christians do not require a specific holiday in order to give thanks to God. So what are the origins of this holiday?

    The first Pilgrims to arrive in New Plymouth concluded a mutual peace treaty with Massasoit, the paramount chief of the local Wampanoag Indian tribe. In the treaty the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag promised not to harm one another, and they vowed mutual protection in case of war with outsiders. Without Massasoit’s friendship, it is unlikely that any of the Pilgrims would have survived. These Indians gave the settlers native corn to eat and to plant, and the alliance with them helped to prevent the Pilgrims’ perishing at the hands of other tribes.

    In the early days, the colonists received much help from the Indians. In the words of Governor William Bradford, an Indian named Tisquantum taught the colonists “how to set their corne, wher to take fish, and to procure other comodities, and was also their pilott to bring them to unknowne places for their profitt.” (Spelling as in original document.) The first harvest of Indian corn was good, and the Pilgrims had success in hunting fowl. They were grateful to God and decided to hold a three-day harvest festival. Massasoit and 90 of his braves came, bringing along five deer to add to the banquet.

    Like the colony itself, the celebration had strong religious overtones. Although the Pilgrims did not hold the festival the next year because of poor crops, Thanksgiving Day later became an annual national and religious holiday in the United States, Canada, and a few other countries. Today, Thanksgiving Day in North America is typically an occasion for a family banquet of turkey, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie—but in principle, it remains “a time for serious religious thinking, church services, and prayer.”—The World Book Encyclopedia, 1994.

    Source(s): Awake! November 22, 1996, pages 24-27
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's an American holiday. It is held to have been historically founded by the Plymouth colony to celebrate and thank God for their successful harvest, which they had in large part due to the the aid of friendly Indians (Wampanoag), who taught them how to farm successfully in New England.

    This was a harvest festival, really a celebration of the harvest, but being religious people, thanks to God no doubt figured prominently in their celebration.

    It became a tradition in their community and spread to other communities to have a special day of thanks after the harvest was in.

    The idea was not all new. Most farming cultures have always had harvest festivals, often with religious observances mixed in.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Im a Muslim

    All the celebrations which use sun calender are not original Christian, Jews and Muslims still celebrate using Moon calender.

    Then thanks giving is based in bible who they think promised them with that land ... but poor people they forget that's land got native people been blessed before them and they are human too.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Christianity has nothing to do with Thanksgiving, it is not a religious holiday. But yes they probably did

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  • Mintee
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I assume the early american settlers were pretty much all christians, so yes they celebrated it..

    it started becuase of the first winter the settlers spent in the colonies of USA were very harsh. they were unfamiliar with the land. The native indians helped them show them the crops to grow, the furtile land, they helped provide them with food.. so the pilgrims gave thanks and invited them to a feast..

    but I think somehow this idea has left the whole thing.. No one invites or gives thanks to the native indians anymore.. its just a family gathering and eating and watching football on tv these days..

  • 1 decade ago

    Thanksgiving is not a religious Holiday, but a secular one. It was created by Abraham Lincoln in 1863.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    answer: it was brought over to the United States by the Puritans. It was originally a harvest celebration - giving thanks for the harvest

    Most religions have harvest festivals

  • 1 decade ago

    No. It's an American holiday.

  • 1 decade ago

    Christians have nothing to do with thanksgiving... What ? Are you doosey !

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes they did, the origins are the turkey they received from the natives,

    or they may have starved

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