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What do you people think of our President now?

Ever time a democrat gets in office. They start talking about taking our firearms away from us. Or putting a penalty or fee on the American citizen for owning a firearm. When they should be focusing on the economy issues. Now let me here some good comments on this subject.

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I did not vote for him in the first place. He is obviously a wanna-be socialist dictator, and when he was a senator he voted against personal firearm ownership every chance he got. As president, he has given us the Porkulus Package, which is absolutely ridiculous. You don't borrow money (in this case, future tax dollars) to get out of debt. It never works.

  • Huh?

    I hardly got that from last night. I think the economy was the main focus, with education and health care being right there as well.

    No one is going to take your guns away. This is merely one of those political approaches people use to try and discredit Democrats. That pesky second amendment is going to stop any attempt at taking your precious guns away. Stop being such a drama queen and go kill something.

  • Fauna
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I only briefly saw one part: Obama says something about the huge deficit he "inherited" followed by a Dem standing O.

    Uh, then I turned it off.

    That was completely stupid. First off, the Dems having BEEN the majority for a while now DO take responsibility for adding to the deficit.

    Including Obama, who was senator up till now.

    So what in the heck are they pretending they just appeared out of no where with clean hands?

    Not only THAT, but they're only ADDING to it with all these bailouts and crazy spending!

    Pure insanity. Stupidity. That's how I feel about it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    sorry but..

    I missed the part last night when Obama talked about Firearms

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  • 1 decade ago

    After that criminal Bush, it's easy to look good. I voted for Bush Sr, but his son is a complete disgrace.

    He's trying very hard to get Republican involvement, but the GOP has decided to stomp their widdle feets and hold their breath until they turn purple.

    Since W got in there, the GOP as I liked it (voted for Arnold too) is becoming the party of "old intolerant white men". Unless you are one of those, it's hard to see how anybody could side with them.

    I say give the POTUS a chance and do your part to work together as Americans. That's supposed to be what unites us, remember?

    Source(s): Centrist - I despise the far left and far right; they are alike in their ideological blindness and intolerance.
  • 1 decade ago

    I believe it is my right to own a gun if I so choose to. The law was created for a reason and people who don't know may want to read back through history to find out why.

  • 1 decade ago

    I call upon him to step down at once. He is demonstrating with every word and deed that the far Left principles of liberalism to the point of Socialism are counterintuitive to the needs of this nation.

    We should be progressing to the far right, by restoring God to the forefront of this nation. The longer it takes for us to realize this, the worse off we will be.

    NO ONE and I repeat NO ONE will take anything away from me that I now have the RIGHT to. A very unwise attempt indeed, as there are certain types of people who are NOT to be messed with.

    Source(s): Glenn Beck's revolution scenario is very possible and plausible. Hey buddy!! YOU tell me how a man who supports PARTIAL BIRTH ABORTION values HUMAN LIFE? Have you hit your head one too many times? Get real!!
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I really could care less if you own a firearm or not. I dont own a gun and dont need one. That's my honest opinion.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The vast majority of Americans are thrilled that we actually have a president that values life and doesn't think a person needs a gun to be a patriotic American.


  • 1 decade ago

    I have to turn off the TV, because I cannot stand listening to him. Democrats want to control everything

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