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How is this swear words no racist comments?

OK, I just found out I got reported for abuse. I have no idea why. I did appeal and they said it was still abuse and did not give a reason. My answer was"I don't know, but I know it's true" Now yes, depending on the question it can be but the question was "Why are some babies born lighter at birth? My answer wasn't that different than the others just not as detailed Should I have put in a friend of mine had a son that it happened to that's why I know? I am at a loss and feel hurt by this as I was only trying to convey it's not abnormal. So, is there a way to contact Y! answers and have them give a reason? Or am I wrong? If you think I am wrong please include why as I have no idea what I did wrong. Thanks. I am posting this in this section b/c this is where the question was asked and is usu where I am when on answers.


I will let it go and am not the type to hold a grudge. I was just trying to figure out if they have real people reading the appeals/abuse reporting. Just insight I gues to become better at answering and not get reported

Update 2:

I never answer a question just to get points, ever

25 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't know if this'll be any help or anything. But when I first began I was reported along with my account suspended. I didn't feel I had done anything wrong, but who knows really. But I had gone onto another area of Yahoo!Answers and got a suggestion to email

    It's not the appeals process, but they seem to look into it a little closer. I dunno. They gave me my account back at any rate, I didn't want to start the routine of creating a new account every time someone either accidently, or maliciously reported something.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't see any abuse in it at all. Maybe someone was offended? You could have included that your friend's son was born lighter, but that's a fact. It's not like you're saying "All of the horrible people in the world are born lighter why is that?" You know? I think someone was just angry at you for no reason. A lot of people will just take something and twist it into their own words and make other people look exactly the way they want them too. I don't know why some people can answer questions with racist comments and swear words and not get reported for abuse. I think it was just bad luck on your part. Sorry.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you feel strongly enough against being reported, and HAVE FACTS as to why you should not have been, AND your answer could not be construed as chatting, then you should appeal it. The email that they send you has a link to appeal it.

    FYI, each of the two the times I have had my answers reported I have successfully appealed it, due to explaining out my answer as thorough as possible, and my answers were both resubmitted to their questions.

    Some people report just because they think an answer is useless, and should not have been done. Others, like me, only report for obvious things that clearly are against the Y! TOS.

  • 1 decade ago

    I got reported for stupid things too that were not abuse at all. I appealed and got the same thing back that they checked it out and it was still a violation. I asked for them to explain how 2 different times and didn't get a response.

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  • 1 decade ago

    The fact is that anyone can click on that little tab that says "report abuse" for any reason that they feel. Yahoo answers is just a big computer system so they have no emotion for you. It sucks but things like that just happen. Sorry!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There are so many immature people on this sight and they can't handle having someone have different beliefs than they do. I have "Top Contributor" under my name (big deal) and I get reported every now and then and I get hate mail from idiots that can't handle my opinions. If you're going to come here you're just going to have to understand that some people won't like you... And Yahoo is not fair about this most of the time.

    Source(s): Mom of three and preggers with #4
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    (The point of answers is to help people out and sometimes people are rude. I think that instead of typing something bad they should just not answer at all.)

    It doesn't sound offensive to me. But I think you should have included a reason b/c maybe they thought you were being mean. And I could see why they could have taken offense, but you could prove your case.

    Anyways just watch what you write because something that may not be offensive to you may be to someone else.

    ★♫♥♪♥☼I hope everything works out. Good luck. ★♫♥♪♥☼

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    people are jerks. i got reported for calling someone an idiot, but that was justified. your answer followed all the guidelines and shouldn't have been reported. you should report the person who asked the question for abusing yahoo answers.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They seem to be doing that alot lately. All I do is ignore it and continue answering questions. If it's a reasonable one I will answer with a proper answer. If it's a stupid question I will still give a dumb answer. Keep having fun on here.

  • 1 decade ago

    Don't worry about it. You must have offended someone. You can appeal the violation if you felt it wasn't just. Just respond to the VN and send a SHORT note saying you don't feel you violated any of the community guidelines. I have had VN reversed on appeal.

    Don't ask what you did wrong. Don't explain your position in great detail. Just tell them you don't feel you violated any of the community guidelines. And then - let it go.

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