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How many of those TTC here have noticed...?

...that it seems like all our friends are pregnant? I swear, I've got a good dozen of my friends who are pregnant, in all stages. One of my friends just found out today! And as happy as I am for them, I also kind of feel left out, ya know?

Tell me I'm not alone here...

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i know how you feel.. before i got pregnant it seemed like everyone around me was pregnant and this was very frustrating while ttc.. i also worked in ultrasound so watched pregnant ladies come in and out all day... i also had two collegues pregnant at the time.. it was really hard to deal with esp when pregnant teens would come in and be contemplating abortion! i was always thinking 'you have no idea what you have!! you are so lucky and how could you not want it!'

    i am now pregnant, and i felt like it was something that was NEVER going to happen.. i couldn't believe that it would ever happen to me and then it did.. im now 19 weeks pregnant and couldn't be happier.. but you just have to keep faith that it WILL happen!!

    good luck

  • SMA
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I hear ya. Two of my friends are pregnant too. And one is having TWINS!! I was going through my hubby's baby photos I did nothing but cry. He doesn't want to have a child until he finishes law school. I'm 34 now and we were trying to have a baby for 26 mos before we quit. I feel like it's the end of the road for me. You are definitely not alone.

  • 1 decade ago

    i know exactly how you feel and the longer you try to conceive and are unsuccessful the worse it gets. i have been trying for almost 6 years. in that time i have had EIGHT great nieces and nephews born - not to mention countless friends and acquaintances. it's to the point now that i don't even want to talk about it or be around when other people are talking about it. like you it isn't that i'm not happy for them, but it's a constant reminder of what i am unable to have but so badly want. i think we also NOTICE pregnant people more because it is always at the back of our minds. good luck with the baby making in the future.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I definitely know what you mean. Most of my friends are either pregnant or just had their baby. It's so depressing knowing that they are enjoying their baby bump while I'm still TTC and praying for positives. I'm also glad to know that I am not alone in feeling left out.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I so know what you are feeling! I Have 2 sister in laws that are and one is having twins! One is already a mom of a son who is the same age as my daughter (10 days older to be exact) and she is still in high school and ugh she cant even take care of the one she has and now she is having twins! She isn't even graduated yet! Im glad to hear im not alone! I know sooo many people who are expecting ting and i am happy for most of them! :D

  • 1 decade ago

    Check this out, me & my girlfriend were at the same doctors office on the same day taking a urine test we both had positive tests but when the doctor did my blood test it was negative. So I have to see my friend and I'm reminded of how far along I would have been because we both would have been due a couple weeks apart. It's hard, she's one of my best friends but I feel like crying when I think about it.

  • 1 decade ago

    I know exactly how u feel all my friends already have children and here iam battling infertility. My best friend told me yesterday that she was expecting her 2nd and I was so upset. I felt bad that I was upset but they were not even trying and I've been trying for so long and on my 4th round of clomid and nothing still trying for my 1st. Don't get me wrong I'm happy for her actully I envy her because she acheived something I so badly want. Its hard to explain these mix emotions but I'm sure u understand

  • Missy
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Well you're not alone :)

    I felt like you did while we were TTC. In that time there were pregnancies and babies everywhere even when I'd go to the local shopping centre there would be baby bumps everywhere

    Try not to let it get you down

    *** Lots of baby dust your way ***

    All the best!

  • 1 decade ago

    WHOA no.. you are not alone! I was in freakin WAL MART the other day and a lady and her husband were telling some other people that they just found out they were expecting. Of course, being the baby dwellers we are, we think awww so happy for her, the comes damn... why can't that be me? Trust me sweetie :) your SO NOT alone.

  • 1 decade ago

    i know how u SIL is pregnant, i got 4 cousins that are pregnant, 3 of my friends..i guess it will happen wen the time is right.but ur certainly not alone in feeling that way...tons of baby dust to u and to all ttc

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