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"Tea Parties" Why have Neo-cons tried to high jack this display of civil unrest?

I have seen numerous accounts now including Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity referring to themselves as Libertarians. Yet 6 months ago they were calling people with these idea-logs pro-militia terrorists! What has changed their thinking?


Yeah Hannity's show yesterday he said " I am libertarian in my views on....." To think libertarian is the new cool, gratifying and scary all rolled into one!

Update 2:

TC~ You are so incorrect in your assumptions it is not even worth a rebutal!

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's an unfortunate necessity; if we want the movement to grow, it is going to attract somewhat-undesirables and johnny-come-latelies as soon as it begins to be 'cool'. Kind've how nerd-chic is a serious affront to genuine nerds everywhere, or how suddenly whole flocks of Gap-clad kids suddenly became 'vampires'..

    Some will bring genuine help to the table, some will just be hangers-on. But right now, we need all the help we can get, so long as it doesn't give us a bad name. I'd be a little leary about those two speaking for us.. they're a little loony at times, even downright embarrassing now and then.

    But there is an easy litmus test.. ask them what they are registered to vote as. If they're not registered Libertarian? They're not. They've just got a few common views. That's OK, but it's not helping anyone.

    Source(s): Dues-paying, every election-voting, party-active and occasionally candidate-running Libertarian.
  • 1 decade ago

    Most of what people refer to as Conservative these days would be more accurately called Fiscal Libertarian/Social Conservative. When it comes to financial matters, there is very little if anything that differs between Libertarians and Conservatives. Just try to think of anything at all. Where they differ is on Social issues. Conservatives are more supportive of traditions and institutions than Libertarians are.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sean Hannity is a Neo-Con but Glenn Beck? What gave you that idea? I've watched his CNN show and he never said anything as you described, nor when he moved to Fox.

    Nice try phony.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hannity a libertarian? The funnest thing I heard all day Fiscally yes,but socially far from it

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  • TC
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    It's curious that most "libertarians" don't believe in any civil rights, except for the right not pay taxes and the right to own guns.

    I think that the term "libertarian" now means ultra right wing republican.

    Their underlying belief is that all wealth should be controlled a small set of Oligarchs who should be free of the legal constraints imposed on the masses.

  • 1 decade ago

    It goes much deeper than just "neo-cons". There are many unhappy democrats too. I know because I am one.

  • S Nick
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    i would hardly a tea party a terrorist act

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