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If wiccans do not worship satan,?

what or whom do they worship? Now is your chance to clear up the misconceptions.


But Ruth, what do they worship? You didn't answer the question. I do accept that there are other gods and other things to worship. What I didn't know was what the Wiccan tradition taught. (Not that I'm going to accept it, but in the interest of learning, I do want to know.)

19 Answers

  • mw
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Mother Earth.......

  • 1 decade ago

    People aren't giving you a specific answer because no such answer exists. Wiccan ritual tends to center around a god and goddess, but the identity of those figures varies from group to group and Wiccan to Wiccan. My patron gods are not necessarily the next Wiccan's gods. We are polytheists. We believe in a multitude of gods, but that doesn't mean we worship every god we believe in or at least suspect might exist. That's just how polytheism works.

    By the way, the "misconception" comes from people who have never bothered educating themselves about Wicca. Pick up any book on Wicca and you're going to read about polytheistic gods and not about Satan.

    And dispite several answers here to the contrary, Wiccans do not generally worship "nature" or the "earth", although their patron deities may certainly have strong associations with nature and the earth.

  • 1 decade ago

    Oh how blessed we must be to finally clear this misconsception up. . . what do you think some people on yahoo answers have been trying to do for months?

    sorry, but this makes me laugh out loud. We give good sound answers and get bashed for it, and now you ask us to again repeat ourselves when all you have to do is look at any of our past answers and it's right there, hasn't changed.

    Wiccans do not worship satan, they don't even believe in him so it's hard to worship someone you don't believe in.

    Wiccans have a slight choice as to who they do worship, Mother earth is a main one. There is always a male and female aspect in wicca, but you'll have to go around to each wiccan and have them explain their form of the God and Goddess. There's no one right answer on this point.

    thanks for the laugh.

    Source(s): ~mah own 2 twisted cents on the matter~
  • mystic
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    i am not a wiccan but would like to answer the question anyway. I'm pagan and i worship the mother and father of the universe. i call upon the divinity with in my self to manifest things in my life like love happiness and pleasure.

    let me ask you this if god is the one and only why did he have to tell everyone there are no other gods before him, isn't that kind of pointless?

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  • 1 decade ago

    1. I worship the Deities who created me.

    2. Many Wicca have tried to explain this and yet no one will listen. You are basically saying you want us to explain but since you don't believe as we do you won't accept what we have to say.

    3. The Wicca societies (Wicca is an umbrella name that covers many paths and beliefs same as the term Paganism). Some believe in many some believe in just the Lord and Lady, Others connect to nature itself and honor what we have.

    4. Misconceptions are generated by heads of churches who categorize us in the occult. We do not accept or believe in Satan since that is a Christian concept. I consider it a co-out/scapegoat that the early church put together (Renaissance and prior) to keep people from straying and to get rid of those who (like pagans, wiccans and other non christian beliefs).

    I know many out there will never believe us, so we don't even try to fight it anymore and go about our business quietly and without fighting. That is why many of us remain (as many put it) "in the broom closet."

    Source(s): Life. Wicca officially since 94 but in reality since birth.
  • Nate
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Not a Wiccan, but if I understand/remember correctly its more about having a connection with nature then worshiping anything....

    (Edit: Alright so apparently I was wrong. Mother Earth. Also I originally accidentally typed Satanist instead of Wiccan in my answer. D'oh)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    answer: How hard is it to understand that other cultures exists and existed before Christianity turned Satan into a bogeyman? Cultures with other deities that have nothing to do with Satan, Christianity, Judaism or Islam.

    No, Wiccans and pagans don't worship the Earth. They revere it as the source of life and what keeps us alive and some deities that represent That as "Earth" goddesses and gods.

    Think outside your narrow box.

    # # #

    Deities - gods and goddesses. Some worship Greek deities, some Roman, some Norse, some Anglo-Saxon, some Celtic, etc.

    They revere and celebrate the cycle of the year and earth and life by celebrating holidays (even Christianity has seasonal holidays). They work in harmony with nature instead of against it.

  • 1 decade ago

    We do NOT worship the creation. Do we pray to trees? NO. We worship a God and a Goddess or some worship multiple deities. There is google you could look wicca up. We believe in morality but also light and dark forces, we believe in no demon. But spirits who are cruel are negative spirits. We want the balance of nature.

    What we put out in the world comes back times three, so it would be stupid to do bad things, thats why we do positive things, satan and hell have no meaning to us at all we donnot believe in him.

    Source(s): Wiccan Priest
  • 1 decade ago

    There is not any set of deities that all Wiccans believe in, belief varies from person to person. There are even those who can be described as atheistic Wiccans as the believe in no gods

  • 1 decade ago

    Wiccans worship any of a vast number of older cultural god's, most of which are tied to nature.

    Christians tend to assume if you are not practicing their specific path, you are worshiping the devil (it's kind of a "black or white" it's my way or you are wrong" type of mentality).

    Source(s): Celtic heathen
  • 1 decade ago

    I'm not wiccan but I had a friend who was and if I remember right wiccans are all about karma never doing bad magic, nature and gods and goddesses.

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