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Should I pay the cancellation charge?

My doctors' surgery scheduled a routine check-up appointment for me prior to asking me about timing or whether I even wanted it at all; indeed, the first I heard about it was the letter last week, telling me I have an appointment for X date at Y time.

As it transpired, I didn't want it - I don't approve of medical check-ups; even if I had wanted it, the time wasn't convenient, but that is irrelevant. I didn't want it and, as I've learnt this automatic scheduling is routine procedure with my doctors, I have previously told them I do not want any check-ups booked, but do they listen?

Out of courtesy to the other patients, I officially cancelled the appointment so as not to rob someone who needed it of the chance to see a doctor ... and thought that would be the end of the matter. However, I received a letter today to inform me that the surgery has recently implemented a £15 (about $22) cancellation fee, which I am being charged for.

I can understand how this could be useful to discourage people to make appointments on a whim, but given that I a) didn't schedule this appointment and b) I have told them many times I don't want check-ups scheduled, should I being charged for it? If not, what avenues are open to me?

8 Answers

  • Tara
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Get with their accounting department .. tell them thay "THEY" scheduled this (not you) .. and you didn't want it at all - and it was done without your permission .. and on a date you could not have come anyway. Tell them it was ALL their own scheduling.

    Tell them you owe nothing .. and you need to see a bill that reflects 0 balance.

  • 1 decade ago

    Seems everyone's out to make a "quick buck" nowadays.

    I think you are in UK - the cancellation charge is a new concept to me(I work in a Doctor's surgery) - though it is true that many people just don't turn up and so deny someone else the opportunity. If they were paying for the appt they would be charged so maybe it's not a bad idea.

    You did not ask for the appt though, and having previously requested to be taken off list I don't think they have a leg to stand on. Write to or ring the Practice Manager and explain the situation.

  • 1 decade ago

    Amazing, I can only imagine the look on your face when you opened that bill. The office and Doctor do not have a leg to stand on. Call the office ask for the Manager and let them know that you cancelled in ample time and to remove your name from the auto schedule list and that if you should EVER get a bill like this again you will report both the Doctor and the office.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would tell them that since you didn't schedule the check-up and that you didn't WANT the checkup that day, etc, explain the situation.

    I wouldn't pay. That's a great scam they have going on- they schedule you for an appt without asking and then bill you for it after the fact. Sounds like fraud to me if they didn't clear the appt. with you first.

    If they insist you pay it, maybe consult a lawyer? I don't know if you want to go back to that doctor if they are going to bill you incorrectly. It's not fair to charge you for something you don't sound responsible for however if you have to go BACK IDK if you want to 'make waves' while this guy is treating you.

    First step I'd take is to call and complain and ask them why they are still charging you the fee.

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  • mannon
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Since you did not make the appointment yourself, I would say not to, if you called more than 24 hours ahead of time, or whatever clinic policy is.

    If you don't plan on paying it, though, be sure to put it in writing, including the reasons you believe you should not be responsible for the charge,

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    if you cancelled it within 24 hours of thw appointment there is nothing they can do, you have given them enough time to refill the appointment without causing and inconvenience to anyone.

    i cant see how they can charge for it, cheeky soda. tell them you are not paying it, and your going to change doctors!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Don't pay it, you called to cancel, they had no right to bill you.

    If they give you a hard time, go to a manager and b!tch about it.

  • Afi
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    No...don't pay it.


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