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Isn't it odd that Miss California thanks God for allowing her to sin?

Vainity is one of the seven deadly sins. Miss California has dedicated a large portion of her life to beauty pageants. Beauty pageants are the pinnacle of vanity, where ladies compete based upon their looks (the interview portion is a joke). It's a monument to vanity, which she has gladly devoted her life.

So when she thanks God for letting her stay as the runner up in a vanity contest, isn't that like saying thanks for letting me sin my whole life?


Plato, I never said she wasn't attractive, I pointed out that she is sinning. I think she's gorgeous.

Eldar, Most of your post didn't make sense, except the end. I never commented on her opinion. She's allowed to have her own opinions.

Technician, No I'm not perfect, but I don't prescribe to a religion that gives me an easy set of rules to follow, then ignore them for my own benefit. Yes celebrities can be vain, but to win a BEAUTY pageant, you have to be vain. It's not like she sinned accidently, she's dedicated her life (or a large portion of it) to a deadly sin, and thanks god for letting her sin. Again I don't care about her opinion or her "racy" photos, those were her choice. Although it's BS that other contestents have been disqualified for photos similar to hers before.

Bone, it doesn't matter what the "prizes" are for winning. In order to win you need to be Vain and consider yourself better than those around you. The girl who doesn't do that ends up as Ms. Congeniality.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's not the first time that someone did something sinful and wrongfully thanked God for allowing them to do it. Unfortunately, it won't be the last either.

  • 1 decade ago

    So you must be perfect apparently because you are judging

    her. Living together is a sin as well since you are bringing

    this up. Funny how alot of people didn't get married until Bush

    stated his opinion which is the same as hers.

    People who are against her because of her opinion (not for

    so called "racy" photos) are going to harp on this forever.

    Move On.

    Edit- There's alot of vain people in the world- what about


  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, no one is without sin. Jesus alone lived above sin, and He did so for us.

    Of the 7 things God hates, a proud look is first on His list, Prov 6:17. I believe homosexuality is included in number 4, "An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations", but pride beat out such things in position on His list.

    Had she answered falsely, she would have been guilty of number 6, "A false witness".

    She gave her opinion, and I think if I were you, I'd want everyone to be able to do so, or your's could be next to be disallowed.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You think it's vanity. Other people believe is a way to win a scholarship and express their views. Yes they are judged on looks, but they are judge on talent(depending which pageants), they are judge on answering questions articulate, and their judge on their walk, and fitness.

    Not really- unless we can argue when you brag on a resume and use your accomplishment- that is vanity.

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  • 5 years ago

    accessible trust in evolution without or with believing in God. technologies in a lot of situations is seperate from non secular concerns because of the very truth with coaching from employing definition, it really is in accordance with observations of the organic and organic global, now not the supernatural. Evolution is as a lot a discredited idea from the 19th century as creationism is a discredited idea from historic situations.

  • 1 decade ago

    I heard her in an interview yesterday, the very first look I've had at her.

    She is lovely, well-spoken, charming, and intelligent.

    You however seem to be a Plain Jane Hater.

  • 6 years ago

    You should thank God for letting you continue to be a homosexual.

  • 1 decade ago

    welcome to america here we care more about beauty then brains and i am an atheist and i don't know why i am answering this question i would never hit a women but i will make and acceptation for her

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