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Lori A
Lv 5
Lori A asked in Pregnancy & ParentingAdoption · 1 decade ago

Is it not also God's work?

I usually don't go in the direction of God when it comes to adoption, but I have to ask.

If it is God's work to take in all the less fortunate children of the world and care for them and sing the praises of adoption, why isn't it God's work also to expose the underlying problems with adoption?

If some adoptions are obtained through trickery, deceit, and wrong doings, why is it bad to expose this?

If some children are actually being hurt by their adoptive parents, why is it frowned upon to expose these things?

Isn't it also God's work to expose the things that can and do go wrong, so that they can be dealt with and eliminated and more children, hopefully one day ALL children have what adoption spouts, a good loving home, with humane parents?

Couldn't informing others about what happens to children and surrendering mothers be considered God's work too in the grand scheme of adoption?

Couldn't it be considered God's work to expose those who peddle human flesh, who abuse children behind closed doors and a satin robe?

I am not anti adoption, anyone who know me knows that. My questions deal with those who are not in it for the right reasons. If adoption has taken a wrong turn somewhere, is it not God's work to set it back on track?


ETA: Okie, I have no idea who is guiding my life, I was raised without religion. That and what you spouted have nothing to do with the question.

Update 2:

ETA: Adore Him, I do not claim to know anything. I feel cheated some times being denied religion, I can't argue it one way or the other. I am simply asking because I don't know. If God does put it in peoples hearts to adopt, could he not also put it in peoples hearts to expose, for the sake of the children. No ofense intended or taken.

17 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    People orchestrate adoptions....not God. People just bible thump as they are orchestrating to justify the atrocities they are committing.

    I am a believer in God, and I am a firm believer that newborn adoption is inhumane and should be crime against women and children.

    I think as a believer in God (not a believer in any church btw) I would be remiss in not speaking out for children that are violated by adoption, as well as young women.

  • SLY
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago


    How many crimes have been committed in the name of God? How many people have been abused, been tortured, been raped or died at the hands of 'good people' doing God's work? Just for openers, we can go back to the 9 million wise women who were murdered during the Burning Times, then there is the Crusades, the Inquisition, the Middle East, Ireland and just the article in the news yesterday about the NEXT Priest and Nun scandal! That doesn't even touch on the horrors of the homes for unwed mothers where we were stashed. Then, of course, we have the Stolen Generations in Australia that has been exposed and apologized for by the government and which ultimately led to the Inquiry that severely curtailed adoptions in Aus. We have a Stolen Generation in the United States, both of aboriginal native children and healthy white infants, and that was done largely in the 'name of God', too.

    God has been used as an excuse to commit every single crime under the sun, and yet, they are supposedly the righteous, the just, the enlightened of every religion, but it seems that it is mostly Christians that are the biggies in this list. It must make God really sad to see how badly abused his name is!

    I don't for a moment believe that adoption has anything to do with any plan of God, or anything that is righteous or holy. It has to do with greed, entitlement and justification. Yes, there are a mere handful of infants whose mothers and families cannot or will not raise them. That doesn't satisfy the lust of the PAPS who feel they are better to parent another woman's child just because they are married or more stable financially, at that given moment in time.

    And, no, God does NOT put babies in the wrong tummies, I don't for a second believe. No sentient being would work in such a convoluted manner to accomplish a goal! Again, it is justification for taking babies from perfectly capable mothers. Human beings have a remarkable ability to justify almost anything if they want it. And, more and more PAPs are wanting the fewer and fewer infants that are available. Now they have to justify like mad to overcome the obvious....that women and their babies suffer from separation.

  • 1 decade ago

    keep in mind that when you say "God's Work" it really means "our work" (where the word 'our' refers to anyone who proclaims to believe in and worship God).

    God gave everyone free will, therefore, we have the right to choose whether or not to actually do what God asks of us.

    I don't know of ANYONE who is ok with the fact that children are being abused/hurt and would be ok with children staying in these circumstances or sweeping the issue under the rug.

    Adoption is not the only thing in this world that has gone wrong because of human error (read: human stupidity).

    Look at the US welfare system, for instance. It is a good program, but there are people in the world who will refuse to get a job just so they can keep living on the nations tax dollars.

    I agree with you that the bad things about adoption should be exposed and righted for sure. But as long as humans are fallible, conceited, greedy, etc. (note that the last couple are gross generalizations), the bad things, unfortunately will continue to exist.

    ETA: sorry my answer is a little all over the place lol.

    Source(s): 19 year old adoptee with an opinion Note: I am a critical Christian lol
  • 小黃
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I also believe in God.

    Problem is, even though some adoptive parents believe and will swear up to the holy skies that God wanted them to become a family through adoption - to uncover the subconscious motive behind that belief is to deny that their happiness had anything to do with contributing to the separation of another.

    I know why they do this, it's because they love their child. They don't MEAN it in a bad way but they fail to realize just how much it can negate their child's feelings and thoughts.

    But in another vein, they truly DO believe God had something to do with it, and that's not a personal belief anyone can just squash or work through overnight. It's too easy to offend someone when religion/God enters the picture.

    I was brought up as a Christian. I used to believe that I was meant to be with my adoptive family. I used to believe that my mother's tragic circumstance was JUST so that I could have been adopted. It wasn't until 3 years ago that I began to question why my thoughts followed this train of thinking.

    I entered contact thinking God had everything to do with adoption.

    Three years later I'm about to go into reunion, no longer believing God has anything to do with adoption.

    We'll see how/if that changes upon arrival.

    Source(s): Someone in my family circle who both relinquished as a teen, NEVER GOT OVER IT, then went on to adopt and says it was God's will. Also, having had Fate discussions with adoptive parents for nearly 3 years now through blogs and e-mails.
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You're assuming that it's bad to expose harm to children (or that some people think it is). I just don't see it. If someone harms a child, natural, adopted or created by magic, I'm going to call the authorities.

    As adults, it's our job to assure that children aren't harmed - by the authorities, by adoption agencies or by their parents. If closing an adoption agency is the cost of assuring that certain children won't suffer further harm, so be it. Adoption agencies don't have some magical right to exist just because they're adoption agencies. A plumber who can't fix pipes is out of business. An adoption agency that can't properly care for children should be too. ANY organization that harms children should be exposed.

    As far as God's work, I can't address that - I've seen no evidence that anyone cares about us but us. And some of us don't care very much about others of us.

  • Randy
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I certainly don't have a problem with exposing adoptions obtained through trickery, deceit and wrong doings and they SHOULD be exposed every chance someone has. What I have a problem with is the blanket statements against all adoptions and those who paint all adoptions, especially those done internationally, as being tainted and crooked.

  • 1 decade ago


    Being a christian can mean different things to different people. I've had a lifetime wondering why God does certain things.

    I stopped blaming God for things that weren't right in my life and and in the world and finally it became clearer. I feel that's when I really became a christian and found grace, not a person who followed all the rules, be good a good outward Christian that has the appearance of it....(I call it lip service) and then God will let me into heaven. I also stopped thinking "It's not fair, why is the world so unfair." Its not fair, that's a child's ideal, not a what it really is. Life isn't fair, not everyone can stay in their biological family, its never the way it's been in the world, adoption just formalized it in some ways.

    As for adoption. was it his plan for us...maybe. I'm not sure on that one. But I do know we had no influence in becoming parents to our two children, we were chosen through a profile...could he have decided we were fit enough to parent them and accept their circumstances. Maybe...have to pray about that one. BUT I will allow my kids to decide for themselves if they feel that god has anything to do with their adoption. Its not my place to to do that no matter how I feel about it over the years ahead of us.

    So I won't be going on about Moses being adopted or Jesus. Thats up to them to come to any conclusions there.

    I doubt God wants to hide all of those things you mentioned, I believe he still expects people to be accountable for their choices and actions. For anything that they do knowing it's wrong... (The devil can play with things and warp ideals, that's why we have to examine our real reasons for our actions.)

    If an adoptive parent is abusive I doubt he's approve of them getting away with it. Same with any parent. He allows us the freedom of making mistakes. Some are bigger than others and more painful at times. That's how we grow, it'll either break us as a person, spend our whole lives blaming everyone else for it and God. Or it will make us see things clearer when come out of it. That's why we pray, to ask for the guidance and it came from anywhere.

    People think that just because they are saved and become a christian that all their problems in life will be over. When this doesn't happen they grow angry with God and Jesus, and fall away. Its not how it works, being a Christian means you have more opportunity and guidance and helps you through those problems without life crushing you in the meantime, not to become a perfect goodie person who never makes mistakes.

    My children came to me because they needed a home. But when it came to the reasons...the deeper reasons they were relinquished for adoption that's up to their first mother to tell them, and be accountable for it and learn how to heal without becoming bitter and blaming someone else. (She did have ample opportunity to parent.)

    Lori its journey, when people talk about a Christian walk I think of how the Australian aborigines go on a 'Walk about" for up to a year. They wonder the land and learn about it in such a way that it would take years to pass on the knowledge and deep understanding they have of why things happen as they do in life. They're a very spiritual culture. They relate to Christianity better than other cultures do when you talk to them.

    BTW- I'm not Anglican, Catholic and any other denomination. Just Christian, I have one guide and thats the bible. (Find a church that accepts single mothers/parents and all races and you've found a church that know's grace. You feel the difference walking through the doors...condemnation doesn't exist there. ) The rest of the rules are man made.

    I'm glad you asked, I hope I help in some way.

    Slavery stopped when a man called John Newton who worked on a slave ship doing the most horendous things realized during a storm his whole life was wrong...he has revelation of grace. He became a Christian, took responsiblity for his past actions.... Wrote the song 'Amazing Grace" and supported a Christian movement to END slavery on Earth. So, why not ethics in adoption...its happening in other countries, the US is a bit slow in catching up.

    Source(s): My life...a work in progress.
  • 1 decade ago

    I have no problem with exposing the truth. Most of us know that there are bad people out there and realize just b/c you have enough money to adopt doesn't automatically make you a good parent. Like almost everything else with good also comes evil and those who exploit it. The best we can do is find it, remove it and strive for the best.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am a Christian, and believe that God can use people to expose things. I agree with you that not all adopted parents should be parents, any more than I believe that biological parents should be parents either. Exposing abuse should not be frowned upon if there are adoptive parents that abuse their children. God will expose whatever is the dark one day- however sometimes God wants people to be His feet on the earth. So if you feel so strongly about exposing this, what have you done? Another thing, please Lori, don't take me wrong here, but if you do not know God, how would you know His heart?

  • kitta
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Christians are told to take care of widows and orphans. This is in the Bible.

    Most children who are adopted are not orphans.

    Usually, they have parents who are alive, and who have been heavily pressured and threatened/coerced/violated legally / into surrendering them for adoption.

    Yet, churches continue to preach about the importance of doing charity in the form of "adoption work." Churches run adoption agencies. They get grant money from the government.

    This is tax payer money.

    Where is God in this....probably in the same place He was when Jesus turned over the money-changers tables in the temple.

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