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I feel like if I don't do this, karma will get me....?

My moms dog has cancer. I can afford the surgery to remove the tumor, though i'm not sure if they'd be able to remove it all and I wouldn't do chemo on a dog. Anyway, I feel if I don't it...karma will be out to get me. She's only 5 1/2 years old. Why is it bothering me so much to at least *try* to save her? It'll cost roughly $800-$1000 for surgery which may not get rid of it. Everyone I know says animals are replaceable. So nobody is giving me good advice on going through with it.

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's very sad that the dog is sick.

    If you're thinking of Karma as a supernatural force, that doesn't exist.

    Only logical Karma exists. You can get the ides from Scrooge and Christmas Past and all that.

    If you have a friend in hospital, but you won't visit, and a relative who needs help at their home, but you won't go, then when you're sick and in need there will be no one to help you. It's just logical.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Cancers found in a young dog like this are likely to be very aggressive cancers.

    Get a blood test done if you are able to. If there are cancer cells in the blood, it means that the tumour has already metastasised to other parts of the body and an operation would not be of value to your mom's dog.

    It is kinder not to put a dog through surgery when there is no chance of a permanent recovery. It is quality of life that is important, not quantity.

    There is no karmic price to pay if you genuinely do what you feel is best for the dog.

    Maybe the reason you are reluctant to *try* to save her is because you have a nagging suspicion that it may already be too late, and the operation would not be of any help to her.

    Follow your heart and don't worry about karma. You sound like a good caring person, and that's what counts.

  • 1 decade ago

    yes karma will get you. Its not just an animal -- its a loving companion. The friendship provided by a dog is the greatest love your Mom will know. She is a member of the family. If you were to fall ill and hope that the resources will come to you for a surgery, you must spend the money to give the dog a shot at life. Karma is based on selfless action not basing it on the results. Even if the surgery were not to work, you will fell better for doing the right thing. In Buddhism the life of an animal is very precious as well. Your conscience is telling you to do the right thing, to show compassion and to generate good karma for yourself. Its worth MUCH more than 1000 dollars and will come back to you many times.

    Source(s): you know deep inside what i'm saying is true
  • Max P
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    The fact that your dog has cancer is her negative karma. And, if you develop some compassion on your dog, and you decide to try to help her, you're the one who're doing good deeds. Then, you'll receive good results in the future. If you don't help her, you miss the opportunity. It's not gonna be a bad karma for you of not trying to safe her life because you don't even have that intention to kill her. That said, you may need to consider the relationship you have with her over the last couple of years. The bound between you and her has been quite precious, hasn't it? Besides, if there're some chances to cure her, you may need to consider to try. A relationship is precious. We need to cherish and appreciate every single being we meet. Love makes yourselves and others peaceful, kind, accepted and warmer. Think about it.

    Life is precious for each being, including animals. Money can still be earned. But, a meaningful life is about how we contribute positively toward the happiness of ourselves and other beings around us. A meaningful life can't be bought by money.

    Anyway, The decision is yours. I personally don't recommend any killing actions, at all. I'd recommend you to consider the possibility of curing her disease.

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  • HC
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    saying an animal is replaceable is not true at all if u have a very close relationship w them...

    a hamster in a cage tht u barely look at is replaceable but a dog that is always w u is deff not!

    if u have the money and are willing to do it then i think u should.

    if the dog makes it through then u will feel good u saved a life...

    if it doesn't at least u tried to instead of blowing the whole thing off

    Source(s): ♥♥
  • Well, it depends. Do you believe in reincarnation?

    I ask because what most Westerners think karma is is not what it traditionally was understood and taught to be.

    Hinduism and Buddhism (theistic Buddhism) teaches that karma affects us in our next lives. It determines how we are reborn. Actions we take in this life do not affect us in this life but in the next one. At least that's how I understand it. So, if you don't believe in reincarnation, karma really shouldn't worry you.

    Personally though, I would pay to have the dog put down if your mom would be agreeable to that. That way it won't suffer.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sometimes our brain gets our conscience mixed up with pre-existing guilt. Hard to explain, but basically you're feeling bad more out of habit than the warning of karma.

    Karma doesn't care about dogs. ;)

  • 1 decade ago

    Does your Mom love the dog?

    If yes, cough it up. You say you can afford it. Do it for your Mom.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you feel you should take care of the dog, then do take care of the dog.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Forget the dog. Everyone dies. Even dogs.

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