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  • Boyfriend knowing you're pregnant before you?

    My boyfriend thinks i'm pregnant. Cycle starts Dec 27th, that was a 26 day cycle. I've had them as long as 37 days. Most common is 30-32. I believe I usually ovulate around 14th day, by discharge. Not sure if I did this month. We had unprotected sex Jan 1st, and 15th, few times since the 15th. Also used pull out method the rest of the time. So I have sore boobs which i've had before my period. I was put on Clindamycin which I took 2 days and stopped because I felt like ****. I feel sick to my stomach, headache, had a slight rash, which I put down to side effects. He thinks they're pregnancy symptoms. Also hot flashes. Has your guy known your were pregnant before you? Even when i've had longer 35 day cycles before he never said "You're pregnant". Even when I felt sick before he never said "you're pregnant". He's been saying this to me all day and telling me to test. I'm afraid to, but oddly because I think it'll be negitive. But we're not trying to get pregnant. We just aren't preventing really either.

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Boyfriend/Husband knowing your pregnant before you?

    My boyfriend thinks i'm pregnant. Cycle starts Dec 27th, that was a 26 day cycle. I've had them as long as 37 days. Most common is 30-32. I believe I usually ovulate around 14th day, by discharge. Not sure if I did this month. We had unprotected sex Jan 1st, and 15th, few times since the 15th. Also used pull out method the rest of the time. So I have sore boobs which i've had before my period. I was put on Clindamycin which I took 2 days and stopped because I felt like ****. I feel sick to my stomach, headache, had a slight rash, which I put down to side effects. He thinks they're pregnancy symptoms. Also hot flashes. Has your guy known your were pregnant before you? Even when i've had longer 35 day cycles before he never said "You're pregnant". Even when I felt sick before he never said "you're pregnant". He's been saying this to me all day and telling me to test. I'm afraid to, but oddly because I think it'll be negitive. But we're not trying to get pregnant. We just aren't preventing really either.

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How am I hearing music through speakers, if i'm not playing any?

    So I have a weird situation. I can't find an answer to. If I turn my computer speakers full blast(to the point of the static/fuzz sound when you know they're turned up way too loud) without playing any music at all in my computer, I can hear the faintest music playing. I can barely make it out but it's definately music, it's songs I never heard before/don't have in my computer and it works if I plug in my headphones to the speakers also. It's freaking me out.....

    3 AnswersOther - Science1 decade ago
  • Why do Americans prefer to wear shoes indoors?

    I'm in Canada, and here in Ontario we take our shoes off. It's polite. People do not want you to wear shoes on their carpet. The odd time if someone has a dirty house they'll tell me to keep my shoes on, but I still remove them as it feels wrong to wear them in the house. If someone does not take their shoes off, they are asked to and I find them very rude. So why is it Americans prefer shoes indoors? And what do you think if someone *takes theirs off*?

    12 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Do you get mail on the civic holiday(canada)?

    Today is a holiday here so do we still get mail or not?

    2 AnswersOther - Holidays1 decade ago
  • Using Lucifer as a name?

    So I always liked "Luke" as a name, but by itself it's pretty blah. And I like names like Christopher cause of the "fer" sound at the end, but I would not like him to be called "Chris". So I like Lucifer, it has the sound I want, and I could use the nickname I want. But people don't like it cause Lucifer is lie the Devil or something.....I don't know, it's just a good name if you ignore that fact. What do you guys think?

    8 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Is the name Evelyn too outdated to use?

    I always loved the name Evelyn, and I said if I should someday have a little girl, I want to use the name. However everyone in my family hates it. Says it's too outdated and an old lady name. I'd use "Eevee as a nickname(Just like the sound of the letters E V)" anyways, what's your opinions on it?

    19 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Hasn't gotten 'accidently' pregnant in 2 years, should I be worried?

    So my boyfriend and I have been together going on 2 years, and we only used condoms for a short time. So we use the 'pull out' method, and he's really good.....he's has a few close calls, never 'came inside' around ovulation, sometimes I let him if it's when my period is due. Anyways, I haven't gotten 'accidently' pregnant my question is, should I be worried about his sperm count/ability to have kids? I already have a kid, so I know I can lol. Or is pre-*** NOT as risky as people make it out to be? Perhaps even 'safe'?

    3 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know of cat simulation games?

    There's one I play called which is a genetic cat breeding game. I have also played the "catz" games for PC. Anyone know of any more cat related sims?

    2 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • How to make my mouse stink less?

    I just got a female mouse, and wow..within a day the cage is very stinky....strong urine type smell. Any suggestions on how to make her smell more... decent? I have her with Aspen bedding.

    3 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • I took a test & don't know what to think..?

    Usually I follow the "a line in a line" rule. It was the kind of test that gets a + sign if you're pregnant and a -- if you aren't. So the - line was very thick/bold. The control line was thick and bold. I had the thinnest faintest | line and it wasn't centered, it was off to the left a bit. I mean I could see a + very very faintly, if I held it up to the light I couldn't see it. I will probably retest but should I assume I am?

    13 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • I got a virus from myspace, anyone else?

    I was on Myspace and my computer went nuts saying I had some trojan. It was Win PC, and it messed up my computer until I found a program to clean it out. Has anyone else gotten it? It was from an ad on myspace.

    4 AnswersMySpace1 decade ago
  • I feel like if I don't do this, karma will get me....?

    My moms dog has cancer. I can afford the surgery to remove the tumor, though i'm not sure if they'd be able to remove it all and I wouldn't do chemo on a dog. Anyway, I feel if I don't it...karma will be out to get me. She's only 5 1/2 years old. Why is it bothering me so much to at least *try* to save her? It'll cost roughly $800-$1000 for surgery which may not get rid of it. Everyone I know says animals are replaceable. So nobody is giving me good advice on going through with it.

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Dog has cancer, what to do?

    My moms dog has a lump in her armpit. Took her to the vet Monday and they had the results in only a day. It's stage 1 cancer. Removal is roughly $800 though. I'm not sure if they'll get it all and she'll be fine, or not. And either do they until they do it. And chemo is very expensive. I have the money for the surgery, my mom doesn't, but if she needs chemo we'd probably let her live her life the best way possible until it effects her & have her put down. As even chemo isn't 100%. And doesn't seem worth putting a dog through. Anyway, would you pay money for the surgery? We don't know how long she's already been living with it or anything like that. Maybe someone who been through a similar situation can share their story?

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Questions about belly button piercings?

    How much does it hurt?

    Is it hard to change the "ring" in it?

    Any health risks long-term with having a belly button piercing?

    How fast does it heal?

    Would I still be able to sleep on my stomach?

    7 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • Do you need a passport yet to come to Cnada from the US?

    My friend from NY wants to visit me here in Ont. Canada in February, does he need to get a passport? Thanks!

    4 AnswersPacking & Preparation1 decade ago
  • Period 6 days late, no chance of pregnancy?

    My period is 6 days late, last month it was 1 day "normal" flow then brown mostly I assumed it was cause I was pretty sick with pneamonia. But I am all better now. I was due on the 12, now it's the 18th.....what would cause this? Should I goto a dr. or just wait and see if it comes next month? I'm not sexually active at the moment.

    5 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • How can people swallow horse size pills without choking on them?

    I can barely swallow a tylenol without gagging on it.......

    4 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • How does a computer keep time when shutdown?

    This is a random question that popped into my head. When you shutdown your computer, and go back on. It knows how much time has passed. Even without internet or anything, to me it seems like unplugging a clock, it can't keep time unplugged so how does your computer keep time when turned off?

    2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • How can I get rid of fleas without bombing the house?

    Are there any home remedies? My cats are on Advantage, and *they* do not have fleas. However, when I got my newest kitten she did......somehow they got in my bed, and they eat my legs while I sleep. It's awful!! And they aren't going away. I read stuff you buy in pet stores it didn't sound safe for inhaling, and especially in a bed....anyways, any suggestions?

    9 AnswersCats1 decade ago