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Lv 6
. asked in Arts & HumanitiesPhilosophy · 1 decade ago

What are the dangers of Hyperreality?

18 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    A good question, although it should be more correct: "What is the inevitable result of living in a Hyper reality?" Why? Because 'danger' means that there is the possibility that something might have a negative influence or damage, but not necessarily. Like the question: What are the dangers of Water? Water is only dangerous if it is present in bigger quantities and you fall into it and you can't swim, so you will be drowned and die. Or the water is mixed with chemicals, color and sugar and you drink too much of this fake water and then disturb and damage your body system.

    We all live in a hyper reality, that is the fake reality in our society. We are not conscious about this fact and believe that all what we receive through our senses and what we experience is real. We have no doubts about it and no questions. We are sheep and follow others, totally depending on authorities guiding us, because we are born into this already established fake system and we are supporting and reinforcing it with our life style...

    We are manipulated to think, to feel and to buy what clever leader, businessmen and people who use their power to play games with us, want from us, - in a consumer society that is based on false values and a fake reality.

    There is hardly anybody who can 'swim', all are drowned into a hyper reality that is present every where and any time as the representation and state of the momentary evolution of mankind.

    The danger of this state is that humankind is destroying itself on all levels and finally also what gives them the base for their existence: The planet Earth, - itself and with all resources.

    The present result of humans when living in this hyper reality is that they have blocked their natural growing force that would allow that the evolution is progressing and the same as individuals. People are stuck in their growing as all their energy is sucked by focusing on their fake reality trying to reach fake goals. Even their natural learning process is blocked and they are only ruminating what others have learned as common knowledge in this society. There is hardly any creativity present.

    People find their sense of life in all the established concepts that are available to satisfy their artificial needs. Concepts as part of the common knowledge give the frame in this hyper reality and people feel kind of secure because every thing has its place, to touch this with a different view will cause defense reactions.

    Hyper reality can exist and continue unquestioned because people are identified with their fake reality in form of concepts, beliefs, dreams, hopes, goals, wishes and all what is part of their property. Another result of their fake reality is that people are reacting when they defend themselves, - their fake reality. They are getting their feeling of existence out of their reactions. These reactions are real even based and created by fake conditions, but they show up in mind and emotions and so they are real and also the reactions caused in ones body that accumulate and then show up as disease.

    Reacting to conditions and situations that are caused by fake reality because the individual is trying to find confirmation for ones self image, is causing a lot of disappointment and stress. People continue this game with themselves and others, because they need constantly excitement to feed their feeling of existence and they look for occasions where ever they are and if they can't find possibilities to react then they provoke these... That there can't be 'harmony and love' is pretty clear, even though there are beautiful concepts established about harmony and love...

    The most serious result that hyper reality is causing, is the creation and contribution of fake spirituality. People grab for these concepts when they, after a long time of struggling and suffering, are coming to the moment when they question their fake reality and want to break out of it. Fake spirituality is part of hyper reality and exist parallel with the dominating materialistic world view and as the both are fake, giving the individual the possibility to live both at the same time.

    The limitation of peoples awareness holds them tied in their illusions and whatever they do confirms them in their fake reality and fake spirituality is the most subtle and effective in this.

    To get really out of this so firm established hyper reality, - to find real sense in ones life, - you will need to ask many more questions.

    Real answers are available, because the truth is always present, although invisible for all those who are sucked into the falseness of their existence.

    When questioning oneself is happening, then this shows that not all humans are totally caught in their fake reality. - The way out starts with a question...


    PS: Somebody who wants to continue to have an exchange about the subject, can go to my Web page:

  • 1 decade ago

    It is astonishing that most of the people answering this question don't know what 'Hyperreality' is. They only needed to look at WikiPedia, but they haven't done it, believing that their vague idea would be enough and then they are just writing nonsense in their answer. This can be an example for 'Hyperreality': People believe they know something and lifting themselves in their self image on a higher pedestal than all the others that know nothing. With this they are feeling superior but in reality this is based on fake knowledge, that is their created 'Hyperreality'. They only needed to search and would have gained real knowledge, but they were too lazy and they were so ignorant that they were believing themselves their pretending. With the danger that they fill up precious space with their stupidities. This is only a simple example, but what happens as a result of the established Hyperreality in our society is so dangerous that if one touches this subject, then no body wants to know about it because the established world view with all their properties would collapse. So one of the dangers of Hyperreality is that people are hold in ignorance, they don't ask questions and they don't want to be touched in their self image that is based on a fake reality. A pretty hopeless situation and it looks indeed like humanity is destroying itself being stuck in fake reality...


  • 1 decade ago

    Hyperreality is what we receive with our senses as real, but the truth is that it is a presentation of a fake reality, created from people with the interest to put us in a place where we easily can be influenced, with the purpose to make us dependent and then promising us the fulfillment of this promising reality. When we follow their guide lines, then we will be open for suggestions to buy their products enriching our life style with them...

    The danger is that because the entire humanity is involved in this already since centuries established fake reality, that the direct contact with life's reality has gotten lost and so also people have lost their connection with themselves. In this manipulator and the manipulated are equal, although the one using their power for their selfish game are not different in their blindness from their victims.

    The victims might wake up when their suffering has reached the limit when confronting their daily life, but for the manipulator there seems to be no limit...


  • 1 decade ago

    well....when one confuses the world of light stimulation i.e. computer world, TV world, cell phone world with the world of experiential stimulation i.e. interaction with people then you can start forming a view of what reality is based off of those technologies.

    Just about every social construct is breaking down do to this. The MTV show cribs is a perfect example. Now i am not saying this show caused the market to be unstable or the collapse of marriage but the mindset that life is about fancy cars, jewelery, luxurious food/beverage, exciting romantic flings, and chasing money in any way possible has been so ingrained in the western, more specifically American, psyche that we are all living in some degree in this fake world. Not necessarily a Matrix but very close to it where we are constantly seeking stimuli just as moths are with a light bulb.

    The danger is the creation of a world much like present day america. You will not be able to have a relationship because you will always be chasing alternate stimuli and masking that by thinking that the next person will somehow be "better" then your current partner. You wont ever be happy with your job because you will never feel like you are making enough...when in reality you are making enough its just not enough to support a lifestyle that you "think" is normal. You wont be happy with yourself as a person because you will always be chasing what isnt really there.


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  • Shahid
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The first and always the foremost danger in any for of reality is always that of ignorance, and also of partial ignorance, as of instance of little knowledge. The fact is that I know nothing about the ‘Hyperreality’. The danger therefore is that this it might exist somewhat consequentially for the actual reality without us knowing anything about it.

    I often wonder about questions like, where do our thoughts and ideas come from, and of dreams: what studios of some strange other world there might be produce of, where all these people come from and then whither to they go when they have live their lives. I really do not know for sure if this is, the reality of our physical world, all that is there, or if there is something else aside, accessible only through activities of some hyper mind – is there is Hyperrelaity then there must be hyper for everything, as for instance hyper thoughts, the through the come from our faithful believe, and miraculous interventions.

    The dangers therefore, and once again, are to do with the fact that whatever might exists beyond normal reality might in reality be the actual thing, that our world might only be a reflection of, as for instance of Plato’s concept of the cave, that if we lose sight of our existence here and now might remain devoid of proper sense of meanings, only superficial. If would be, if I were an atheist, very happy if I were told that this, the normal reality of my life, is all I have to make the best of, but if had any doubt that I would need faith to counteract the claims.

  • 1 decade ago

    What do you mean? There are effects and there are causes. If you are under the effects of something and you want to change to no longer be under those effects, you have to become a bit hyperactive in order to understand the causes of those effects so as to be able to alter their constancy. That is because all that we know or lable as reality is actually the manifestation of causes sometimes undiscovered. That is what some sciences do. Medical science is a sort of hyperreality in that it must discover the causes of disorders and try to eliminate them. Modern science is a sort of hyperreality activity in that it tries to make modern manifestations better for mankind, or at times get ahead of some enemy that has developed advanced war machinery.

  • 1 decade ago

    believing that something is real when it is not real will cause suffering because by definition, what you believe in (think is real) doesn't exist (is not real). what you see may coincide with what you believe for a while, but eventually it will change If your perception of it is limited it may even seem to disappear (death etc). there is no danger exactly. if it doesn't ever cause you suffering i see no problem with it at all. but all illusions eventually will unless you let go of them. we are all living in an illusion to some degree, and many people dont realize it. i dont see why the specific illusions brought about by technology are fundamentally different than any other illusions.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am aware of people who have experienced what should be describe as hyperreality, who are in insane institutions, clearly only becasue they claim to have seen something others have not. In this secular sociey certain people don't like having other peoples ideas told to them, just because people are too confused in their own time. A book about a guy called Macauley has a line in the opening paragraph, it reads

    "A man firm in his own (religious) conviction and tollerant towards that of others" This seems like sound advice for all, I'm going to advise you against the persuit of hyperreality, but if you do experience it then don't tell anyone as you may be classed as a nutter.

    Source(s): Macauley wrote the bit about religious conviction
  • 4 years ago


    Source(s): Activate All Chakras
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Some people (conditioned) may not be able to distinguish between


    and fantasy ( or someone's projection of reality)

    and thus

    be living and spending their lives confused

    and manipulated

    by the image's creators.( corporations, governments)

    An example of this is from the movie, the "Matrix", where Neo uses a book to hide a disc, is the book titled,

    "Simulacra and Simulation" by Jean Baudrillard .

    WE all want to find meaning in our lives, and by substituting hyper reality for reality, it may appear to us that we are part of something worthwhile, like purchasing a specific "thing" or joining or participating or behaving in a certain way- but the warning

    that you are speaking about is true.

    the danger is that

    ordinary reality may not be "tolerated" by thoes who deem it too expensive or not valuable to their purposes.

    (machavellian), ( )

    Excellent question.

    Do not panic, spend time in meditation, and follow

    this from Shakespeare's Hamlet (Laertes father,Polonius)

    "This above all: to thine own self be true,

    And it must follow, as the night the day,

    Thou canst not then be false to any man."

    THE danger of hyper reality is the very real loss

    of individual freedoms.

    ( masked)

    Mass groups are targeted and can hold a set of beliefs, cat upon them and not even be aware of them.

    individual rights as outlined in the constitution, the billo f rights

    like a red herring, or buing a pig in a poke, or being a mark.... or a patsy....

    The Attempts to alter the perception and

    the ultimate behaviors.. is a mistake being made by holders and directors of technological power. and we know it.

    in the .baudrillards blender site, it is unbelieveable the "wordage"

    you select your preferences

    on style and perception of the news and


    blend it.

    a series of video clips appear for you within you stated preferences.

    too much fun. excellent example of the "spin".

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