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89 asked in Politics & GovernmentMilitary · 1 decade ago

military dating question?

what if a man and a woman in the same unit date in the Army are there any regs against that?


dobler or what ever your name is I'm a guy

Update 2:

no problem

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If you look in AR 600-20 it will cover the bases but here is the majority of it all, i am to in the same situation and it is a very tricky area there is a lot of room for interpritation so becarefull and try not to make your relationship stand out even more so if you are an NCO and she is a junior enlisted soldier

    Army fraternization policies are contained in Army Regulation 600-20, Army Command Policy. (Note: The term "officer" as used below includes both commissioned and warrant officers).

    The below provisions to both relationships between Army personnel and between Army personnel and personnel of other military services. This policy applies to different-gender relationships and same-gender relationships.

    Prohibited Relationships

    Relationships between soldiers of different rank are prohibited if they:

    (1) Compromise, or appear to compromise, the integrity of supervisory authority or the chain of command.

    (2) Cause actual or perceived partiality or unfairness.

    (3) Involve, or appear to involve, the improper use of rank or position for personal gain.

    (4) Are, or are perceived to be, exploitative or coercive in nature.

    (5) Create an actual or clearly predictable adverse impact on discipline, authority, morale, or the ability of the command to accomplish its mission.

    Relationships Between Officers and Enlisted

    Certain types of personal relationships between officers and enlisted personnel are prohibited, even if they don't meet the above criteria. Prohibited relationships include:

    (1) Ongoing business relationships between officers and enlisted personnel. This prohibition does not apply to landlord/tenant relationships or to one-time transactions such as the sale of an automobile or house, but does apply to borrowing or lending money, commercial solicitation, and any other type of ongoing financial or business relationship. In the case of Army National Guard or United States Army Reserve personnel, this prohibition does not apply to relationships that exist due to their civilian occupation or employment.

    (2) Dating, shared living accommodations other than those directed by operational requirements, and intimate or sexual relationships between officers and enlisted personnel. This prohibition does not apply to

    (a) Marriages that predate the effective date of this policy (March 1, 2000)

    (b) Situations in which a relationship which complies with this policy would move into noncompliance due to a change in status of one of the members (for instance, a case where two enlisted members are married and one is subsequently commissioned or selected as a warrant officer).

    (c) Personal relationships outside of marriage between members of the National Guard or Army Reserve, when the relationship primarily exists due to civilian acquaintanceships, unless the individuals are on active duty (other than annual training) or Full-time National Guard duty (other than annual training).

    (d) Personal relationships outside of marriage between members of the Regular Army and members of the National Guard or Army Reserve when the relationships primarily exists due to civilian association and the Reserve component member is not on active duty (other than annual training) or Full-time National Guard duty (other than annual training).

    (f) Soldiers and leaders share responsibility, however, for ensuring that these relationships do not interfere with good order and discipline. Commanders will ensure that personal relationships which exist between soldiers of different ranks emanating from their civilian careers will not influence training, readiness, or personnel actions.

    (3) Gambling between officers and enlisted personnel.

    These prohibitions are not intended to preclude normal team building associations which occur in the context of activities such as community organizations, religious activities, family gatherings, unit-based social functions, or athletic teams or events.

    All military personnel share the responsibility for maintaining professional relationships. However, in any relationship between soldiers of different grade or rank the senior member is generally in the best position to terminate or limit the extent of the relationship. Nevertheless, all members may be held accountable for relationships that violate this policy.

    Commanders should seek to prevent inappropriate or unprofessional relationships through proper training and leadership by example. Should inappropriate relationships occur, commanders have available a wide range of responses. These responses may include counseling, reprimand, order to cease, reassignment, or adverse action. Potential adverse action may include official reprimand, adverse evaluation report(s), nonjudicial punishment, separation, bar to reenlistment, promotion denial, demotion; and courts martial. Commanders must carefully consider all of the facts and circumstances in reaching a disposition that is warrante

  • 1 decade ago

    i wondered that myself, im the same boat. So i looked up fratenization(spelled that wrong) anyway, its the army's policy on relationships, it actually refers to relationships between comissioned and enlisted personnel. My first sgt told me, our company allows relationships to exist within the company so long as you do not show favorable actions, which means if ur an nco and she's a specialist and under, you can't excuse her from details or not smoke her. The memo came from my bde commander saying it was ok.

    keep in mind rank might be an issue. if you're a senior nco, like e6 and above, dont go out with soldiers. if your an e-5 or under, your good to go.

    any questions should be looked up on your bde regulations on fraternization.

  • 1 decade ago

    As long as he is not in your direct chain of command.

    I was an E-4 at the time and dated an E-7. Same unit, but he was not in my chain of command.

    The 1SG knew, as did the CSM as they were friends. We never had any problems.

    **ADD** Sorry, did not know. No offense intended.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    PAM 600-35


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  • 1 decade ago

    I dont know about regs but it all comes down to if they are enforced. My HUSBAND well ex was dating a girl that worked with him and nothing happened... so go figure

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why not ask your 1st sgt?

  • 1 decade ago

    No as long as one isn't enlisted and the other an officer.

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