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Lv 7
HDH asked in Home & GardenGarden & Landscape · 1 decade ago

What's a good way to control mosquitos?

I don't want the dog exposed to dangerous chemicals on the ground. We can use insect repellent on ourselves, but what about the dog? What about sitting outside without smelling like bug spray? :)

The mosquitoes are breeding somewhere off our rental property, as every I've looked is dry, no standing water.

Bug zappers look cool, but we do not have external power. Do they make a noticeable difference in mosquito control? I've seen solar ones as well, but the small solar torches we bought for lighting purposes only lasted a month or so.

Thanks on behalf of a mosquito-bitten family and dog...

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You could burn citronella oil in tiki torches. There are also citronella candles. Some people grow the citronella plant.

    I buy "Critter Oil" and make a spray for my dogs and sometimes myself. It is all natural.

    The bug zappers kill beneficial bugs and can ultimately make the mosquito problem worse.

    Build or buy a Bat House. Bats consume their weight in mosquitos every night.

    Erect a Purple Martin house or make one out of gourds.

    Ask your neighbors to check their property for standing water. If you notice some that isn't being addressed, you could contact your County Extension and they should force them to.

    Good luck. Mosquitos can ruin outdoor activities.

  • 1 decade ago

    Mosquito Nets

    There are a variety of mosquito nets available in different sizes, materials and shapes. Each style of net has its advantages, and ensuring that you are using the most suitable one increases your chances of eliminating mosquitoes. It is crucial to find a net that has a mesh size large enough to allow air to circulate, but small enough to keep the mosquitoes out. Mosquito nets can be used to cover small and large areas such as your bed or your porch. Mosquito nets are an effective way to naturally combat mosquitoes. You can find mosquito nets here:

    Electric mosquito zapper

    An electric zapper works by using ultraviolet light to lure in bugs and then kills them upon contact with its lethal dose of electrical charge. Unfortunately, although this is a highly successful way of killing bugs, mosquitoes are not actually attracted to ultraviolet light, and research into this method of mosquito control shows that 90% of what the electric zapper kills are actually insects that do not bite. In fact, some of the bugs that are killed are those that help us eliminate mosquitoes by eating them. You can find electric mosquito zappers here:


    Mosquito Magnet

    Like the electric mosquito zapper, the mosquito magnet is one of several mosquito traps that claim to best eliminate the pesky insects. The mosquito magnet works by releasing a carbon dioxide spray, heat and moisture that the mosquito mistakes for prey. Once the mosquito gets too close to the magnet, it is sucked in and eventually dies of dehydration. The mosquito magnet is run by a propane tank and can therefore be transported anywhere. This form of mosquito control is the most expensive of all methods and there is no conclusive scientific evidence to support its effectiveness. You can find mosquito magnets here:

    Mosquito Repellent

    There are a number of natural and chemical mosquito repellents that work to repel mosquitoes. The synthetic chemical repellent, DEET, is the most effective. It is essentially a poison that masks the natural odor and carbon monoxide that is released from the human body. DEET must be used with caution, especially with children. It has been known to cause dizziness and can severely irritate the skin. For these reasons, many people choose to use a natural mosquito repellent like a citronella spray. Citronella has active ingredients that repel mosquitoes and for some, the lemon smell is very appealing. You can find mosquito repellent here: Read more about mosquito repellents here:

  • 1 decade ago

    Get some peppermint oil, and place several drops on a tissue, then place in a small round bowl on the table. Sheets of fabric softer work also. Place a few banana skins 10 feet away from everyone; the mosquito's will be attracted to the banana skins like magnet.

  • LucySD
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    There is water somewhere because that is how they breed.

    Mosquito bits

    Add these easy ready to use "bits" to water gardens, flower pots, rain barrels, bird baths, tree holes, unused swimming pools, old automobile tires, etc. to destroy your mosquito population. Within 24 hours mosquito larvae are dead and you can get back outdoors and begin to enjoy the summer.

    Quickly kill large mosquito populations.

    Environmentally sound biological mosquito control.

    Simply sprinkle in any standing water - including water gardens.

    EPA registered in all 50 states.

    Sold at any garden center Walmart, Lowes

    Source(s): above links myself.
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  • 1 decade ago

    Get rid of any standing water. Mosquitos love to breed there.

    So, after it rains- check your garbage cans/lids, and if they have water in them, tip them over to get rid of it. Do the same for anything else on the property that will hold stagnant water.

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