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How do I look up the address for a license plate in CA?

Every morning at around 7 this car drives by and honks. This has been going on for about six weeks. I have the license plate number and I want to get her address so I can send this gal a letter asking her to stop. I live in California. I imagine this is public record, but I no idea how to access it with paying some website for the answer.

30 Answers

  • 5 years ago

    CA License Plate Look Up Address

  • 4 years ago

    CA License Plate Look Up 1

  • 4 years ago


    Source(s): A license plate lookup at BACKGROUNDTOOL.COM
  • Joseph
    Lv 4
    5 years ago


    Source(s): License Plate Search
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  • 4 years ago

    Ca License Plate Lookup

  • 5 years ago


    Source(s): Vehicle History Search Database :
  • 6 years ago

    Use to look that girl up. You will surely get her address. You can also find license plates with the service. I am talking about every licence plate in the USA. In your case, it's CA. Anyway, you check check out this site first thing in the morning. Use it to learn as much as you can about that car. If it honks, fight back. Don't wait for more weeks to pass. Be sure to send that girl a letter as soon as you can. She should stop doing that. As for the service, you can use it to track people who don't live in California as well. You can get every piece of public information. You will get a chance to check out a record instantly. You will have access to it 24 hours a day. It's all thanks to the website I mentioned. This is the best answer you can get.

    Searching for free plate reverse search online is the easiest, fastest, and most convenient method in finding your needed information regarding ownership of a car based on the license plate number. If you have an internet connection and a plate number ready, you can immediately begin your search and have the result in a few seconds. First, get the licence number that you want to investigate ready. Then, log-on to the directory offering this kind of service. Type the plate number in the search box and press the search button. The system will work immediately and search for the information you require from a database. After a few seconds, it will release the information on the screen based on the match that has been found.

  • 6 years ago

    Take a look at . You can track any addres with it. However, you can also check out license plates. You can get information regarding any plate right away. You can check the plates in CA and any other US state. I understand how frustrated you are each morning. You definitely need to track that car down. It honks and it makes you feel distracted. If this has been going on for weeks, use this service immediately. After that, send the girl a letter. Tell her to stop. It doesn't matter if she's from California or not. You will have her public report. You can do whatever you want with that record. You will gain access to it in minutes. So, go to the aforementioned website. That's my answer.

    A license plate reverse lookup is a kind of service where you are allowed to search online for information regarding the ownership of a certain vehicle. This system is similar to search engines, and the only difference lies on the purpose of searching. In search engines, you normally look for subjects of general interest, here, you are looking for the owner of a certain vehicle based on the license plate number. A license plate look up involves searching on the list of license plate numbers contained in an available database for details concerning the ownership of a vehicle. However, in common standard directories, you normally search for the license plate number of a person based on his name while under this system, you search for the information of the car owner based on the license plate number.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago


    Source(s): Lookup Unknown Callers
  • 5 years ago

    California License Plate Lookup

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