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Christians, if your loved ones were atheist or another faith, and you won't see them in heaven...?

Say, for example, that some of your parents, siblings, or children were not Christian. Perhaps this is not your situation, but it is a reality for many.

Now if you will be in heaven, knowing the ones you love are in hell, is that really heaven? Could you really be happy like that, and not feel eternal pain and empathy for the ones you love?

Some say heaven is perfect, without pain. But if you will feel no sorrow for the ones you love in this life, despite their eternal torment, how can you say you really love them?


Assorted Jelly Beans: Then don't answer the question, Einstein.

Update 2:

I'm not talking about preaching your delusion in this life. I'm talking about your personal happiness in the next.

And to those who say we forget all in heaven, well, then how are you still you? How is that an afterlife at all, if there is no connection?

23 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Since there's no heaven it's irrelevant but a good question nonetheless.

  • 1 decade ago

    your question is complicated by the fact that you dont believe in heaven, and also the point that you may not understand what heaven is.

    No one said that you wouldnt feel sad about those who aren't with you, in fact you will feel this. God also eperiences these emotions, remember?

    So, Im not sure what your question really boils down to...hopefully you arent suggesting that just because someone you love wont make it to heaven that you should stop trying or believing...I mean, I would literally go to hell for my wife if thats the onyl way to be with her, but I'd rather focus on helping her live a good life so that we could be in heaven together.

    But, yes, you can be happy even without everyone you love with you...this is due to the fact that you can continue to have posterity and joy in them...its eternity...its a long time

    Source(s): i think this is what you were asking
  • 1 decade ago

    I've heard various speculation about this. Some say that God might make such pain impossible in heaven leading us to believe that we would actually not have any memories of our "unsaved brethren". Others have concluded that in the end we'll better understand God's judgment and actually agree with it on specific accounts.

    As one could see, this is nothing more than question begging. What I have faith in is that God is just and simultaneously merciful. I also know that I'm not omniscient so I cannot reasonably speculate on the salvation of another individual person (labels like 'atheist' mean nothing).

    I'm pretty confident that there will be atheists in heaven, though once they're there they obviously won't be atheist anymore :-p

  • 1 decade ago

    You did not read the Bible or you would know that if you don't see your loved one in Heaven you will suffer only a moment of pain and they will not be remembered. The same goes for you when they get to Heaven and you or I are not there for the fires of Hell is hot.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Once we see the glory of God and how big he is we will not be focused on who is there. There will be no pain in heaven so i believe we will be so focused on God that we will miss them but we won't be full of sorrow. This is sadly how it is for many people. Good question. that's why I try and present the gospel to all those around me

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    in the beginning there is incredibly no data that any deity ever existed everywhere. The bible replaced into written by adult adult males to regulate different adult adult males straightforward and easy. it is the 21st century and humanity has to drag itself mutually and face as much as believing in non secular mythology of each and every form and start up off arising a worldwide per technological know-how to income all persons. Planet Earth is gorgeous as that's and we ought to consistently supply up dropping our human power by praying to invisible gods and killing one yet another over diverse non secular factors of view. each and every time we pay attention somebody speaking approximately gods, heaven, hell or how humanity must be saved from eternal damnation because of the fact some woman named Eve replaced into chatting with a serpent related to apples and he confident her to take a bite is shear nonsense. If there fairly replaced into an all-powerful deity and it needed humanity to understand what replaced into needed it does not ought to flow by third celebration preachers, bible codes and distinctive religions to get the factor for the time of. So enable's get actual, positioned a damper on all this imaginary non secular mysticism and start up off enjoying the attractive universe and exquisite existence we already have suitable here in the worldwide.

  • 1 decade ago

    Many christians believe that God is so glorious and seeing him face to face will be so unimaginably wonderful that it will outweigh and obliterate any sorrow that they may feel. Some Christians also believe that when they go to heaven and see Christ they will became like him; which includes thinking like him; and if he thought that the christian's loved one should go to hell the christian will think so too.

  • 1 decade ago

    There goes phrase "some say".

    It Does say in the Bible that God will wipe every tear from there eye and their will be no more pain or sorrow.

    God will be there to comfort those who know where their lost family members are taking their pain and sorrow away from them for eternity.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I believe that in HIS presence we will lack for nothing. Who is to say that we, in the changed state we will be in when we get to Heaven, will have any memory of those people no matter how important they were to us when we walked in the flesh. We will not think or operate in the ways of the flesh when in HIS presence. Those who do not make it will, according to how the rich ruler and Lazarus were, be able to see us and know that we have no memory (so to speak) of them. They will be in torment partly because they will see us at the feet of The Father enjoying HIM and Heaven.

  • One should not condemn another to hell merely because they belong to another faith. As Christians, it is our job to respect the beliefs of others, and provide guidance should these beliefs falter. If one openly rejects the existence of God or Jesus on Earth, it is up to them to correct their mistakes after death. Should these people choose to continue to reject God in the afterlife, then hell is their choice, and they do not need anyone to feel sorry for them.

  • 1 decade ago

    Isaiah 65:17

    [ New Heavens and a New Earth ] "Behold, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind.

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