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Lv 7
-RKO- asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Can you believe Bush/Cheney did this?

In his new book, Tom Ridge admits that he was pressured to raise the Homeland Security 'terror alerts' prior to the '04 election. Doesn't this - once more - show us how corrupt and evil the Bush/Cheney administration really was? -RKO-

21 Answers

  • Annie
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I doubt that we'll ever know the extent of the Bush/Cheney lies.

    I would still like to know why we went to war with Iraq & why people just don't get how much money was spent doing it.

    I see you've managed to alert the Obama haters with this question. It's frightening how these people have been brain washed.

    It's going to be a long road cleaning up the Bush/Cheney legacy.

    Source(s): Common sense.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you think that's something, check out their record on alternative fuel sources, and harm to the environment. Of course, Cheney had connections to Haliburton and oil interests. Also, check out their record on protecting our troops with proper personal armor and armor on trucks and other vehicles. But, hey it's ONLY our soldiers improperly protected. By the way, what did they ever do about the KID that flew over restricted Florida airspace where many of our valuable jets and aircraft were. Bush was the Commander-in-chief .Therefore, responsible for policies, and protection of our military assets.I'm a history buff.

    Did you know there are carburetors that get 250-300 miles per gallon of gasoline?

    By the way the 911 terrorists were training right under Bush's brother's nose in Florida while they were counting chads on voting ballots.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes I'm glad Tom Ridge former Governor of Pennsylvania and former DHS Security Knew that Bush/Cheney we're corrupt, If I we're him though I'm Not I would tell This President Obama and His Administration.

    What You Told Me Just Now.

  • 1 decade ago

    Politics is corrupt in general. Both sides lie, manipulate, and cheat. People only seem to point out the "evil" of the OTHER administration, rather than their own. Which is fine, it's normal these days.

    But, in my personal opinion, the Bush administration should be brought up on war crimes and for being traitors.

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  • 1 decade ago

    yes, of course they did everything to hasten the death of our rights and do anything they like... war, and more lies and pretty much thwart any semblance of democracy. They are no different and just as corrupt as the terrorists that they were always trying to eradicate.

    I do not know how many were arrested in the name of homeland security and taken away somewhere or other ...

    completely fed up with the democratic dictators!

    they' re traitors as mentioned by someone here and should really be brought down fr war crimes along with their poodle, Blair.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yeah, I, too, at the time noticed how the war rhetoric and terror fear was ramped up at that time. The public can be really gullible. Of course, the terrorists WANTED Bush to stay in power. He staying in office guaranteed more war, which is what they like. They thrive on chaos. Bush was a tool.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I really doubt it. It seems like they are all spoiled. If they went to work in a min wage place where just your day to day expenses take a toll, then maybe they would apprieciate that our enemy is causing the current living situation to hurt. That and they would be to busy working- and not sitting on there butt -to have time to protest something they aren't going to change. Hmm maybe then they would appreciate America beacuse the only fun they would really get to have is at the 4th Of July parties. =)

  • 1 decade ago

    Do you think anyone in government is honest? They are only there for the money and the ez lifestyle. Take away the money and none of them would be there. Its all about how far you get, not what you do. Look at obama, his voting record was present. He never picked a side or did anything, just fast track up the ladder because of the race card and presto, top rung and millions for life. Do you think he is telling you the truth? Heck no, hes a liar and a cheat just like the rest of them. So YES I can believe it.

  • gone
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Nothing BushCo perpetrated comes as a surprise.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Wait you mean government agents use their power and coercion to **** over the everyday citizen? Well, i'm sure you are glad to know that now we have a "good" president that will not use the evil powers that Bush used, or if he does, at least he will use them in a "good" way since he is "good" and Bush is "bad", ya know?

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