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Lv 4
Dana asked in Pregnancy & ParentingAdoption · 1 decade ago

Would outlawing abortion increase the number of babies given up for adoption in the US?

I am of the opinion that there are three kinds of people:

1. Those who would only raise their child themselves

2. Those who would either have an abortion or raise their own child

3. Those who would give their child up for adoption or raise it themselves.

I really don't think there are many people out there who would consider all three options, therefore outlawing abortion wouldn't make any significant impact on adoption rates. All it would do is increase the number of single mothers, teen mothers, and illegal abortions.

Are there more people out there who would give their baby up for adoption in the absence of safe, legal abortions than I think?

19 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No, it would increase the number of coat hangers and shop-vacs sold. Women who chose to abort would never chose adoption.

    Adoption has nothing to do with abortion, and it will never be outlawed, thank God.

    Source(s): blah blah blah
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I am pro choice although limited for medical/genetic/abuse reasons. I do not believe an abortion in this case will do anything but cause her more grief. A protective order, a restraining order, break off the relationship etc means that when it comes down to birth time, he will not be present and his name does not have to go on the birth certificate, leaving him limited if any rights to the child. Although this does mean no child support will be given. But then keeping the child or adopting the child is possible. An abusive lifestyle, situation is no reason to abort a baby, the baby should give the mother a reason to change her lifestyle, abort the abusive partner. There should be no reason for adoption or abortion, surely the child could be kept. But if that is her decision, that is her decision. It will not change her current situation though.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, historical evidence suggests that they would. I mean... wasn't that the case during the Era of Mass Surrender/Baby Scoop Era? And didn't that era largely end with the passing of Roe v. Wade in the United States? I don't think that was all just some kind of bizarre coincidence, was it? The illegality of abortions DID in the past contribute to mass adoptions. I think the historical precedent counts for something.

    That said, I don't think ALL women who would have aborted would choose adoption. Some would parent, and some would try to induce miscarriage or seek illegal abortions, putting their lives, health, and future fertility at risk.

    I also think that single parenting is less stigmatized now than pre-1970's, so I don't think there would be a return to such massive numbers of forced adoptions on as large of a scale. But single parenting IS still stigmatized, and adoptions ARE in some cases still forced, and mothers still DON'T get the support they need. So I don't think we're living in times where mothers would truly be at no risk, since they're at risk even while abortion IS legal.

    I don't entirely see how someone could claim it would have no effect on the rate of adoptions unless they don't believe in the EMS/BSE? I'm having trouble seeing how those beliefs could co-exist.

    (For the record, I'm pro-choice, and don't support the banning of abortions at all. )

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with you. If a woman would get the abortion legally, I can bet you that a woman who's that desperate won't have to make a big mental stretch to find an illegal way to do it. Coat hangers, anyone?

    Outlawing abortion is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. That's like trying to fix the problem when it's already out of control. Why can't people focus on education and prevention (real stuff, not the BS they teach in high school about abstinence) instead of trying to end a problem that will never go away on its own?

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  • If abortion had been illegal, I would have kept my child when I got pregnant at 16...and probably been out on the streets because my mother told me"get an abortion or get out of my house..."

    I am adopted, and would not have given my child up for adoption.

  • 1 decade ago

    there would be more adoptions I would think. Let us say that abortion never was an option in the first place, and no one knew it was possible to take the life of the unborn, there would be many of those 4,000 babies a day that would have been placed. No matter how you look at this, abortion is wrong. It does not just stop the woman from having a baby, it stops the baby's heart and takes a life. There are many woman that have had abortions, if they had had their children, they would have realized that they could have raised them on their own, however I am very sure that some women would have chosen adoption. Not all 4,000 of those women could raise a child. Abortion may be legal , however, everything that is legal is not necessarily right. And if this increased adoption or not, I still say abortion is wrong!

    EDIT- Ethel, you have got to be kidding me, aborting a child because the man is violent or evil? Don't give the death sentence to the wrong person!!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If abortions are outlawed, the only thing that will increase is the number of women who die from illegal abortions. Even if reproductive rights are outlawed, there is no way to turn the clock back to the times when being a single parent was so marginalized by society that he/she cannot get jobs and housing. To increase the number of parents who give their babies away, the US will need to reinstate employment and housing discrimination against single parents. You know - starve them into submission.

    Nice try but sorry - giving babies away to strangers is no longer an acceptable alternative to an unplanned pregnancy.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    "Are there more people out there who would give their baby up for adoption in the absence of safe, legal abortions than I think?"

    Of course. I'd say that it would be at least as common as your #2. Remember they don't want to be having the kid.

  • 1 decade ago

    Making abortions illegal wouldn't make more adoptions, it would make more "back-door" abortions. Less safe, more expensive. Bad, bad, bad.

  • Ethel
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Making abortion illegal will only increase the rate of maternal mortality, nothing else.

    Well, the unwanted children born will have severe defects from lack of proper prenatal care, poor nutrition and often alcoholism.

    All it would do is damage this country.

    And yes I would never allow someone other then parents or sibs to raise my biological children, however the only reason I would abort is if the father was a violent man - such men should never be allowed to procreate and it's our job as women and creators of the world to end their lineage.

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