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Why have more and more churches started to focus on things other than Christ?

I've noticed that many churches, as they get larger and richer, focus on things other than Christ. For example, the largest, richest church in my town has a gym to rival any YMCA, a Starbucks, a swimming pool, etc, inside the same building as the sanctuary! They boast more about these features than about having a community of fellowship and faith. When did such secular features become so important in a church?

I've also heard of churches that actually promote Twittering during the service instead of paying attention to Scripture!

I've also noticed that this tendancy also only seems to happen amongst Protestant churches. I've never seen a Catholic church do this. (Yes, some of the older, more historic Catholic churches, especially cathedrals and basilicas, might have rosaries, rosary rings, etc for sale, or ask for a donation for lighting a prayer candle, but it's merely to help offset the cost of the candles or the upkeep of the building. It's nowhere near the same as putting in a gym and a coffee shop!)

What is the cause of this phenomenom?

12 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    'Cause their doctrine can't hold up to scrutiny, so they need to take their people's attention away from it, otherwise they'll be exposed and go out of business. That's how these churches are run-- business first, Jesus second. Christ is just used as a marketing focus.


  • 1 decade ago

    They think they need to use secular attractions and become more trendy to attract followers. The bid for trendiness doesn't end with the materialist attractions, it is also evident in their 'new improved' interpretation of scripture.

    David ..... If, as you say, you are a 'saved believer in Jesus Christ' why do you keep attacking His Church with lies and distortions? All your spurious accusations and slander against the Catholic Church can be easily refuted, and the truth is easily available to you, but apparently you would rather continue to spout venomous lies than find out the truth. This spreading of hatred towards the Catholic Church through the perpetuation of lies cannot be the behaviour of of 'saved believer' or even a true Christian, but it is rather the work of the Father of Lies who constantly seeks the disunity of Christians.

  • 1 decade ago

    Like the Laodiceans, they've become lukewarm -- more interested in selling than in salvation. And like the Ephesians, they've left their first love. They started by leaving Christ's True Church on earth to follow a man's teachings, and now men have led them into the errors and sins of the the world.

    You're also right: it's a Protestant problem these days, one that Catholicism doesn't share. We've never lost our focus on loving and serving our Lord Jesus Christ and obeying His commandments. Jesus promised us that He would not allow the gates of Hell to prevail against His Church, and He has been faithful to that promise.

    Pray for those who think that their words and deeds are pleasing to God when the truth is that they have turned their backs on their Lord and Savior's commandments.

    Source(s): Catholic convert
  • Jman
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I don't know but it's really sad. My old church started off small, and the "pastor" gave excellent sermons. We were in that church for 8 years and watched it grow. Then we moved into our new 8million dollar building, and it now seems like all the "Bishop" seems to talk about is "tithes".

    I won't say this about every church though, because we joined another one, even bigger, and most of their funds go to outreach- spreading the Gospel to other countries and in the US. They also give out free food and clothes. It's a great church that is really here to support the kingdom as opposed to the last one which is still trying to get tithes to build the biggest most beautiful church in town I guess.

    Whenever you don't feel comforatble, you just have to leave and find the church that suits you because they really can change their focus.

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  • 1 decade ago

    You obviously haven't realized that a church is a business.

    Now...before you get mad...let's take a rational look at the church.

    1. It is a legal entity. In other words, a church can be sued.

    2. It takes in money.

    3. It has overhead costs, i.e. it needs someone to do the books, someone to upkeep the grounds, bills need to be paid, etc...

    4. It seeks to grow and increase revenue. Call it "spreading the gospel" if you want to, but it's all the same from a business perspective.

    Taking in these and other factors, it's only natural that a church should seek to attract new members by offering a wide range of services (no pun intended).

  • snap
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    The love of money , they lower the standards to bring more people into the church

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    xtians are materialistic and impressed by flashy talkin preacher men and flashy things... give me your donations so you'll have a chance at winning the big lottery in the sky. Jeeezus is gonna buy you a new car!

  • 1 decade ago

    Because Jesus' Prophesies are coming true!! (The Rapture is next on the horizon!)( Also, Romans 1:18-32.)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Church is a business, it's about the money nothing else.

  • 1 decade ago

    what kind of bad *** church is that!

    i want to go there!

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