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lindalu asked in HealthMental Health · 1 decade ago


This may be a long one but i need serious only advice. My son, 24 mental problems, very bad temper, verbally and physically abusive. My husband has in the past gone to save him when his car broke down in the middle of the night, quite far away, going and recharging his battery at all hours, worked on his car, Saved him from going to jail a few times, my son has stolen from him , my husband has given him money and food when he had none, gave him a bike to use and he broke that. and when he was at the shelter 100 miles away, that he walked to, my husband went to find him and he did standing in a soup kitchen line. And he brought him back to his home town he stayed with us on the and my son found someone to stay with for a short time, then got kicked out of everywhere even a shelter once. He has a criminal trespassing on our property from destroying and abuse. He has shut a door on my husband and hit him in the face with hit, assaulted my husband, calls him names, told the cops he sells pot, which he doesn't and when the cops came they found some pot, due to my pain and my DR, encourages me to smoke when i am in severe pain. today my son stopped by and i was outside and all i could hear was my husband screaming at my son to get out of of house, because no one was in here. and my husband screamed it again, he finally came out and got on his bike and started to leave and i said wait, let me talk to you, he said sorry, gotta go. the other day my son got upset about something and said to me "when _______ was in jail did you suck on his friends _____. Because he tried to hit me on my bike. That really made my husband mad. He said no one is going to talk to his wife like that. Now, my son refuses meds and counseling, says he isn't sick, he really is paranoid schizophrenic with some delusions. My husband has done a lot for him and he still calls us names and is very verbally abusive and a couple of weeks ago my husband and him was on the ground scuffling.

Needless to say, it is hard being in the middle of things and the things that happen to my son, hurts, because he is mentally ill and it didn't happen until he was 22. and never been the same since. Their relationship has been up and down for over 10 years and my husband said he is tired of the assaulting, the verbal abuse and the way he treats me so abusive at times, hurting my feelings. He said NO MORE< So, should I be upset with my husband? Should I stop doing for my son, money, and food, since he doesn't get the help he needs and won't won't. and Yes we have been to counseling and mediation about this and still the fighting goes on. what should i do respect that my husband has tried and understand his point or ignore my husband and be there for my son. ( please keep in mind that he does have a mental illness and is abusive, he is 24. ) he was just at my door, my husband is gone and i let him in and he asked for money, again i gave him 5 bucks and he said he has no food, but refuses to go to the food bank or soup kitchen, I am in tears as I write this and I said to him as he was leaving, why won't you get help, the family loves you, he won't answer me and walked out. I feel used. I told him that we can not help anymore until he helps himself and I think it is taking a tole on my marriage. WHAT TO DO?


Just sent a question before this, so when you read this you will understand the problem.

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Your poor husband, this is no life for you or him, your just existing until the next major outburst, awful situation, I appreciate a mothers love for her son, but neither of you (hubby and you) deserve this, it's now got to be tough love, you and your husband stand together, sooner or later your son will understand that you are not prepared to take any more. My thoughts are with you x

  • 1 decade ago

    Your husband, unless you are having problems other than this one, should come first. This is coming from a non-religious person, by the way. If you were gay and said that your wife had a problem with your son I would say to listen to her. Sit down and talk it out and reach an agreement or compromise. He should come first. You wouldn't have a son without him. It sounds like he has tried everything and that nothing has worked so he gives up. Tell your son that you both love him, but that you cannot live like you have been anymore. Then let him go. When he decides that life sucks a lot, he will seek help and maybe change. That us the most positive answer i can give you.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's really sad to say, but sometimes people just don't want to be helped, or can't recognize that they have a problem and you can only do so much. I don't have kids, so I might not fully understand, but I have had friends and family that have had serious issues, and I could only try and help them for so long. I'm not saying to give up on your son, but I think that for the time being you and your husband have done all you can do. I agree with Fran, sit him down next time he comes by and explain that he really needs to get help, but until he does, you can't keep dealing with him being physically and verbally abusive to the family. I would also look into finding a way to get him into a hospital for treatment..have a mediator or someone from a health facility around next time you think your son will stop by, maybe they can convince him to get help?

    One day your son will realize that he has a serious problem, and he will thank you for what you have done, and hopefully will get the chance to do (getting him into a hospital). Hang in there, and it sounds like you have an amazing husband, you don't want to chance losing him over this, your son is important too, but you need to see how much you and your husband have sacrificed already. Good luck, I hope this somewhat helps.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It is the best decision to not help until he gets help, if you allow him to treat you like this then it will go on forever, as my brother has been abusing my mother since he was very young and still does it till this day and he's now 45 years old.

    We forget that our children our adults, its a mother and son thing, but the phrase crule to be kind works, there is nothing you can do for him to get help and he will not need help as long as he has you helping him, it is going to be very tough, but once he sees that he has no aid from you or your husband, then he will have to get help else where, you should have done this long ago, but you have done it now and that's what counts. Do not give up and remember to pray, you can pray with your eyes open and standing up doing things and it don't have to be a long prayer it could be short breath prayers such as, Lord help me or lord please give me rest every now and then.

    After a while pay him a visit every now and then even though you have limited the contact and care you give him just to see if he is okay and realizes that he needs help, this will reasure him and let him know that you will be there when he seeks medical help. There is very little you can do whist he remains ignorant to his illness.

    When you visit him take your husband along as i feel this will keep you and your husband on the same track, and pray, and remember that this is a test from god and when he sees you have had more than your share of suffering, will step in.

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  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    You mentioned that you told him that you won't help him again until he helps himself. Well, you have to mean that. If you help him again before he gets his own assistance, then he will know he can walk all over you. You cannot break on this! You have made a stand and he has to know that you won't back down. He may need to hit rock bottom before he can find his way back and as long as you help him out, he'll never realize that it's not ok. This situation absolutely sucks. And no matter what you do, it won't be easy. But think about what's best for him. You want him to get better, right? Than he has to know that it can't continue this way anymore. Your husband is right. Helping and trying to rescue him didn't work for you guys so now it's time for some tough love.

    Source(s): My sister sounds like your son:(
  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    1. Try Byron Katie. Her worksheets are on her website and her videos are on youtube.

    2. If you get panic attacks, sign up for the free emails on the panicaway website.

    3. Try reading Patrick Holford's "Low GL diet" - blood sugar imbalances can cause havoc with your body and symptoms include depression, mood swings, tiredness, drowsiness after eating, cravings for sweet foods, headaches, heart palpitations, anxiety, irritability, agrressive outbursts, crying spells, excessive sweating, dizziness and trembling.

    4. Keep two journals. One for writing down all your feelings, this is really good for clearing out your anxieties and getting all your

    war onto paper, you can delete it straight after if you need to, it's just good to really see your stressful thinking. And the other can be your gratitude journal - write down all the things you are grateful for that happened today.

    5. If you have a lot of money to spend go to "The Option Institute".

    6. Read "Happiness is a Choice" by Barry Neils Kauffman. Here is a link about people overcoming personal challenges:,595

    Best wishes with everything!



  • 1 decade ago

    By continuing to "help" him, you are just enabling him to continue with a destructive lifestyle. You have to mean it that you are not going to help him any more. He has to help himself and learn to take care of himself. It sounds like you've got some serious health concerns of your own. You don't need to be dealing with a violent and abusive mentally ill grown man. Tell him to get help with his problems by seeing a doctor and going on meds or not to come back to you for help. He may end up getting arrested or hospitalized because of his actions but you have to let him face the consequences. Until he understands that he is in charge of his own life, he won't take any responsibility for how screwed up it is. It will hurt to say things like this to him and to stand by and watch him hurt if he goes to jail, etc. He will call you every bad name in the book to try and make you feel guilty enough to cave in and help him again. You have to be strong and stand fast. Don't give in.

  • Fran W
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Feed your son a good meal, sit down and try to talk to him in a civil voice. Tell him you love him dearly, then kick his little A__ out and tell him not to come back until he gets help. There is no need to let this boys life ruin yours and your hubby's.

    Why doesn't the state see to it that he goes to a hosp. and have treatment.

  • 1 decade ago

    Short Answer Always Help Your Family even if it's abused. someone has to care!

  • 1 decade ago

    who do u love more, to be honest, get ur son help, even force help on him,sorry that not fair,, i would be appalouding ur husband, if that was me, i would have lost ti by then

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