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Have you ever had a dream so vivid that it has changed you spiritually?

Please share your dream.


Hellbound Train

A Texas cowboy lay down on a barroom floor,

Having drunk so much he could drink no more;

So he fell asleep with a troubled brain

To dream that he rode on a hell-bound train.

The engine with murderous blood was damp

And was brilliantly lit with a brimstone lamp;

An imp, for fuel, was shoveling bones,

While the furnace rang with a thousand groans.

The boiler was filled with lager beer

And the devil himself was the engineer;

The passengers were a most motly crew--

Church member, atheist, Gentile, and Jew,

Rich men in broadcloth, beggers in rags,

Handsome young ladies, and withered old hags,

Yellow and black men, red, brown, and white,

All chained together--O God, what a site!

While the train rushed on at an awful pace--

The sulphurous fumes scorched their hands and face;

Wider and wider the country grew,

As faster and faster the engine flew.

Louder and louder the thunder crashed

And brighter and brighter the lightning flashed;

Hotter and hotter the air became

Till the clothes were burned from each quivering frame.

And out of the distance there arose a yell,

"Ha, ha," said the devil, "we're nearing hell!"

Then oh, how the passengers all shrieked with pain

And begged the devil to stop the train.

But he capered about and danced for glee,

And laughed and joked at their misery.

"My faithful friends, you have done the work

And the devil never can a payday shirk.

"You've bullied the weak, you've robbed the poor,

The starving brother you've turned from the door;

You've laid up gold where the canker rust,

And have given free vent to your beastly lust.

"You've justice scorned, and corruption sown,

And trampled the laws of nature down.

You have drunk, rioted, cheated, plundered, and lied,

And mocked at God in your hell-born pride.

"You have paid full fair, so I'll carry you through,

For it's only right you should have your due.

Why, the laborer always expects his hire,

So I'll land you safe in the lake of fire,

"Where your flesh will waste in the flames that roar,

And my imps torment you forevermore."

Then the cowboy awoke with an anguished cry,

His clothes wet with sweat and his hair standing high

Then he prayed as he never had prayed till that hour

To be saved from his sin and the demon's power;

And his prayers and his vows were not in vain,

For he never road the hell-bound train.


9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    yes ;

    before I became a Christan my family never read the bible we never went to church simply did as we pleased.

    I dreamed one night I seen a bright shining light in the sky kind of shaped oblong ,

    there was tiny little lights coming out of it circling it shooting out into the universe some going back to it.

    When I woke up some how I knew this was God presence

    Not ever reading the bible or ever owning one I got a Gideons bible and began to read

    A few years later I became a christian and now my whole family did also.

  • 1 decade ago

    Here's a story. One time I was sleeping after a night of heavy drinking, and all of a sudden there was this pulsing pattern of light throughout my field of dream vision, and I felt very connected to and at one with the universe or something, and I sat up partially in bed involuntarily yet it still felt like I was horizontal while I was looking at the upper part of the wall, and there was this pulsing at the same time, I was both dreaming or whatever and seeing my surroundings, and then it subsided, and I was like whoa but then it seemed the memory of what the experience really felt like had already mostly slipped away and I was beat so I just went back to sleep. I actually think I may have had a simple partial seizure.

    Also, I had this recurring dream as a kid where I would be trying to find my way through a maze, like the black and white ones they have on restaurant menus, and the maze would turn into black and white TV static, and it was... pretty disconcerting.

  • Dawn W
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Yes, but I am not sure it was the dream that changed me. I have had many of these dreams. I do not wish to share them either.

    However if you get led through a courtyard and there is a tiered fountain don't drink the water. It will save a lot of hassle in the long run LOL.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    properly finished. I stop suitable approximately 5-6 weeks in the past yet I had wanted to stop for a jointly as so I have been attempting to smoke much less so the withdrawal structures weren't too undesirable by utilising the time i myself stopped. yet once I did get them I merely thought appropriate to the positives, I wasn't giving myself a terrible ailment; my existence might final longer and that i'm saving funds. Oh and that i observed something on the t.v a pair weeks in the past that made me happy i might stop, that they had a jar of one among those bile that folk with continual lung ailment cough up curiously it smells and tastes terrible and it appeared incredibly disgusting, no longer something i want to ought to bypass via.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, and no I choose not to share it.

    I never understood the meaning of "don't throw pearls to swine" until I had this dream, and now I know, there are some things so sacred, they aren't fit to share with the world.

    To sum it up, though, it was terrifying in ways I didn't even know existed.

  • Corey
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I have dreams that compliment my spirituality, including a trance or two, and lucid dreams. I don't think they come out of nowhere, though.

    I'm not going to share those dreams, they are personal. Sorry.

  • Alex R
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Nope but I had this one bout me and my girlfriend... only to find it came true the next morning

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ah, I remember my first dirty dream

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