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kaylenn asked in HealthWomen's Health · 1 decade ago

My fiance thinks i'm going crazy..and i need advise?

I had my daughter in January and its not november. Before i got pregnant i was very emotional and now that i've had her and its been months, i'm an emotional roller coaster. it's ridicules. I'm moody all the time, i cry for absolutely no reason, and i'm very irritable. If people do things that make me mad, i pretty much scream at them then i feel bad and say sorry. But i realize i can't keep doing that. The smallest things set me off. My fiance will just be talking to me and if i think he is getting crappy then i yell at him also. I try so hard not to do it but then i just break down and cry, He aways asks me whats what, and i tell him, "i don't know" because i don't. I don't know what else to tell him. My family tell me my hormones are probably not balanced right but my fiance isn't convinced that it's that. I wish he would understand though. He words second shift and i have my daughter all day. I'm still a senior and trying to finish, I even take my daughter to school with me and try to do my work, I don't know...maybe i'm just overwhelmed. but all of this is taking a toll on me and i can't handle it.

He's just upset with me because i'm never in the mood to have sex either and he thinks i'm not attracted to him. Which isn't the case at all. He is very attractive to me i just don't feel the need for it anymore. and i hate it because the old me was always hyper and full of energy. Now i'm a completely different person. Please give me some advise

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes life changes with children.You have allot on your plate right now.But I am proud of you for sticking to your plans to graduate.Emotional roller coaster is right.It is all part of parenthood.Be proud of your accomplishments, you are fantastic to take her to school and finish .When you look at yourself in the mirror, smile you are a great person.You are doing the best for your family.Yes it is overwhelming, but you are strong enough to handle it.If you feel you need someone to talk to, I am sure there are groups on yahoo or in your community to help.Now stand straight and proud, you are a great person and you will survive this.As for your love life, take it easy.Maybe on a weekend when both are not working just relax and enjoy each other.You have a wonderful guy there, from the sounds of it, so relax and relax some more.Now go get them as my dad would say, take on life with gusto.What is that song,"I am woman hear me roar."Keep plugging away, your family needs you.

    Source(s): I work in the medical field and was a single mother once.
  • 1 decade ago

    You are not crazy - you have classic symptoms of postpartum depression - mood swings, tears, irritability. Check it out on You need treatment. This is something that ob/gyn doctors see all the time. Don't be embarrassed to make an appontment and talk to your doctor. There are safe and widely used medicines that will help you out. By the way, your fiance should be more understanding. You have the baby all day and are going to school and he doesn't understand why you are too tired to have sex?????!!!!!! Your family should be more help, too. Is there anyone who can watch the baby while you go to school? Trying to finish school and look after a newborn would overwhelm just about anyone. Go to the doctor. Don't delay. Do it for yourself and your baby. Baby needs a healthy mommy.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sounds like post-partum depression...or the reality of being a senior and having a baby.

    If you are snapping at people make sure you don't do anything to hurt the baby...I really think you need to talk to someone you trust about this (parent, counselor, doctor). They can guide you in the right direction and possibly get you on some medication to help with your depression.

    Just make sure that no matter how much your moods swings that that baby is safe. If you feel like you are going to lose it then you need to take to the baby to a friend/family's house until you calm down.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sounds very much like post partum depression. Please see a doctor immediately. It's VERY treatable, but if it's left uncontrolled, it could potentially escalate into post-partum psychosis. (Not to scare you, but that's what the woman in Texas who drowned her children had.) It's not something you should ignore. There are lots of medications and therapies that can help you, but you have to get to a doctor and be completely honest about what you've been experiencing.

    Something that might help you right now is to keep a journal or diary about your symptoms. Journalling is also a really good form of therapy itself. But even so, even if you do keep a journal, don't delay getting to a doctor. Good luck!

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Post Partem depression maybe? but its been 10 months, and that seems like an unusual amount of time to still be showing symptoms. I suggest that you talk to a doctor a medical doctor. He will probably recommend a therapist for your issue.

  • celexa
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Sounds like post partum depression. Just go see your doc. and she'll give you something to help. Your going through a lot for nothing when you can just go and get it taken care of.

  • 1 decade ago

    See your naturalpathic doctor/herbalist for help... I'm not suggesting pharmaceutical medicine because you are probably still breast feeding but you can see your family doctor also ..

    My herbal suggestion would be to try st john wort, for example...

  • 1 decade ago

    Go to the doctor - this is a real and recognised condition and there are treatments available to help you!

    Why have you carried on without help for so long?

  • shawn
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    you need to check your priorities and get with the program! you sound like you have depression, but it also sounds like you have nothing to be depressed about? you have a lovely new daughter a fiance that loves you! what more could you ask for? good luck i hope you get feeling better! :oP

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