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tpbthigb asked in PetsCats · 1 decade ago

My Female Calico Cat is 14 years old and needs to gain some healthy weight.?

My Female Calico cat is almost 14 years old and about a year ago we noticed she was losing a little weight. It was not a significant loss so we decided to start feeding her kitten food to try to help her gain some weight. The kitten food had the opposite affect and she continued to lose weight. Then about three months ago we started feeding her adult wet food (Fancy Feast, Salmon is what she eats best) She has not lost any more weight but she has not gained any either plus she is still lighter than she was and seems "bony" She is and always has been healthy. Of course as she gets older she is less active but she is still playful and still gets into stuff. Any suggestions to help her put on healthy weight?

20 Answers

  • Ruby
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Your cat likely has another ailment not at all related to her diet. Take her to the vet and have them run a blood panel- she could have hyperthyroid or similar.

    The wet food is definitely good for your cat- just not the brand. :) For a buck a can (which is what Fancy Feast runs for around here) you could be feeding her something much more nutritious. Many of Fancy Feast's flavors contain meat byproducts and low quality ingredients. Check out canned diets made by Wellness, Blue Buffalo, Merrick, Innova, Natural Balance and Felidae. I'll supply the links in the provided space.

    Best of luck, and remember, get to the vet- the sooner, the better. Many conditions that cause cats to rapidly lose weight can do damage to the internal organs.

  • 1 decade ago

    It sounds like you've been "self-diagnosing", and haven't had her tested by a vet. It is the # 1 thing for you to do. Take her to the vet for a complete blood "panel". This will tell you what illness she's suffering from, because a cat who loses weight, while sitting around, isn't healthy.

    Smell her breath. Does it smell like acetone ( nail polish remover )? Is she drinking an excessive amount of water, eating regularly, and still losing weight? These are "classic" signs of diabetes, which will be detected with a blood test, and can be treated successfully.

    There are other illnesses that exhibit some of the same symptoms, so getting her in and having the blood test done, will indicate what her "problem" is, so she can then be treated.

    Your cat has been with you through thick & thin, for many years, and has depended on you for her care and well-being. Don't you think she DESERVES to be examined and treated, so she can have many more years with you?

    Hope you get her examined / treated ASAP.........Good luck..

    Source(s): 50+yrs cats ( 11 indoor, spayed & neutered ) / "issues"
  • 5 years ago

    Some cats seem destined to be thin, and I have one like that. But my vet has never mentioned that she was underweight. And you stated there does not seem to be a medical reason. So about the best choice I could suggest is to switch her to a quality kitten chow, as it has extra calories, and at her age should not be counter-indicated. Vets have special prescription foods for cats that are recovering from surgery to help pack on the calories, but I don't think that would be necessary at this point.

  • 1 decade ago

    I understand your issue. my dog is 15yrs old and went from 65lbs to 32lbs now. But she eats all the time.

    Try adding food like boiled eggs and chicken. Stick with the Wet Food.

    My vet said the older animals lose weight. Make sure to have an old age blood panel done on your cat, cats are notorious for kidney failure.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    She needs a checkup with the vet. Older cats often develop thyroid problems or some degree of kidney failure, both of which cause weight loss, and feeding her more protein (which is mostly what separates kitten food from adult cat food) only puts more of a strain on the kidneys.

  • 5 years ago

    try to have a little lean protein with each meal as protein tends to be more satisfying than carbs or fats

  • 5 years ago

    play twister for an hour and 8 minutes

  • 5 years ago

    make it a point to use the steps whenever possible use the bathroom on a different floor at work take the stairs at the bus station the airport or the mall

  • 5 years ago

    limit if not eliminate all extras like butter mayonnaise ketchup dressing added sugar added oil etc

  • 5 years ago

    pounding out your meat will help healthier portions go a longer way visually and its good stress relief

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