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Unbeliever, if there is no God, then why do you live like there is one?

23 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I live like a good human being. Nothing to do with a god.

  • 1 decade ago

    They live like there is a God, because they must obey the law or go to jail. The Law of these United States is built on the solid foundation of Christianity and Christian precepts of morality.

    The fact that a minute percentage of the population declare themselves atheists is totally irrelevant. We are and remain a Christian nation.

    Like everyone else alive, atheists strive everyday to avoid pain and seek pleasure. We are all into the "pursuit of happiness", are we not?

    To be good and to do good, brings pleasure and happiness. To be evil and do evil, brings a lot of pain and grief.

    God is said to stand for everything that is good, therefore it is easy to love God, and follow His teachings.

    To be an unbeliever is a temporary thing. Life makes a believer out of you, sooner or later.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't. I don't pray, attend church or any religious congregation, I don't praise the "Lord," I don't believe in Heaven or Hell, I believe the word "sin" only applies to religion, and my "morals" are based what I personally believe is right or wrong, not what any religious text says. Surely, I celebrate Christmas, but God has nothing to do with it, that is, at least to me personally. I can wrap and send presents, hang up lights, and a tree anytime, but anytime other than the 25th will probably signify I'm mentally ill as opposed to atheist. I only celebrate Easter for the chocolate and to take my little siblings to the Easter Egg hunts. Thus, technically, I'm living how I'm supposed to, which is how everyone would if they didn't believe in God.

  • not sure what you mean here - Do I judge everything I do based on a fictitious story? no. Do I live in fear of eternal damnation? no.

    Do I know right from wrong? yes. Do I want help people? yes. Do I care about the world we live in? yes.

    That isn't living in fear of god - that's having morals. I do good things because I want to make things easier for other people, and make the world better for my children, not because I'm afraid I'll go to hell if I don't.


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  • 1 decade ago

    The purpose of living an ethical life for some is fear of a big policeman in the sky... For others though, there is a benefit to this human made construct, community. So, like bees in a hive, we all do our part daily to upkeep this construct, for selfish and unselfish reasons.

    Source(s): en
  • 1 decade ago

    That makes no sense, I live the same way as when I believed in God

  • Swtf
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Yes, why do u do that. u unbeliever u.

    err, umm, if someone believes in some other dude than u, is that person an unbeliever?

  • 1 decade ago

    Huh. I would answer the question properly -if you provided an explanation on what you mean.

    Hm. Religion can give good morals, but so can Ones parents -if their parents have good morals themselves.

    I also think people use God as hope?! Or, faith. Especially -if they have nothing else.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't.

    But I live in a way that makes the society in which I live work and that ensure a prosperous life for me and my offspring.

    After all, that is what evolution is all about: The (socially) fittest will survive.

  • 1 decade ago

    What do you mean by that? This question will be hard to answer for them because there's not even a citation of what you're trying to say.

    How would you say they live like there is one when they continuously doubt the existence of one?

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