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Jo asked in PetsCats · 1 decade ago

My cat is on frontline, has had three flea baths, and I have treated my house and she still has fleas!?

She has been on frontline every month, and this past month the vet told me to try the large dog frontline and see if that works (you can split it up into three months since it is so big). I used to rescue stray kittens a long time ago and have a very good high quality flea shampoo and have bathed her in that three times the past two weeks and left it on her for at least ten minutes. When I did this all the fleas went to her head so I picked them off. After her bathing I then treated my house, washed everything in washer in hot water and treated my carpet with RAID flea spray for two days. Only my dining room and hallway has carpet and everywhere else is hardwood flooring. I did all this last week and noticed she is STILL scratching her neck and chin. I checked her last night and she has flea dirt on her neck, around her collar, and her cheeks and chin but no where else on her body. The underside of her collar is stained with blood and flea dirt. So I read some thing online about setting up a homemade flea trap with a nightlight and soapy water in a dish. I did that all night and didn't see a single flea in the morning. So not sure where these fleas are coming from as she is an indoor cat only. Please help I don't know what else to do, I am going broke with all these remedies.


Yes the Raid I got kills fleas and their other stages (eggs, larvae, puppae, etc). Havn't tired the oil because I heard oil is toxic to cats. I put tea tree oil on her collar last night to try and repel them then I saw something about it being toxic so I immediately took it off and bathed her to get it off of her and prevent her from licking herself.

Update 2:

My vet said that the cat and dog frontlines are the exact same. Check the ingredients if you want to. The only difference is the amount because dogs tend to be larger than cats. She said it's actually completely safe to buy the large dog frontline for cats and it will save you money because ONE of those equals three months of protection for your cat. I will try advantage and I am going to get borax later today. I heard borax can also be harmful to your pet though. Yes I took her collar off and it is sitting in a cup of bleach right now. I also heard to add a teaspoon of vinegar to their water because it makes their skin not very tasty for fleas to bite?

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't know what your vet was thinking.......advising you to use DOG frontline on your cat...!!

    If you've been bathing her so much, you're probably bathing the Frontline OFF of her.

    Call and ask your vet if he has any of the ProMeris Flea treatment for CATS. This is fairly new ( couple of years ) on the market, and has a different "formula", that the fleas haven't become immune to....YET. I put this on my cats 2 years ago, and haven't seen a flea on them since.

    I use the ProMeris for dogs on my dogs, about every couple of months, because we have so many people that walk their dogs along our fenceline, and they leave, by treating my dogs, it keeps the fleas from coming into my house.

    If your vet carries the ProMeris, get some.......and while you're there, get some Capstar to put on your cat to kill the fleas that are CURRENTLY on her. Then, use the ProMeris ( cats only ). You can "google" ProMeris and read all about it online, too.

    Go to the grocery store and get some 20 Mule Team Borax powder ( detergent aisle ) and brush this down INTO the carpet......under the cushions of your chairs / couches, etc. Leave it there for a couple of days......letting the borax DRY UP the fleas. Then, vacuum thoroughly and TOSS the v.c. bag in the outside garbage. Don't want any eggs you pick up to hatch and reinfest your home!

    Fleas hatch out in CYCLES.......The fleas you see today, were eggs 3 wks ago!! So, you may have to do the "borax powder" a few of times.........a week or so apart, in order to "catch" all of the fleas / eggs........BUT, it does work, isn't as expensive, and is "environmentally safe" ( unlike flea bombs or sprays ).....It just takes time & commitment.

    Your cat may be an "indoor only" cat, but YOU or someone in your home MAY be bringing in fleas from OUTSIDE......on your socks, pants, etc. If you have a "yard", you may want to treat it, too. Get some flea "killer" from the nursery, Home Depot, etc and follow the directions on the bag. This will "doubly" protect your home & cat.

    Hope this helps........I know how frustrated you must be. BTW: Remove the collar from your cat and get rid of it. It may have flea eggs embedded in it !! Once she is showing no more fleas, and you feel she needs a collar, get her a NEW one.........CLEAN........

    Good luck.

    Source(s): 50+yrs cats ( 11 indoor, spayed & neutered ) / "issues"
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    A few years ago I had the same problem. What I did was to apply the flea killer to my cats which I received from my Vets office. Frontline. I also found a scented flea carpet killer which I found at Walmart in the pet section of the store. After following directions and using a flea comb every day for two weeks on all of my cats. All of the fleas were gone without having to use a flea bomb in my apartment. I still do this all the time even though we have moved so I do not have any more problems like this. You are doing everything right and I truly wish you and your cats all the best! Good Luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    I had to go through the anti-flea process 3 times with my 2 cats, and one of them almost died from the stupid pests (they sucked most of her blood right out of her!!). So you must get rid of the fleas. Use an indoor spray (mine was in a white plastic bottle w/a red, black and white label) on every square millimeter of your carpet, cloth drapes, etc. Bedding of your cat should probably be thrown out . . . if you rent then it's possible the fleas were in the house before you moved in. Always bomb before moving into a new place! btw, the indoor spray I described I picked up from the vet. It's designed for carpet etc. and your cat should be dipped in something different at the vet's. You must be very thorough; if the cat sleeps with you, then throw out all your bedding the next time you de-flea. Perform de-fleaing on the carpet, drapes, and cat all at the same time. . . I hope that helps you out. Good luck to you : )

    Source(s): Personal experience
  • 1 decade ago

    switch her to advantage! I went thru the same problem with my rescue kitten. I am a believer in Frontline but is seems that some kittens are resistant to it. I also went just about broke and put my kitten thru so many baths but once I switched her to Advantage I have not had a problem with fleas on her again.

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  • Rachel
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Some time it takes along time...when you treated you house....did you make sure the stuff got rid of the eggs and the larva(babies)..because if you didnt the fleas will still be only take you missing 1 flea to get the fleas back!~Rachel

  • 1 decade ago

    Get some Avon Skin So Soft oil that you use after you get out of the shower. It's in a clear bottle with light blue writing. If you bath them in that, it should work. I haven't tried it yet, but it supposedly works. Try?

    Source(s): The Dr's Show (home remedy)
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