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Is homosexuality an abomination?

Or is SIN the abomination?

I always thought all sin was sin and it was ALL an abomination to God... Yet we're all too ready to let God forgive OURSELVES. Seems like some of you "Christians" think your sins are a lot more excusable as long as you can focus on someone elses.

I always thought all sin was equal... Why do some of you take out a personal agenda against homosexuality? Why not pedophilia? You know? Since there are actually victims in that CRIME? Maybe I lack your "Spiritual discernment" in determining the fact that since someone is different than YOU they should be hated by God... Right?

90% of us KNOW that's how you people work... It's disgusting and we're tired of your excuses. Grow up and forget your hatred. Or at least forgive those who offend your "righteousness." If you even think you're capable...

I just hope that most of you homophobes realize that you're giving the rest of your apparently loving faith a REALLY bad name. If you even have the capacity, think about it?


"Sin is abomination, homosexuality is sin, so therefore homosexuality is abomination.

The reason homosexuality is targeted more than pedophilia is because a large amount of people still condone gayism."

Stick with me for a few paragraphs...

This is what Christians don't understand. Homosexuality, just like finding women attractive and men sexually repulsive (aka. heterosexuality), homosexuality IS NOT A CHOICE!

Thus condoning it serves no purpose. If being gay is considered okay, more people ARE NOT going to become gay. Why it goes against evolution is still poorly understood, but the fact that Christians are outraged by it only really adds to the theory of evolution... It only makes sense to have some socially manifested structure that deters things like homosexuality, promiscuity, and uncleanliness...

Does that prove the existence of God? Actually quite to the contrary. It gives even further explanation as to why a God isn't "needed" to explain life. Damn science, right?

27 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Son, if you believed God accepted animal sacrifice, slavery, and subjected women, then yes I think you would.

    If you want to let a book control your every thought, and tell you how to think you better read it first, start on page one, and see what you think of "Gods Morality" by book 6.

    Those words were written by men, in the BRONZE AGE, a time where they didn't favor much, including buttsecks.

  • 1 decade ago

    Firstly, to whoever said this:

    "Sin is abomination, homosexuality is sin, so therefore homosexuality is abomination.

    The reason homosexuality is targeted more than pedophilia is because a large amount of people still condone gayism"

    You can go jump off a cliff now, thanks.

    Homosexuality is a sin (according to the bible), but it absolutely should not be. People who are homosexual cannot help it, and there is nothing wrong with it. Some people say it's "unnatural." Clearly, it is not, since they didn't take any sort of medication or do anything to themselves mentally, physically or emotionally to feel that way.

    "The reason homosexuality is targeted more than pedophilia is because a large amount of people still condone gayism"

    Homosexuality is targeted more than pedophilia is because, honestly, it's more ridiculous. Homosexuals do not have the same rights as straight people, and it's unfair. To me, the difference between gay and straight is the same as black and white, male or female, tall or short, fat or skinny, intelligent and dumb. It's just a separate category of people. If someone is black, they can marry a black person or a white person. It doesn't matter, because it shouldn't. It's merely a skin color. If a man wants to marry another man, it shouldn't matter. The only reason people think it's "normal" to marry the opposite gender is because that, instinctively, is our purpose. To have sex with the opposite gender and reproduce. Clearly, we have evolved to much higher heights than to just barbarically live on this earth, and make children so that they can do the same. And I'm not trying to say I know the meaning and purpose of life, because I don't. I am a straight female, and I know that when I find the right man, I will want to marry him and build a life together. And when I'm old and sick and can't speak for myself any longer, I want him to have a voice in what goes on. Don't you think gay people deserve that too? They don't love each other any less than any straight couple.

    I kind of got off on a huge tangent, and I imagine that there will be plenty of people answering this question that will be supporting this general idea, so I won't go on any longer.

    But basically, if you're a homophobe and/or you think gay people are "weird", or "gross", or "sinful", chances are, those opinions aren't yours. They're the opinions of the bible, or your parents, or your aunts and uncles and grandparents. And if that's the case, I honestly and genuinely pity you. There is no room in this world for hate, under any circumstances. And if you're going to care about things like that, that are probably minuscule to you in your life, I am truly very sorry for you.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I'm no saying I don't believe in god but if the person next to you were to say that cake y'all are sharing is good and you disagree but someone who hasn't tasted the cake agrees with the other guy, what do we have here? A disagreement. That's what it is. And that Is just as stupid as someone listening to someone else's way of life. God says it's a "sin" to be gay, right? Then why do so many people "change" to being gay just to deify someone? It's dumb and as stupid as stupid gets who are you to say that someone else's way of life is wrong? And no I didn't just say yours was that's how you've been raised. The people who are gay or lesbian might not choose to but it's what they love. You love women. They love men. The only thing that makes it different is the thing that comes down to where to put "it". I'm strait an I believe in gays being able to marry each other. You do what you think I right, and so will everyone else.

  • Tony C
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Homosexuality is a biblical sin.

    I don't mean to blatantly contradict you, but I will challenge that homosexuality is not a choice. It's a very common logical fallacy to switch cause and effect. If some one gets mad because they were insulted, some one could argue that they were insulted because they were mad without reason. Changing the time-lines a bit or having partial data could make cause and effect switch places.

    For example, if some one smokes a lot and their body is addicted to smoking, you could say they drink because they are addicted. But many times the case is that the person became addicted because they smoked, not that they smoke because they always had the addiction. Our bodies adapt to what we do to them.

    If a man has high levels of estrogen or lower levels of testosterone, you could say that they are gay because their bodies are built that way. But it's just as logical to argue that their testosterone levels drop or they gain high levels of estrogen because they decided to engage in homosexual acts. Our bodies adapt to what we do to them.

    Furthermore, being homosexual is not the sin, per-se. It's the act that is sinful. Let's assume a person, by choice, became a smoker. Getting high is a sin, so is contaminating the body through smoking. If the person wants to stop disobeying God, they can by simply not acting upon their addiction. The same applies to homosexuals.

    As for how homosexuality relates to evolution, I will not be digressing from the topic at hand. Evolution is a seperate subject all together.

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  • Sam K
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    If you ask me...

    Homosexuality is (or rather, was) an "abomination" in the sense that it was ritually unclean and disruptive of the unity of Jewish culture at the time of the Exodus. How this can be said to apply to Gentiles in modern times is beyond me. And that is assuming, of course, that the word commonly translated as "homosexuality" is actually, directly equivalent in definition, which I very much doubt.

    EDIT: I was with you until the edit. Social structure and the development of social values has little to do with biological evolution, though they share some similar principles. Biological evolution is a factor of what genes are more likely to survive to the next generation, nothing more. The fact that certain segments of society oppose homosexuality has nothing to do with evolution, because while homosexuality may have a genetic component, large-scale moral opposition to homosexuality is an entirely social phenomenon.

    Besides, as you said, you can't "catch" homosexuality from others; homosexuals are born that way, and that's that. Therefore, even if moral opposition to homosexuality could be somehow linked to genetics, there'd still be no biological reason for heterosexuals to oppose it; their genes have as much of a chance of passing on with or without the presence of homosexuals.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well thank you first of all for not clumping all Christians into the same category. Second you are right Sin is Sin and God hates sin period. Not the sinner and yes you are quite correct homosexuality is just sin as any other. God does not hate people that are homosexual anymore than he does not hate someone having an affair or non-marital sex. unfortunately to many people are willing to openly spread their own interpretation of what God does and does not accept. I will tell you one thing I have studied the Bible a whole lot and I would not take lightly the teaching of others on the meaning of scripture. For these people will be held accountable for things they say and do and for the effects that this had on the ones they said and did it to. So for anyone claiming to be a Christian my suggestion would be to study the word for yourself and work out your own salvation so that maybe your life can be an unspoken unbiased testimonie for it's self. Thank you for hearing me out and many Blessings to you..... Lori

  • 1 decade ago

    I personally don't hate anyone because we are all sinners. 1Kings 8:46

    I don't make excuses for my sins. I ask God for forgiveness and ask him for the strength not to do it again.

    It is the act of practicing sin that God does not like. Leviticus 18:22 says "Any you must not lie down with a male the same as you lie down with a woman. It is a detestable thing.". There is nothing in that statement that says to hate the person. The detestable thing is "man lying with ma" or the act.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm Christian and my sin isn't any less sinful or excusable.

    Sin is sin to God. Doesn't matter if you're stealing or murdering or lying or taking part in homosexuality.

    It's all the same to Him. There's no sin scale..

    Those homophobic "Christians" dont' speak for all of us. Any personal hateful opinions they have should not be deemed a Christian belief. It's what a person does with their belief that can be deemed bad...not the belief itself.

    We're ALL sinners..and God love us all. He just really HATES when we sin..

  • Eating a ham sandwich is an abomination. Eating shrimp is an abomination. Planting two different types of grain in the same field is an abomination. Personally, I think whether homosexual or heterosexual it is indiscriminate sex which is the sin. Eating ham is okay if you cook it thoroughly. Eating shrimp is okay if it is clean. Planting two types of grain in a field is no longer considered wicked by anyone. The Bible is college-level reading and should be interpreted with intelligence. Such as in accordance with changing times and conditions. We do not need to be fruitful and multiply anymore. There is nothing inherently wrong with consenting adults of the same sex getting hitched.

  • 1 decade ago


    It's a trait like BROWN HAIR. It isn't an 'action' since gay people (such as myself) did NOT choose to be gay (i'd know) and don't have to be doing anything to be gay. ALSO,

    A trait given to someone without any choice in the matter that DOES NOT harm anybody is NOT an 'abomination' or 'sin'

    Sins involve choice and cause harm. homosexuality is neither.

    Also, in Leviticus 19:19, wearing clothes with two types of fibers is an 'abomination' as well.

    Stop living your life and getting your values through an ancient mythology book.

    EDIT: Kelso below: When your friend told you that they were gay they were telling you about a triat they have 'similar to someone being left handed' What 'lifestyle' are you referring too?

    Source(s): I'm a gay person AND i have a bachelors degree in religion
  • Ernie
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    All sin is not equal ( see John 19:11 ). No one is hated by God, for John 3:16 says God SO LOVED the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him shall never perish, but have everlasting life. The sin is always hated by God, but the problem is, the homosexual community is trying to force the false doctrine that it is ok to be a homosexual, going against the institution of marriage that God established. My friend died because he was a homosexual, but thank God he repented, and gave his life to Jesus before he did. AIDS is a direct result of homosexuality.

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