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L1t1g8r asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Passengers thwart Christmas day bomb attempt aboard plane. Passengers subdued Richard Reid, the?

infamous shoe bomber. Isn't about time that the government allows us to carry our guns onto planes to protect ourselves? We cannot rely on our gov't to protect us. We have been doing it ourselves as best we can, without our God -given right to bear arms. I say arm the passengers, what do you say? Doesn't the 2nd Amendment apply in the air?

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    When i first read your question I was like, "Whoa....hold on this Alig8tr guy is crazy"....but then I did some research on the internet and you might be on to something here!

    Check it out:

    Apparently "armed citizens" stop more crime then even the police!!! I mean if it works so good down here on the ground why wouldn't it work on an airplane...I know I'd feel safer. They should make the insides of the planes all bulletproof though so if we have a midair gun battle we don't accidentally shoot a hole in the plane by accident and then have that crazy wind thing happen inside the plane....especially when they're doing the "warning shot" thing. Someone could be injured by flying debris.

    RE: The Second Amendment.

    The founding fathers took all kinds of weapons onto ships when they traveled. If you tried to hijack a plane that John Adams was on he'd put a musket ball in your groin and run you through sir!

  • 5 years ago

    I've been flying since I was in my moms womb. So I might have a bit of a biased opinion. But, I love planes. If I get into turbulence I... kinda freak out. Mostly grip the seat real tightly. When there isn't any turbulence though, I can't help but be in awe of everything outside. Planes crashes are rare because the pilots are trained well. I know because my dad is one. And I could only hope that people who get on his planes pray not only for the pilots guidance but that the mechanics and the people that put the plane together did it with top notch knowlegde and well-being. I know I do...

  • 1 decade ago

    God is all made up, and you have no "god-given right to bear arms".

    I agree it doesn't appear that the government can protect us, but I don't think it would be a good idea to have a plane load of people with guns.

  • madart
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    That is a horrible idea. I can just imagine midair gun battles over the arm rest or the last diet Coke. Passengers were successful both times without guns.

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  • So, your plan is to allow people to carry guns onto planes in order to thwart terrorists.

    Wouldn't that mean that the terrorists would have guns, too? Or would you only get to carry a gun if you promise, cross your heart, that you're not a terrorist?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    A single bullet going through the window of a jet airliner at high altitude will cause a blowout, potentially sending the plane into freefall.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, blowing a hole in the side of the plane at normal flight altitude would depressurize the cabin causing everyone to lose consciousness within 10 seconds or less.

    Great plan!

  • 1 decade ago

    You do realize that in both of your examples, if someone had fired a gun and missed, there's a very good chance that everyone on that plane would be dead right?

    Source(s): Dude life is not like the movies "Airforce One" or "Executive Decision" gun fights on airplanes would kill everyone.
  • 1 decade ago

    "I say arm the passengers, what do you say?"

    that's stupid. the last thing we need is a mid-flight firefight. i mean the chances of getting hit in the crossfire are astounding. this is the worst idea ever.

  • 1 decade ago

    Perhaps you failed to notice they subdued them without the use of guns.

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