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Lv 7
Windy asked in PetsCats · 1 decade ago

About my Cat, How can I stop?

my Heart from hurting? She was 17yrs. and blind from a stroke for the last 2 months, Saturday she went into another stroke that wasn't letting up, so I had to have her put down, the Vet said it was the best for her.

I Miss her so much! She was my Baby! I don't feel like doing anything and the house seems so empty without her. And I can't stop crying for Her.

I have had other animals in the past that had died, and it hurt, but this time- the hurt and pain of loosing her is overwhelming.

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    First of all, I'm so very sorry for the loss of your cat, and unfortunately I know the pain of losing a cat all too well. My 16-yr old orange tabby, Weasel, got very sick very quickly with lymphoma, and we had to have him put to sleep. It was heartbreaking. I cried for weeks, months even. This was 2.5 years ago, and still every now and then, I think about him and tear up a bit. Think of your pain as a wound, and like every wound, they take time to heal. That's really all I can suggest - just give yourself plenty of time to grieve. It might help you to do something to memorialize your pet. I wrote a tribute about Weasel on a pet memorial site, and I was amazed at the number of incredibly kind emails I got from people, offering me advice and always their deepest condolences. We had Weasel cremated, and we used some of his ashes when we planted a Honeycrisp apple tree in his honor, and took the remaining ashes and put them in a container we keep in our home. When I'm sad, I'll go sit by his tree and talk to him, and of course I look at the hundreds and hundreds of pictures we have of Weasel, along with a colored pencil drawing we had done for him back when he was young, strong and healthy.

    Some people can't even consider another pet, but I knew that was right for me. About two weeks after Weasel died, I did get another kitten, Fiona. She was my band-aid, if you will, and it felt so good to be able to nurture her, play with her, pet her, etc. Without Fiona, I probably would have sunk into an even deeper depression. If you think you can manage it, go get yourself another kitten... I think you'd really find that the new kitten would never be a replacement for your cat, but rather, kind of a symbol of how life goes on, but you'll still never forget your beloved cat.

    I can't tell you how sorry I am for your loss, and I do offer my deepest condolences. It does take time, but your heart WILL heal, yet there will forever be that scar. The scar keeps you from forgetting, I think. My best wishes to you.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm so sorry for you, honey. I understand. Now think what a wonderful gift you gave her in life: A loving heart and home. And you were willing to put her peace before your own. You might want to understand that cat-years are like dog-years...17yr. X 7= 119 years old. That is a longggg time! You were a kind and loving companion. After you have grieved a while, try volunteering at the animal shelter. You will eventually feel the need for another baby that you can give a whole and loving life to while she gives her love to you. Godloveya honey. All will be well and your kitty will always be with you.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sad isn't it. You have to realize that animals die:( and 17 years is a long time!!! You did what was best for her and don't feel like you didn't. Putting her to sleep is better than the condition she was in. And if you need a should to cry on, I'm here :) J/K. But like don't let it bother you that much. I mean do you think that your cat would want to see you crying and feeling bad about it. Get a new pet and find new hobbies, but don't forget about you cat though. Remeber the good times. Pretend that she's with you.

  • 1 decade ago

    My sympathies on losing your baby! I know how rough it can be. Sometimes we just bond more with one, no matter that we love them all. I lost my baby to kidney failure after 15 years, so I really do know how much you're hurting right now.

    I can promise you that it does get better. You are honoring the bond you two had by grieving the loss, and that's a good thing. Try not to rush past your grieving. I know a lot of people don't understand this kind of loss, but there are many of us who do. Just be patient with yourself and you will work through this sad time. I promise!

    Try to remember the good times you two shared. And take comfort in knowing that your baby is much happier now. She's where there's no pain, and no physical infirmities to slow her down any more. She can chase the butterflies all she wants. That's how you should try to think of her; happy, healthy, and content. I know that's what helped me cope.

    Good luck

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  • 1 decade ago

    I am sorry for your loss. While 17 years is a wonderful number of years, it never is enough.

    Remember, you did what was best for your cat, and that often is the best, and the hardest gift we can give them.

    It is common to feel the loss, but it those feelings prevent you from doing your daily tasks, there are pet grieving support groups you can contact.

    You are not alone, and many people find solace in the Rainbow Bridge, and it has links to support groups. I have given you the site link,

  • 1 decade ago

    I am sorry to hear about the loss of your cat. I know how you feel, as a couple of years ago, we had to deal with the loss of 3 cats, and that was very hard as well. One who was 18 years old, and then one followed by a week after, that was overwhelming too. It is never very easy to let a pet go after they have been part of your life for so long. One thing that helped me get over the death of my cat, is I remembered the good times that I had with her, and the times that we had really good times together. This is one of the best ways to get over that, but remember to give yourself time to grieve, as this can sometimes help the process as well. I hope that I have helped, and if you need to talk, feel free to contact me.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sorry to hear that! Nothing can replace your best friend and nothing can take the hurt away. Just think of the good time you had with her and keep her picture hanging up. But just think you did the right thing. She isn't suffering anymore. Just don't get another animal until you're sure you re ready.

  • 1 decade ago

    awww wow *hugs* ..

    i had the same prob when our family cat died ,

    he was 21 years old :O

    I can understand ur pain ,

    you think that no other animal will ever take his place ?

    well if ur an animal lover then im sure u have lots more love in ur heart for a new pet ?

    mybe not a cat ...

    Just an idea !

    it would bring new copant to ur life (:

    and hay .. whats the worst that van happen ?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    We've lost so many cats over the years, it never gets easier. We've lost one young one at 8 years old, the others were quite elderly. One lived to 21 years old.

    You have to know that you did the right thing and take some comfort from that. You can't allow your pet to suffer. As much as it pains us, our animals trust us to take care of them and do the right things by them in their lives.

    You need to take some time to grieve your cat and know that one day eventually, your memories of your cat will make you smile.

  • 1 decade ago

    My family had a cat for 19 years and it hurt so bad when it was her time. (still hurts) But, I'm grateful for the time that I had with her. It was a blessing. Just try to keep that in mind. And if you have any other pets, enjoy them and let them comfort you.

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