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K-12 Christian schools brainwashing children?

Christian schools are brainwashing children from childhood to adulthood. Having been enrolled in a Christian school from 6th grade - 9th grade and leaving this past year ( I'm a sophomore), I've witnessed first hand the effect it has. Every subject that they teach has "God" involved. They even teach Arithmetic lessons and turn them into a Bible class. The children take every word they tell them as fact because they don't know to question it. I've had my younger brother, who had went to a Christian school from pre-school - 2nd grade, telling me that I'm going to hell and that I should worship "Jesus". When I asked him why, he couldn't even give me an an answer. Christians are turning innocent children into Bible-Toting extremists. What are your thoughts on this?

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    As of right now Americans still have the right to raise their children in their faith. Until the Bill of Rights are overturned that is the way it is. The courts recognize this and include it in the 12 points that determine custody rights of a parent. "The capacity and disposition of the involve parties to give the child love, affection, and guidance and continuation of the educating and raising of the child in its religion or creed if any." (state of Michigan) Faith is beneficial and essential in raising a child. I think it bothers you because of conviction. When we are exposed to God and His word we are uncomfortable until we accept His will. Those who reject Him want to avoid exposure so they don't feel that conviction.

  • 5 years ago

    Public colleges interior the Province of Quebec have an important Ethics and spiritual custom direction. that's a bad concern. The implication is that ethics comes from faith. How awful to brainwash youthful minds with that! The ministry of education refuses to teach the term 'atheist.' dissimilar babies are going to experience marginalized and a million or 2 might finally end up like Kimveer Gill, questioning that god hates them. In a province it is had greater desirable than it rather is share of school shootings, for sure the youngsters could study that atheism is truthfully wonderful.

  • 1 decade ago

    This is a difficult question to answer. I attended Catholic school from K-7. But still I questioned everything. I wouldn't necessarily consider it brainwashing, they pretty much just teach what they believe to be true. I do wish that they wouldn't proclaim it to be the absolute truth, because this can be confusing to young minds. My two daughters will be attending public school. They do attend church with my mother occasionally. I want them to be exposed to everything possible so that they can make their own decisions about what to believe in, not have them forced upon them by adults who they trust to be honest with them. And for the person above me who spoke of the "evolution lie" being taught in public schools....really? I am not quick to say that evolution is 100 percent true, but there is some truth to it. How do we distinguish between a truth and a lie? Apparantly many on R&S don't know the difference. Your truth is your own, that's my opinion. Doesn't make it right though...

  • 1 decade ago

    I think that God has something to say about every subject you could mention or study. However, it seems to me that a school that acts like you are describing is co-ercing the wills of its children, and that's not a good idea.

    Some subjects lend themselves better to bring God into it than others, but I have found that it's better not to keep banging on about God when it's not really called for. It even can be counterproductive - and what's the point in working against yourself? Anyway, even I, who love God, can get a bit fed up with people who are too religious by half, so I can really empathize with those who don't believe. Actually, I think I would end up fighting them, too!

    However, that said, I have noticed that secular schools transgress in their own fashion, too. They - and the television, media, etc. - will keep banging on about evolution and rubbish the mere idea of anyone even thinking of entertaining belief in a God. Yes, they pour such scorn and ridicule on such people - sometimes in front of the whole class. Not only that, you can't watch a natural history programme without them telling you we all came from monkeys 'billions of years ago'; you can't learn about astronomy without them telling you it all came, order out of chaos, via a 'big bang' - yes, there's a constant bombardment of man's version of how it all began.

    I also have no doubt they programme this into the kids at school, along with their politically-correct ideas on morals and 'when it's right' for a young person to 'make his sexual choices' - none of which choices being 'wrong' of course. I mean, it's programmed into kids nowadays that just about anything goes. Even the religion they teach them has been 'politically-corrected' so no-one's wrong anymore.

    Yes, I agree, it's good to inform, but you shouldn't so bombard the kids that they see nothing else but your point of view. But that also goes for the great mass of schools, throughout most western countries, I reckon, who are, on their part, systematically brainwashing humanism, New Age and politically correct values into their children too - and that's supposed to be okay!

    The fact is, everyone has an angle, and if you just teach your angle but inform the kids - nicely - that other folks think differently, for these reasons... Well, I think I would settle for that. I mean, it's supposed to be about education, isn't i?. So, that means seeing what all sides think, and trying to assess, logically and respectfully, what we will learn and hold on to out of it all.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Most of the time, these kids come from homes where the brainwashing has already the home.

    Parents knowingly enroll their children in these schools and are aware of what the curriculum will entail.

    I'm against it, sure, but that's why my kids don't go to a religious school. I believe they waste precious instruction time filling young heads with fairy tales.

    But you are proof that there is hope for the formerly-brainwashed!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I totally agree with you.

    When I was in school we had to sing hyms and prey in assembly. We had to prey to 'God' before eating too.

    I also remember a bunch of people coming into the school and giving out bibles!!

    I thought that I HAD to be a christian. I thought everyone was a Christian and we just had to do it without question.

    It is abuse that I was forced to do such thing.

    After I left school for good I became Wiccan.

    I have an 18 month old daughter and although I don't want to worry her innocent little mind with religion at such an early age, I will explain that when you pray in school, you don't have to do it. If you want to do it, you can. I will also explain WHO they are preying to and that there are other people she can prey to if she wishes to.

    If she recieves a bible, like I did. I will tell her that if she likes the book, she can of course have it but she doesnt HAVE to read it if she doesn't want to.

    She will always know that she can choose these things when she is older and understands but while she is young she must just enjoy herself.

  • 1 decade ago

    Look around, everyone you see, has had some religious training and 'brainwashing' from their parents or from their school or from their church. Many are called and few are chosen.

    Some of your friends may go on to become preachers of the Lord and some may go to jail for the rest of their lives. Its how we use the gifts our parents and society give to us and how we use them that counts in the end when we do meet Jesus and make an accounting for our lives, every detail, you will be able to brag about or be sorry for, your call.

  • alpu5
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I figured that that was the reason for having Christian schools.

  • 1 decade ago

    I wish they were being brain "washed", but

    sadly they are being duped with another law,

    namely "love (law) thy neighbor as thyself",

    which is "law": is not harmless, but harmful.

    Law is both good and evil: ends badly.

    Eg: Jesus ended "forsaken", not justified.

    Eg: Priests are ending with child molesting.

    Eg: Sacrifice heroes are ending with PTSD.

    How much evidence do YOU need, to

    make it more PLAINLY evident that

    law: both good and evil: ends badly?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    what about public schools brainwashing children with their "evolution" lie???? what do you say to that?

    and you must be a total wimp if your younger brother can talk to you that way...

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