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Sabrina J asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Is it weird? Dog question?

I just had my four year old dog put down, she was my best friend, my everything. So is it weird that after she was gone, I kept some of her hair the vet had shaved off to get to a vein. I just thought it would be a way to remember her but is it weird. Also I know it is completely irrational, but I have this huge fear that she isn't really dead, we burried her and I just have this huge fear that she will wake up and be in the dark and not be able to get out and starve. Are these weird feelings?


We just put her down today, and she is the first dog I have lost.

7 Answers

  • Mary C
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Our pets are like family members. It is so sad when they die. All of your feelings/fears are quite normal.

    From your posting, I assume that you are young. I am probably a lot -- like a really LOT! -- older than you, but still go through the same grief when I lose a beloved pet. Last fall, my goat had to be put down. She had been my pet for 15 years. I miss her every day. And I had the same fears that you do that she would wake up and be buried! To make matters worse...after we buried Ivy, my 3 year old granddaughter said, "I sure hope Ivy does not try to come out of that hole!"

    But rest assured that you did the best that you could for your pooch. In time, you will want to get another dog. The new dog will not be a replacement for the one you lost, but will be a new experience!

    Over the years, I have had many dogs/cats/a goat/and a pet pig that I have loved and lost! But I still want other pets! I am looking for a baby goat!

    Good luck with your new pooch!

  • 1 decade ago

    It is not weird. It is grief! You are in mourning. even though you think and know are it is completely irrational you still can't get it out of your head. It is acctually normal grief.

    I am very sorry for your loss and you will be in my prayers tonight.

    With regaurds to what someone else said...don't run out and get a new dog. You can't replace the loss of a good friend. Take the time you need to heal, then if/when the time is right you can think about getting another pet.

  • ... Firstly she's gone... :( so those fears are just you missing her....

    BUT as to keeping some of her hair.. nothing too weird in that. I had a little hen that I had hand raised as a chicken... LOL she had actually lived inside when she was too small to live outside... hardly an Original name.. I had called her Peep-Peep.

    When she was old enough to move outside with the Big Chickens.. she was very happy and had just laid her first egg...BUT one day our poor old senile dog attacked her and killed her.. ( i was eight months pregnant and went into hysterics .. because Floyd ( the dog ) ATE Peep-Peep..... I kept a feather from Peep-Peep for years... I may still have it.

    we do what we have to do to ease us through the pain...and a small keep sake .. like some hair , an old collar, a feather .. doesn't hurt anybody else if you have them

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It is normal to keep something from a good friend even if it is an animal. It is just like keeping a picture or a rose petal or jewellery for it's sentimental value. I think you're still in the state of grief from the loss of your dog. Time heals and you should get over it soon. Get a new dog.

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  • 1 decade ago

    well since its all new to you, you would have weird feelings. You just have to get use to it. I had to give my dog away then those owners lost it and i have feeling that he is alive trying to find me and i just cried for a whole week. so it will be okay don't worry stay strong

  • 1 decade ago

    no it just means you haven't gotten over her death yet, you must except her death and understand that she is gone but that she is happy somewhere in doggy heaven. The thing with keeping a piece of her hair is fine 2 its understadable to want to remember her by something.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yep, they're weird. You clearly aren't over her death and you need to find a way to vent your grief. You need to mourn her and let her go.

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